Friday, August 9, 2024

General Hospital 8-9-24 Full episode

General Hospital 8-9-24 Full episode 9th August 2024

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  1. Excuse me? Wasn't Kristina just traumatized a month ago over Sonny beating Dex, but now its ok to eliminate Ava when it's Kristinas fault for going to Ava's. Ava didn't push her. Not your baby Kristina per the surrogacy /I understand her feeling the baby & the connection but not her baby. She caused it by going to Avas. The hypocrisy in this show is astounding. Drew & Willow are still simmering. Nothing good is happening here. Portia go away! I so wish Curtis would leave her. Curtis used to be a good part of the show & she ruined it. Boring Friday except for Portia's wakeup call when Heathers released.

    1. I agree, definitely NOT a Friday episode, they really gotta work on cliffhangers. I wasn't particularly excited for Monday until I saw the previews with Brennan!!! :) And yeah, Kristina changed her mind about Sonny's methods REAL quick! Ava has done a lot of bad, and was foolish and provoking in this whole interaction with Kristina, but she did not push Kristina out that window. Ava has been the queen of self-sabotage lately, and it's going to cost her. Lying, misrepresenting, and changing the crime scene, not reporting Sonny's meds, it's all going to bite her and for once she wasn't the offending party. Don't see how she avoids jail, but she's done it before!

    2. Yes, very boring Friday, but hopefully Monday better. Im glad to see Jason & Sonny on again. Avas in for a fight, the way Jason looked at her was scary. LOL Can't wait to see Molly's face when Kristina starts her crying act about her baby. Scott is such a trip, him & Heather ought to be fun to watch.

    3. It would be funny if they tried to pair Scotty and Heather up again!!! Jason has snapped right back into loyal henchman mode, Ava better watch her back...

    4. agreed about kristina thats why did not buy her shock at seeing sonny beat up dex she knows exactly who sonny is and has always been, the thing about kristina she has selective memory when it affects her she knows certain things like how sonny is a mob boss

      ava brought this on herself like always instead of telling the truth she does everything to lie, like when she thought she killed nicholas hiding his body, lying to his mother while watching her go all over the world to look for him, that woman owes cyrus because he is the reason austin kept nicholas alive and we still dont know who killed austin was blackmailing ava about it perfect opportunity for whomever to make ava life more miserable levy more charges against her, she had the pharamacist completely make sonny pills placebos instead of telling the guy that someone months ago was tampering with his pills

      ava is not as smart as people like to make her out she is just good at getting away with her evil deeds she and kristina are both idiots who do stupid things which eventually comes back to bit them in the butt not sorry for either of them they both got what they deserve

  2. Thank you very much, Bob! Have a great weekend, Bob and everyone here!

    1. You too Noreen! And Bob! Looking forward to seeing Brennan back on Monday already!!!!!!!! :)

  3. EEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww gross, Drew and Willow stuck in an elevator together, why GH WHY!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep your clothes on Drew!!!! This show is going to be the end of's taken decades but they're finally gonna get me. :') And Nina is obsessed with Drew now too, can't stay mad at him, that's some faulty genes... Poor Michael. And now poor Willow, being asked to talk to Kristina, that's rough.

    Heather pulling a 180, she's going to be back to her old self in no time, no doubt! Her psychosis came loooooooooooong before that hip replacement, don't know why these writers (and Laura) can't remember she was always crazy.

    Guess Kristina is down to lie and get Ava thrown in jail for the accident. If she gets charged with tampering with Sonny's meds too, it will be an incredible karmic incident... Finally held accountable for wrongdoings with Morgan and Connie, when she actually was not the guilty party in these new cases. And no friends besides Cates and Scottie to try and bail her out...

    BRENNAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES, finally, NEW romance, get him Carly!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    1. would not say kristina is lying ava did put hands on the girl and she jerked away making the accident more kristina fault but ava is the reason she is where is she why change the scene of the accident all she had to do was wait for the police if it was not her fault and ava did ask the pharamacist to make sonny meds all placebos to trigger a mental break she is definitely guilty of that one and partly to be blamed for the kristina fall a tiny microscopic part lol

      you really are big fan of this brennan guy

  4. Today was just "ok".
    I get that the new writers had to come in and change the direction for some characters so there will be some lag time as they are trying to make everything cohesive during the shift.
    I WILL even say that overall they are doing a good job .... however they need to ensure that Friday episodes really grab the viewers.. they owe it to loyal GH fans who faithfully tune in.
    Just don't use Friday's to bore us please

    Side note, this recasted Heather brings more depth to the character and humor.
    I like her!
    I actually think that Portia will begin to see her in a better light also.

    And although I'm not a Christina fan, she did a good job today...
    I just want her to remember what REALLY happened and be brave enough to be honest about it.

  5. Actress playing kristina is doing a great job! Yes, I can’t believe everyone forgot that Ava was in jail for killing Connie and then escaped and then they never put her back in jail?! I guess once you escape you’re off the hook?
    And wasn’t Heather in jail before the Hook murders? So she wouldn’t go free, wouldn’t she just get a reduced sentence? For all the crimes she committed before her hip replacement?

    1. about heather being the orginal hook killer yes she was at blackgate when the first set of murder attacks happen making esme the orginal hook killer esme is the one who first stalked josslyn killed brando, she attacked ava, she attacked diane esme is the one who attacked nicholas at wydermere

      heather however is a copy cat killer she attacked josslyn ended up killing britt, she kill oz the bartender guy who sold the phone to esme, she killed the guy who gave esme the vemon for the hook, she killed rory

      and that was shown when heather was gleefully planning with her cellmate ryan about how to get the police to take suspicion away from her daughter esme she and ryan came up with heather going on her killing spree

      and the writers messed up cause remembered a conversation with mac and dante when the killings attacks first happen they ruled out heather they confirmed she was still in that maximum security prison and they messed up again when heather was confessing and they mention the nicholas attack she was shocked which make sense because when the hook came after nicholas at the same time heather was being transported along with anna to prison, valentine had the prison transport crashed to help anna escape that was when she was being framed by victor for shooting holly, heather after the crash went to kellys now bobbies for a blt freaking out poor cameron

      heather is to be fully blamed for her serial killing spree when was escaping prison happily walking out of these prison to attack people she was fine, when she was running around jumping out of windows to get away from the police and those she attacked her hip wasnt bothering her then, when she was again escaping prison with esme and ryan we did not hear no complains about her hip then either so now she is suppose to be given some consideration for what

  6. really hate that michael is making nice with that witch nina why michael why

    maybe willow has too much time on her hands cause now she has time to two time her husband and destory her family and drew coming on to this girl again how disgusting have drew become

    when michael finds out hope he punches the living shit out of drew face not once has drew thought about michael his nephew feelings while lusting after his wife

    oh laura heather is depressed what about all the family members of the people heather killed maybe go comfort them
