Wednesday, August 7, 2024

General Hospital 8-7-24 Full episode

General Hospital 8-7-24 Full episode 7th August 2024

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Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. Will you put the episodes on at some point or is it only on Dailymotion from nom on ?
    Either way, thank you very much Bob !

  2. T.J. needs to buck up, its going to be Kristina & Molly that will not get over it. As for Ava she did not push Kristina & if they were taking pictures at record shutter speed the pictures would have showed it, not just her hand on her arm. Also, that window should not have shattered like plate glass with someone as slight as Kristina hitting it. There goes Portia again, all holier than thou. I haven't missed her at all.

    1. I'm with you about Portia

    2. No-one gives a rat's a$$ what you two BYTCHES think about Portia. We know exactly why you don't like her. That and the fact that she is beautiful. & the two of you most likely are both Hideous looking

    3. Wow, I'm sorry you have to attack people. She is beautiful but her constantly complaining is annoying. Also her color which is not only black has nothing to do with how I feel about her character. Don't you have anything better to do?

  3. Sonny finally knows that his pills were a placebo....its about time. I thought when Kevin told him there was no medication in his system that would have clued him in. Now, I just want Ava's involvement to come out....and Valentine's.

    1. kevin must have thought his sonny body got used to the drugs that why there was no trace hence him informing sonny of the recalibrating of his med to a stronger dose but yes even with that there should have been some trace of the drugs in his system

  4. Finally the story about sonny's meds is out it's about time

  5. Molly giving Ava what she deserved was great! Kristina was over 8 months pregnant. A woman that pregnant does not have her full balance anyway and Ava should have had enough sense to keep her hands off of Kristina.

  6. TJ and Molly evidently had a fully stocked nursery. There are lots of babies that need to be adopted. Maybe, they should be considering giving a baby who needs a home one.

  7. For once, Portia is right. Trina needs to listen.

  8. Today's episode was rather poorly written, imho. Doc Collins had determined, by Sonny's blood tests, that his bipolar med levels had diminished greatly, and Sonny was confused by that because he's been taking his meds without fail. So logical step two would be testing what pills he had left on hand. Bringing Donna into this story line The way they did was rather pointless. Yes, I know Donna is a child, but she's a sharp little cookie for her age, and it's very unlikely she would just out of the blue pop some of Daddy's pills, thinking or pretending they were vitamins. or whatever. Oh well, jmo.

    1. You are absolutely correct.

    2. I know, right?!?!?!? Poor little Donna...getting her stomach pumped for nothing. They could have just had Kevin ask for the medication for analysis.

    3. Right? Why Donna, Kevin should have asked Sonny for the meds he was taking. And why would Avery have them?

  9. Jeez GH is really getting good. The pill mystery is going to explode in Ava's face!!!!

    1. Yeah, kind of fitting since she was never really held accountable for what she did to Morgan!

  10. So if Morgan's up on the ledge with Sonny, knew about Amelia, Wiley, Avery, Kristina, the baby, then why didnt he know about the pills? He said he was with his dad all the time but didnt know the pills were not full dose & thats what Morgan died from? Come on GH if your going to throw it in, make it believable.

    1. but that was sonny psychosis morgan a figment of his breakdown, why would sonny know about that he is not even aware himself

  11. OH MY GOODNESS DONNA, give your family a heart attack... WHAT a way to find out Sonny's meds are off, what in the world was she doing with those. Couldn't they have just left them at Sonny's place and had Kevin ask to test them, given the result of the blood work and Sonny's insistence? Why involve Donna at all, poor kid getting her stomach pumped. Well thank goodness for placebos now. GH gonna give me a heart attack...

    Portia, losing mother of the year award too, geez. Trina's been through a trauma, let her talk, and let the courts come to the judgment decision. That's not what Trina needed in that moment.

    Poor TJ and family, I felt for him today. Man, Molly, going all out on Ava. I'd love to see Molly get some real edge, turn her into a shark lawyer like Diane. I do wish she had opened that door and gone home to TJ though. :'( Don't know if that couple will make it.

    1. sonny should thank donna and avery for his knowing about his drugs, avery brought them to carly's but yeah none stop for three weeks

      was anything portia said wrong, trina is once again putting blinders on where ava is concerned, ava may not have intentionally pushed kristina but its ava she aint no innocent

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. This was exactly what I expect a WEDNESDAY episode to be.
    Filler conversations that recap current storylines with the inclusionof characters that are not often seen... that's usually how it goes.

    So my focus is on how well the characters are portrayed... I don't expect action or suspense on a Wednesday.

    Having said that some things were hit & miss. I'll start with the few misses:

    Joss explaining to her Mom about Dex.
    Avery not being shown at all

    BUT on the plus side I did like how well the Ashfords came to support TJ... it was realistic. Stella is so supportive & I love that. Also, Jordan FINALLY received a freaking hug!!! It was good seeing her vulnerable for once. 👏 👏 👏

    Even Molly being avoidant & going to work was a realistic reaction to grief too.
    When she hesitated at the door... that was a tear-jerker scene too.

    Granted that I'm still Team Ava, I do think that Molly went overboard by going to Ava's jail cell and reading the autopsy.
    Ava lost her own daughter and was taunted about it by Spencer & Esme about it... so no need to torture her about an accident. BUT misguided anger is a part of grief... so I get what the writers were trying to display.

    Same deal with Kevin choosing to go to visit Ava, then share patient info about Sonny AND loudly answer a call pertaining to Sonny 😆 OK, ok we get it Ava now knows that Sonny is aware of his meds being tampered with.
    Speaking of Ava, I'm glad that Trina is still being supportive towards her.
    She even pointed out the facts to Portia which surprised me.

    I'm very glad that Sonny is realizing that Jason can be trusted AND that he can be "vulnerable" around Jason too.
    I miss their friendship!

    I have a feeling that the court drama with Ava will culminate into shared custody or sole custody going to Sonny VIA Sonny threatening Ava to back down with proof of her being aware that he was under medicated/ her direct involvement with the doctor.

    Plus Christina will "suddenly" remember falling over a bag and NOT a shoe which corroborate with the photos from Brick.

    Either way, Ava is toast...
    But I'm still hoping that she is able to "weasel" her way out of this 😆 🤣 😂

    Looking forward to her conversation with Agent Kates on tomorrow

  14. Was just reading where Sonny is taking a leave of absence (real life issues) but don't know how they will take him off the show for now . Did anyone else read this ?????

  15. Ava did not push that wretched witch out the window....WHY not kill her off and let Molly have a baby :( I have NEVER liked Christina no matter what actress played her. She is painful to watch over the years with all the trouble she gets into and annoying things she ruins. Writers should have let the baby live. Ava better not really get blamed for that hot head barging in there and screaming at Ava. And gross Blaze earlier trying to talk Christina into keeping the baby for them. Blaze manipulates her and is pathetic. Let her and Christina go to an island and be selfish and losers all on their own

  16. oh poor Christina who was going to KEEP her sister's baby and break her sister's heart with no care in the world. She will never change, selfish and horrible

  17. molly is in full denial mode about losing her daughter my heart breaks for tj and molly only, jordan is getting some heart tug too

    good they are showing molly and tj going through it

    is my wish coming true that avery will end up with carly she is better off with her anyways

    carly is actually giving ava the benefit of doubt something ava would never do for her if it was carly in that situation ava would have loved every minute and make some snark comment about carly blight man carly give ava way too much grace and understanding

    there is something different about dex looks a hair cut, shaved plastic surgery lol

    thought trina finally saw ava, but ava spins a tale and trina believes it gosh

    hate to agree with ava it actually hurts but yes this is all on kristina and on some level molly knows it she just does not want to admit it to herself

    1. finally now sonny jason carly needs to go to sonny pharmacist and make that man tell them why the dosage is placebo ooh more trouble for ava yikes

    2. oh ava is going to get all the blame for sonny meds right, at least valentine instructions was to make the dosage 50/50 and now valentine is gone he will suffer no consequences as usual so all this falls on ava

      man wondering given ava love of messing with bi polar individual mental health how would she feel is avery was to later in life be diagnose with bi polar and someone did that to her she would lose it, but no first she does that to morgan then rather than do the right thing and tell sonny about his medicine which would have been a huge win with sonny no she double down and did the worse

      cannot even feel sorry for this woman she brings these things on herself just like kristina
