Thursday, August 15, 2024

General Hospital 8-15-24 Full episode

General Hospital 8-15-24 Full episode 15th August 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. Most of the show was really good. Watching James as he was listening to a conversation that he shouldn't have heard, Felicia letting Mac have it, Willow and her mother talking, the discussion about Deception and Sonny's offer to invest needed money in Deception, Michael's invitation to Nina, and Cody to the rescue with Mack witnessing were all so good. Scott, Ava, and Cates are disgusting criminals.

  2. Ugh, why are they dragging little James into this Willow-Drew storyline now, yuck. Geez, everything Nina touches is ruined. Can't stand Drew anymore, now I can't stand Willow. Really, Michael is boring and hasn't "saved your life", well neither did Drew, his contribution to that whole mission is being blown way out of proportion. And what about Michael staying by your hospital bed and fighting for you. Being with you through radiation and recovery. This is BS. If I was Michael and heard this I'd be devastated. He's been so steady and loyal, what a stab in the back. Hope she does end up with Drew, and he leaves his stubble all over the sink, lol... And Drew would never lie to you? Sure, but he'll omit things like I'm banging your Mom on all the office floors... I can't handle this. By the end of that conversation I was making the same faces as little James, super LOL, love that troublesome kid. I would have thrown myself into the lake after all that too...glad he's OK. :)

    Ugh, why have they made Cates such a tool. He's losing it. And Ava's playing him like a fiddle, no idea how an FBI agent lets someone manipulate them so blatantly. And now Scottie's jumping into the mix, it's going to get entertaining! This plot is going to blow up in their faces and Ava already knows it, lol! But go ahead and bring Wyndemere back into the mix, I've missed that castle and it was NEVER short on drama...

    I don't see how it benefits Deception business-wise to bring on people with ties to organized crime and homophobia. I'm with Tracy. And Lucy can't see anything past dollar signs. Answer the phone Maxie!

    Poor Mac, getting read the riot act today, lol, bet he's wondering why he came back! :) So happy he did though!

    1. Right, Drew has become a disgusting human & Willow doesnt see it, shes become stupid too. What Nina should have said to willow, is snap out of it, Drew isnt worth it. Dont lose your family because of an affair that isnt going to last, because I'm sleeping with him too. And Mommy isnt your friend.

    2. You're so right. Nina ruins everything. Drew absolutely disgusts me. He's all hung up over Carly, dumps her because of his fragile ego knowing he'll never live up to Jason, then proceeds to bed Carly's nemesis? Michael has been a favorite of mine for years. Poor guy has been through so much. He has been right beside Willow through all her tragedies and this is how she repays him? She can't stop thinking about his uncle? Gross on so many levels. And Nina hopping into bed with Drew knowing he kissed her daughter? Disgusting. Who will she have her cleavage hanging out for next? I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to sleep with Michael at this point. YUCK!

    3. YUCK is right, please not Michael, that's a revolting thought but I wouldn't put it past Nina. I agree Drew kissing her daughter, no matter how Nina tries to spin it, is gross! I used to like Drew years ago, but this is too much with Carly & now Nina. Carly & him were gross enough, now Nina with that cleavage & giddiness is gut wrenching. Michael RUN!!!

    4. right there with you about drew and willow after willows conversation with nina today just wow this is how willow justifies wanting her husband uncle well gh sure knows how to make viewers turn on once like characters

      and nina involved in anything ruins it the woman is like a human soul sucking banshee, not that drew and willow shouldnt be blame and held responsible for what they have and continue to that is all on them but nina sure does not help that situation

      but that is nina for you from day one, lets start with her off screen marriage to silas which according to what was said only happend because silas wanted nina to help him with medical school the man never really loved her, silas ended cheating on the woman with ava then ends up in coma while pregnant becasue her mother wanted her money, she arrives in town in a wheel chair faking paralysis only to blackmail silas into sleeping with her, she then moves on to franco whom she breaks up simply because the man did not want children, she marries a man she barely knew rick who turns out was sleeping with her mother to get her money, then she met valentin that same day she met the man sleeps with him marries the guy to get access to his daughter and stayed in this emotional psychologically manipulative abusive relationship with valentin, she had a thing with jax the only normal relationship she had but the woman ends up ruining that because she wanted revenge on carly michael so proceeds to gaslight a brain damaged sonny into falling for throughout that relationship she lied every minute and was never once honest with sonny, then move on immediately before even getting a divorce to drew whom she had sent to prison and starts sleeping with this guy she hates who hates her even more and is now lusting after her daughter and nina is clearly falling for drew

      what a relationship history nina has had this woman need therapy she is a hot mess and has never learnt or grown from the past dramas but here she is giving willow advice, run willow run you dummy nina is already dragging this girl down to her level again willow is not getting a pass she is to be held accountable for all she doing but nina again aint helping this situation

      she is telling willow whatever she wants to hear because she is desperated to be in willow life any other mother would be appalled by all of this

    5. OMG, Nina and Michael would be such a ridiculous turn of events, LOL! I don't put anything past these writers at this point though... :)

  3. Good afternoon Bob, can you please fix the links? I have not been able to watch gh since last month. Thank you and I appreciate everything that you do.

  4. When will we be finally rid of Natalia??? Deception suits her perfectly, and i don't mean that in a good way. Loved Tracy for getting in Natalia's face and calling her out. Natalia needs to stop playing the victim...nobody focused her to say those things, this is who she is and she will never change. She has no filter and she doesn't think before she speaks. She's not sorry for what she said, she's sorry because she got caught. I can't believe Sonny wants to keep Natalia around, he's an idiot. Natalia needs to go and Lois needs to go too with her big mouth. They both overstayed their welcomes.

    John is dirty as hell. What makes him any better than Sonny? He's breaking the law to take down Sonny and doesn't even care. And using his badge to make himself look good when all he's doing is making himself look like a crooked cop.

  5. I Always love the Deception antics and drama lol
    Never a dull moment🤣

  6. no no no no no michael you are falling for nina deceptive act no no michael why is he letting his guard down with this woman come on michael

    john cates using fbi resources to go after sonny what an agent

  7. Cates isn't a good agent when he's using the FBI resource to sonny normally on this show it will bite cates in the butt cause u look at Ava she doesn't like the plan cause its not about her and watch Micheal he hasn't let his guard down look who he being raised by and around part of Michael still don't trust Nina and Nina will loose everything for a man again

  8. I knew that Natalia would ultimately get the job at Deception so I'm not shocked.
    Lois is a certified busybody

    I'm really hoping that the writers don't spend too much time on this Mack-Cody- James stuff. It's starting to feel like a Hallmark Movie and less like a soap opera

    BUT I'm sure that James will be the one to blurt out Willow's secret about kissing Drew either in front of Micheal OR he may share his secret with Wiley.

    Loved Ava's earrings and blouse today.
    Scenes at the art gallery are always good visuals. Ava is so focused on saving herself in this situation that it is making her panic a little. She knows that Agent Kates is being overconfident EVEN if he has picked the perfect partner-in-crime with Scotty. They both equally hate Sonny!

    The poor pharmacist knows that he is up to his neck in trouble.
