Tuesday, August 20, 2024

General Hospital 8-20-24 Full episode

General Hospital 8-20-24 Full episode 20th August 2024

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  1. Nina, Trina, and others apparently do not know how Ava treated Kiki nor why she got murdered. Nina knows better than to believe everything Ava says. What Nina does not know is that Ava is lying about Sonny's medicine, about Ava being an accessory after the fact about the medicine being tampered with, and about Ava herself having the medicine switched to entirely placebos.

    1. The you for the information yesterday regarding what Ava did to AJ.

    2. Thank you for the information.

    3. As I said yesterday, Ava lacks the redeeming qualities that a character who does bad things needs to have to be likeable. Nothing personal to Maura West, I think she is a good actress. But I would prefer Ava to be replaced with a character who actually is complex, who can make me want to root for them even though they do some bad things. The only thing Ava has is horrible.

  2. The courtroom scene was fantastic! Alexis and Sonny did a great job. Hopefully, Cates will lose his badge and be put in jail.

  3. We actually got to see Rocco, I think I can count the number of times he has appeared on screen over the past four years on one hand. I love the fact that Rocco is NOT a brat, there are too few non-brat kids on soaps.

    I was disappointed that we once again did not see Lulu's face, which means that we do not have a re-casted actress.

    Yesterday, Dante was talking to Kristina about binging reality shows all night if she had to stay at the PCPD and today is back at home with Sam. Was the plan to return to the PCPD if Kristina didn't get her hearing? Not a big point, just a little confused.

    Cates seems to have lost his mind and keeps digging a deeper and deeper hole. It makes me wonder if he is not long for this show.

    I am still waiting for the Sonny apology tour. He owes several people a serious apology.

    1. Actually, soap actress Stephanie Gatschet, who I'm not familiar with at all frankly, has reportedly signed a two-year deal with GH to renew the role of Lulu.🤞

    2. Oh cool, I'm ready for more Spencers on the show again! Maybe they'll snap Laura out of her funk. And Sonny DEFINITELY needs to make an apology tour, no idea why GH is robbing us of this arc...

  4. Jason needs to tell the information about Ava's involvment with Sonny's medicine. Hopefully, Jason is waiting until the charges against Kristina are dropped. The information about Ava's involvement could then be used for Ava to lose custody of Avery and contrbute to Ava finally going to prison.

  5. I found Ava and Nina's conversation endearing... Granted their friendship ended on a sour note because Ava stabbed her in the back...
    BUT it was big of Nina to admit how she feels that Ava is a good mother to Avery AND for Ava to apologize for stabbing Nina in the back. When they WERE friends it was nice imo.

    Friendships on the show are important and some friendships have either ended or got put on the back burner ie.
    Drew and Curtis
    Anna and Jordan
    Maxie and Lulu
    Brad and Brit
    Alexis and Finn
    I really miss Sonny and Luke's friendship

    Too bad Agent Kate's showed his true colors in court AND to Ava.
    His obsession with Sonny is tiring
    BUT if he is the tool to stick it to Christina then... I'm cool with it for now.
    He needs to come up with a solid strategy that will wipe the smiles off of everyone that smiled at the emergency court hearing today. THAT'S what I want to see

    Yes, Rocco is a non-brat which I also appreciate. Fortunately his mother is about to wake up.
    I'm SO glad that the last actress that played Lulu won't be returning.
    So, I'm looking forward to the NEW recast.

    Also looking forward to any new storyline that will involve Lucky. Elizabeth deserves more scenes OUTSIDE of the walls of GH.
    Ever since Fin went to rehab.... Elizabeth has been on the backburner

    WHERE is Scotty????
    Ava has to be very crafty and come up with a way to make it appear that she is satisfying Agent Kate's requests AND using what she knows as leverage to save herself from Sonny.
    I have a feeling that Molly and TJ will help her indirectly... with the case.

    Either way, Sonny will come out on top regarding custody of Avery...MAYBE he will compromise and agree to joint custody... after the dust settles.

    1. Definite yes to more platonic friendships on the show! I am really glad they've kept Carly and Jason to being friends since his return. They both have much more romantic fire with other people historically on the show, and that's great. I loved Tracy and Stella just being friendly lately too, it's endearing. And Nina and Ava do need each other, they have so much in common, if they could just restrain their bad impulses on each other at least they could be the friends they each need so desperately...

  6. Bwahahahahaha, why is Sam always the last person to know about huge things happening to her sister Kristina... And it continues to be so awkward to me that Sam and Dante share a sister, just weird. Oh the GH family trees. Good to see Rocco today though, that kid is another cutie.

    So glad Alexis is lawyering again…there is that strong, confident, smart woman. Before she let Julian bring her down. Unlike unprofessional Cates, yelling at a Judge in a courtroom (again) when it doesn’t go his way, what an out-of-control lunatic. You could tell that judge was grumpy about being there so late, that was some good acting, lol. That FBI lawyer is the worst, haha, Cates can’t count on him for anything. I can’t believe they didn’t have any evidence prepared at all, what a terrible agent they’ve turned him into. He deserved to be embarrassed in court again. Then this dude Sonny taking credit for Alexis doing all the work to free Kristina, what’s new. Why in the world does he get the same props for just sitting down in court and behaving. The way Kristina adoringly gazed upon him, when her mother got her off. Whatever. This is when Sonny and his enablers are unbearable.

    Oh my goodness, of course Nina thinks Ava is a good mom… Those two are TERRIBLE mothers. Ava stole all of Kiki’s boyfriends, and then got Kiki killed by a raging murderer. She is in and out of Avery’s life, she is NOT a good Mom. And I can’t believe Ava emptied all that on Nina, she is that desperate for a friend. And now she’s stuck relying on this new lunatic Cates. “I’m your only hope”, lol, thanks Obi-Wan. Ava, you are in bed with the wrong people, AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! Hahaha, she sleeps with ALL the worst men on the show…

    1. yes about sam and dante as a couple and sharing siblings two siblings kristina and leo, and sam was with dante father their relationship is a bit ick

      that agent cates guy is very inept has been since he came to port charles gunning for sonny, the man is ill informed, the man does not do his due diligence with his cases he trusts the wrong people ava ava anyone who know ava know to run the other way but no cates is so one note that man is cutting off his nose to spite his face

      that nina and ava conversation came out of no where these two gag

  7. oh look cyrus the religious nut is back where have that guy been, still think that guy is formulating a cult with all the religious crap he preaches

    cates can you say abuse of power, just to get sonny the man is compromising his job, ethics for a decade plus vendetta get over yourself cates. and sonny has photos of this man sleeping with ava isnt that a conflict of interest wont that be perceived as an fbi agent using fbi resources for doing his lover ava bidding, working the system to get ava free of her charges

    is nina for real when is nina going to get hers the woman has gotten away with every criminal dispicable things she has ever done in fact she gets rewarded everytime, who is nina to judge ava, and as for ava yes you brought that on yourself if you are so innocent why mess with an accident scene, this woman she keeps making the same stupid choices over and over, jason better tell anyone who will listen how ava again tempered with a mental person medication for her sick agenda

    are we suppose to feel sorry for ava of course sonny hates her, the woman keeps coming at the man and his family the same way nina did but for some reason sonny overlooked all nina evil regarding himself and his family

    and ava i would never hurt a child lol, she hurt morgan, she hurt her own child kiki over and over, she hurt spencer, yes these were pre teens adults but they are someone's child oh yeah didnt ava cause sabrina to miscarry her child, the same with nina regarding children these two woman are exactly the same

    as soon as lulu wakes up dante should run right back to his true love and leave sam in the rear view mirror just saying

    oh yes molly you are saying all the right words that baby dying is all on kristina but ava had her part to play too but kristina is 99% at fault

    ooh and love that molly and tj are starting to talk about their loss and beginning to heal from that pain love these two one of my favorite couple

  8. Cates this turning out to be as crazy as a psychopath!

  9. Can you please repost aug 20 episodes onwards as I'm a bit behind trying to catch up .
