Monday, August 12, 2024

General Hospital 8-12-24 Full episode

General Hospital 8-12-24 Full episode 12th August 2024

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  1. Willow needs to go back to nursing. She completed her nursing schooling and previously completed her teaching degree. Those professions are ways of helping and serving others and so much more.

  2. Maxi needs to change her hair back to brown. This color makes her look very washed out.

  3. this was another boring epi. I don't mean to sound cold, or whatever but they need to take a break from the dead baby SL, and maybe check back in on Max&Cody for a change. Seems like that story was literally frozen in time like 2 weeks ago. And of course a bit of comic relief from Little James would be nice too.

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  5. please Kevin needs to have a one on one talk to Kristina everyone tip toe around the truth Kristina need to face reality she was the surgate Alexa was right molly shouldn't have done this even Kristina doesn't complete thing she did with the LGBTQ clinic now she needs to come to reality on what happen sad let sonny handle Ava

    1. Would love that idea. With way it is going, I see one of two things happening, 1) kristina goes off on "vacation" aka visiting the looney bin, or 2) Kristina is written off for a bit (such as leaving town to go on tour with Blayze or a journey to heal herself). I would also love to see Sonny deal with Ava and kill her off (she feels a bit stale to me character wise), but don't see that happening. Best outcome I see in that situation (and a little fun as well) is Ava loses custody battle with Sonny and she gets into "accident" where she is supposed to die and either kidnaps avery or she goes the route of Alexis and somehow gets to take care of Avery.

  6. and drew a old skank when Micheal and everyone else find out it wont be good navy seal wont help him

  7. I'm sorry but GH has been horrible these last 2 episodes. The show changed writers and I noticed the shift last week. Last Friday's episode (except for the scenes with Heather) wasn't that great, neither was today. I thought the writers they had before did a good job and the show was getting really good, don't understand why they had to change writers now. Also why is the Metro Court restaurant so dark? What's the deal with the lighting? Natalia had no business going in Kristina's room, she's not a family member. She just couldn't wait to tell Kristina about Blaze's tour. Evil Witch. She wanted to check on Kristina. Please. You can't even stand the girl.

  8. I just had to come here and commend Maxi. She was always a beautiful woman, no matter what. But she has lost weight and looks so awesome, and I was so thrilled when she became blonde again. I didn't think the brown did her any justice. The blonde is the bomb on her! She is a beauty!

  9. Being as though we didn't get a proper cliffhanger on Friday... I was hoping that Monday would've had more "spice"

    Well at least they FINALLY changed the room number to the hotel room at the Metro Court. 😆 Normally everybody's stays in room #819 BUT it looks like Brennan got room #627.

    Nice to have Brennan and his accent back in PC. (Although I still miss Jax...)
    I would rather Carly be with Brennan and not with Jason.

    What the h*ll is Nina thinking???
    What woman wants to continue bedding a man that she KNOWS has kissed her daughter!!! Like c'mon....
    Then again, Nina has a habit of doing whatever she wants based on her own selfish/crazy motives. 🤪
    This current scheme will not end well.
    At least Maxie tried to speak some sense into her...

    Speaking of crazy....ok so now Willow wants to be a Nurse again in an effort to run from her attraction to Drew and the inevitable affair. JUST RIDICULOUS.
    I never liked the idea of Willow working at the Hospital as a nurse anyway.
    She is a freaking rich Quatermaine and she needs to act like it. Not become snobby or anything BUT at least hold a prestigious job where she stands out.
    Like the one Drew gave her. !!!

    I am BEYOND tired of this baby storyline but I realize it has to be played out fully... at least until there is a funeral service.

    I want Molly and TJ to break up.
    I want to see him with someone new.
    Molly can continue "working" her boring life away. She wouldn't be missed.

    I want Blaze to go away on tour so that she can stop wasting screen time. I really don't care where Christina goes... as long as she goes. With the baby gone and Blaze on tour/ out of PC... there will be nothing for Christina to do besides pour drinks at Charlie's OR continue procrastinating on that center she was supposed to build.

    Since the writers are bringing Lulu out of her coma, NOW would be a good time to send Christina away for her mental health.
    I would rather Ava stay and Christina go

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. So agree with you Bunnie, Maxi is really looking great lately. Still can’t stand Nina, guess she is using Willow as an excuse to get her hooks in Drew. Don’t think so highly of Drew anymore, he is totally out of character and very unlikeable lately.

    1. Roseam: Maybe Maxi is wanting to look her best when she marries Spinelli! I hope that happens. Like you, I'm fed up with Nina too, and she is indeed using Willow to justify her messing around with Drew. I don't like Drew any more either.

    2. Oh, Maxie has planned so many Port Charles weddings, would love to see her get married herself! :)

  12. So glad Jordan took care of TJ today. All this has to be hard on her too, filling in where Molly should be... And man, she does NOT look like she could be his mother. Molly doesn't have to grieve the same way TJ does, but she does need to face what happened and stop running away from the tough stuff. I'm all about the justice for baby angle, but take care of your little baby with TJ first.

    WHAT is Nina doing, WHY a business meeting in someone's hotel room, ALL the bad ideas...those two are insane.

    Willow was great with Kristina today. But she's making a mistake going back to nursing. She really liked her new position, she shouldn't let Drew ruin it for her. She's all over the place lately.

    OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH YYYYYEAAAAaaaaahhhhhhhhhh, if someone's gonna be sharing a hotel room tonight, let it be Brennan and Carly!!!!!!!!!!! That guy has me squealing like a schoolgirl non-stop--hit the road Anna!!!!!!!!!! Leave the charmer be! You ruined everything, lol. :') Keep trying Brennan!

  13. I like Brennan for some reason, don't want him attached to train wreck Carly but I like him. Willow is acting afraid of Drew and a witch to acted like a piggy in heat Willow...Drew is just a guy who fell for all the smoke you were blowing up his butt...CHRISTINA....stop saying my daughter, my baby, Ugh poor TJ how sad to have to find a resting place without his partner...we had to bury twins who came early and the spot was so important to a stream under a tree but with lovely sunlight coming through the leaves. That scene made me so sad.

  14. everytime drew and willow are in a scene together its all so ick

    nina is deluded as always drew dont want you nina just to bed you, please keep maxi out of nina dirty life with drew and all things nina she does not need nina disgusting ridiculous drama give maxi a story of her own far far far far far away from nina

    really nina, what makes nina thinks she can tell maxi willow business geesh, so nina, maxi, sasha, cody, drew and willow are all aware of this kiss when will michael find out

    this natalia woman is so extra and way too involved in blaze life. she does not allow blaze to make decisions for herself and blaze just allows her mother to police every aspect of her existence girl check yourself

    this is so laughable brennan is now head of the wsb in port charles because port charles has an influx of criminal activities, coming from the man who was running guns and weapons of mass destruction through port charles, who had mob bosses assassinated, who was stalking, wanted to kill anna had anna house burnt down to get rid of evidence of a wsb operation where he stole a shit ton of money to fund his criminal international arms company pikeman the man wanted to abduct carly inspite of what he said, this guy is the one who will bring law and order to port charles lol lol thats rich

    love tj and molly they give grieve a real face and molly is in full denial she has had to grieve maybe being infertile, losing two opportunity to be a mother twice in the span of a couple of months the girl is going through it she just want to focus her grieve on taking revenge

    deep down molly also blames kristina right you see it in her eyes she knows kristina is also the reason that baby died and need molly to confront kristina about that and also need molly to find those custody papers of kristina that she wanted to use to steal molly and tj baby girl molly needs to ice kristina out of her life for a bit

    keep amelia away from nina she wanted that kid dead

    1. Yeah, they really do a disservice to Maxie, forcing her to be Nina's friend. Maxie has enough potential awesome storylines, with Spinelli, her kids, Cody, Mac, even Deception. Let her focus on her own life. Hate that Nina dragged her into the Willow thing too.

      The Brennan posting is soooooooo ironic and nonsensical, yes, but I want him to stay in town so bad I don't care that it makes no sense... :')

      I really hope Molly does put all this together. Kristina is lying about her confrontation with Ava. Molly will have every right to be pissed about the meaningless danger she put the baby in.

    2. Justlaugh the way you fan girl over the brennan character is amazing enjoy girl lol
