Thursday, August 22, 2024

General Hospital 8-22-24 Full episode

General Hospital 8-22-24 Full episode 22nd August 2024

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Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. Ohhhhh someone please do something about Cates he is getting on my last final nerve. He is abusing his power and harassing sonnys family. I hope someone files millions of reports against his nasty raggedy ass. And Kristina stop acting like some damn victim when you caused the death of that child by going after Ava. The nerve of her to talk to molly like that 😡. Ava gonna regret going with Cates I'm gonna laugh my butt off too when she goes down the ship with cates.

  2. Great job writers 👏 👏 👏

    Yes, that was the perfect comeback scene for Ric Lansing. When Molly ran out of the church and into his Arms...Nicely done!
    Good that she has her dad now because Alexis CLEARLY favors Christina over her... it's so obvious.

    I wanted Sonny to attend the funeral BUT if he were there it would've overshadowed Ric Lansing's presence. I also liked how Ric held TJ back and ALLOWED Molly to speak her peace to Christina.
    THAT was very necessary.

    I try to feel pity for Christina but I just can't... she is way too selfish.
    IF things didn't turn out the way that they did THEN Molly & TJ would still end up being in pain.
    Christina is a selfish, entitled, spoiled brat that is constantly coddled and NEVER corrected.

    Lindsey Heartley is a BETTER Sam than the original actress.
    If Kelly Monaco ever decided to leave the role... then adios 👋
    Lindsey would fit in perfectly imo.

    LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the scenes at the art gallery today.
    Ava and Sonny have SO much passion between them despite the fact that they are enemies.
    The ONLY other actress that really brought that out of Sonny was Tamara Braun (the 2nd Carly recast)

    If Ava didn't have such a bad history/reputation... she and Sonny would pair well as a Power Couple.

    Sonny tried to help her big time today and Ava later realized that she missed the perfect opportunity to escape from Agent Kates.
    NOW she is in protective custody!!!
    Somehow I still see Ava keeping her word to Trina a "finding" a way to make things right with this situation
    MAYBE she will redeem herself after all... you never know

    Louis' heavy Brooklyn accent actually IS annoying at times to be honest.
    BUT she exudes authenticity...
    She shines when she is being her true self. It was good seeing her pull herself together during the Live Deceptor Airing... despite feeling down and having a broken nail 💅

    I'm not totally completely "sold" on the character of Natalia BUT I did appreciate her words to Maxie today. Maxie is holding everything together and she is great at running Deception.
    Maxie is one person who has paid her dues and done a lot of grunt work as prior assistant to other people in the corporate world.

    Hopefully Jordan's efforts pay off too in her line of work...eventually

    Cody and James 😴 💤
    Their sappy Hallmark Movie scenes are not why I watch Soap Opera.
    Cute scenes and Cute Cowboy hats BUT the best thing about their scenes were that they kept them short & few.

    The writers get it 👌

    1. I agree with everything you said. Cates is the most detested character on this show. He needs to be fired asap. Kristina is a selfish pos and was gonna rob that child away from molly and tj.

    2. Agent Kates does make viewers want to punch him 🤜 in the face.
      BUT knowing that he has signed a 2 year contract with GH...
      I'm gonna have to accept him.
      (for now)

      Plus Sonny is the star of the show so he HAS to have an antagonist.
      Someone has to be constantly gunning for him.
      So Kates gets to be the obsessed nuisance... that we LOVE to hate.
      😆 🤣 😂

    3. He signed a 2 year contact?!?! Oh no!

  3. Just so glad this Baby drama is OVER !!!! Still hope Molly will be pregnant and the Dr was wrong now that would piss Kristina off she went to Ava's & YES she's response for the loss of Irene

  4. I hope Molly and TJ will adopt a baby soon. Of course, it would be better if Molly would now be able to get pregnant and experience carrying her own child.

  5. Does anyone have any idea who was shown in the last scene of the preview and had a chain on his/her ankles? Possibly Heather? Any other ideas?

    1. I think that it is actually Lucky!

      I seriously doubt that it was Spencer only because that actor has moved on. ( I really wish that he would come back though, I liked him)

    2. That is a good possibility.

    3. I had read an article that Spencer was returning but now I can't find it so that is not a good sign. But I think you are right about Lucky. I just read that JJ's first day is tomorrow.

  6. Agree, Kristina needs her prissy lil butt kicked. Her poor me is getting old. She caused the death of Molly & TJ's baby by not protecting that child & going after Ava for Daddy. Then she was going to take her away from them, and now stealing the funeral. OHHH get her Molly. Kristina needed a wakeup call & so glad Molly was the one to do it but not quite enough. Kristina, you want a baby go to the sperm bank, don't steal your sisters. Cates is disgusting & again Ava throws in with the wrong person. Lois is a lot of activity & that broken fingernail it's a big problem for Lois, LOL but truly a genuine person. Of course, Natalia is the next Mrs. Corinthios but time will tell her true motives.

  7. When Kristina said that she thought of the baby as Adella, I couldn't help but think about how I previously thought that was the perfect name. Adella was both Sonny and Ric's mother, making her both Kristina and Molly's grandmother. It seemed perfect to represent the biological mother and the supposed to be adoptive mother. Since Alexis' mother, Kristin, was the inspiration for Alexis' sister, Kristina, who was the inspiration for living Kristina, I thought that one had been done enough.

    1. Thanks for the Information about Adella being both Sonny's and Ric's mother. Your theory makes a lot of sense.

    2. and irene was to honor tj grandmother a decision both tj and molly made together the baby's parents, when kristina has her own child she can name her whatever just saying

    3. @ Generaql Fanatic

      Reading is fundamental. Your comment had nothing to do with what I was actually saying.

      And FYI, technically Kristina never signed over her parental rights and Molly never legally adopted the baby. So legally Kristina is the mother.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. completely respect and understand your point, we are here to agree and disagree, again just saying not trying to offend or anything why should molly or tj have to include kristina in their parental decision making, she donated the egg and was acting as their surrogate she was the genetic mother

      get that the name kristina chose was to honor their individually paternal grandmother but was kristina really was she really thinking of molly when she thought of that name, and why should the intended parents, which is not kristina, want that name when kristina has made the whole surrogacy, pregnacy and everything regarding the baby molly and tj fertile issues about her kristina could not even honor a simple promise again just saying lol

      have a great day

    6. They were dumb, not to have the legal contract before she even got pregnant

  8. The writers need to have Jason tell Sonny and Anna about Ava being an accessory after the fact to Valentin and the pharmacist switching Sonny's medication and Ava herself being solely responsible for the medication being switched to entirely placebos.

  9. Eva LaRue is a great actress. I am glad that she has joined the show.

  10. Michael has become a better person recently. He was so good with Willow today. I hope the writers will keep Michael as a good person and keep Willow and him together.

  11. Having James and Cody on was a relief from all of the sadness Cates nonsense. James and Cody were just as cute as Violet and Tracy were with matching attire!

  12. Dante is such a good character! He makes sense and has a calming effect.

  13. I don't even know why Trina was at the funeral. Such in poor taste for her to be there while sticking up for Ava. I wanted to slap Trina during yesterday's episode. She acts like she knows what happened in Ava's suite like she was there when she wasn't. She sounds so stupid defending Ava when she has no clue about who her so-called friend really is. I personally don't like the direction the writers are going with the Ava/Kristina storyline. I don't like Ava changing her story and playing the victim when Kristina is the one who almost died and lost the baby. I'm sure KiKi is looking down at her mother shaking her head in disgust.

    Cates has gone way too far. I don't care if he's an FBI agent, Sonny and Jason need to put an end to that hateful dirtbag. I am tired of hearing about Karen and his son. I don't even know why his character even has a son, like that's supposed to make Cates likeable. Also, if my memory serves me right, Jagger and Karen weren't together when she met Sonny and they weren't together when she moved back to Port Charles. So he needs to stop acting like Karen was the love of his life and using Sonny as an excuse for what happened to Karen. Sonny did not force Karen to strip, that was her own choice. Anna is the police commissioner, why is she allowing Cates to take over this case? And since when did it turn into an FBI case?? All because Kristina is Sonny's daughter and the FBI is targeting Sonny? I wish this storyline would end.

    I can't believe Molly is fighting with Kristina at the baby's funeral. Very mature Molly and she's supposed to be an assistant DA. Yesterday, they fought over the baby's name and today she's blaming Kristina for losing the baby. Not a fan of Ric. I still til this day can't get over the fact that he locked a pregnant Carly in a secret room and planned to take her baby and pass it off as his and Elizabeth's. 

    1. trina is tj family that her cousin the baby irene is also trina family would have been her cousin

      and molly has reached her breaking point with kristina, she just found out that kristina was going to take full custody of her molly child, then kristina has the nerve to want to name a child that was not hers to begin with come one kristina is complete at fault with losing that baby she made all the wrong choices because the great know it all kristina is always right everyone should just bit their tongue and fall inline with whatever kristina wants

      good molly finally is letting that girl know how she feels

    2. True, Trina and TJ are cousins. Same grandma Irene.
      Molly had the right to be upset that Kristin’s made the funeral all about her

    3. There is some irony in the fact that Ric the would-be Baby Stealer is here for a daughter who was on the other side of a would-be baby stealing story.

      Only in a soap!

  14. Kristina giving the baby a name, girl, will you at LEAST just keep these things to yourself??????? Why are you incapable of any semblance of dignity. I try to be sympathetic, but MAN, she sure made that funeral all about her. I'm glad Molly went after her. And now I'm REALLY looking forward to Jordan getting in on this--could tell she was NOT happy about Kristina's evil plan to steal her granddaughter. Good.

    Cody is totally a FUNcle, lol. He is so great with James.

    MAN, Maxie going toe-to-toe with Tracy, making great business points that even Tracy conceded, I LOVE it! So glad Kristen Storms is getting back to her fabulous, confident self, I've MISSED you girl! What an awesome girlboss in the making.

    Hahaha, Deception at Home & Heart is turning into the Quartermaine Thanksgiving! Something always awry... :')

    1. And can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm glad Ric was there today, lol. :) Molly needed to feel like someone was in her corner.

    2. geesh when kristina stood up and just walk in front of jordan wanted to punch my screen kristina makes everything worse than it has to be now because of her greedy selfishness two families will be at odds with each other because kristina thought as the one carrying that child a child that would not even exist if molly and tj didnt want a baby or tj himself agreeing to go along with the fertilization thinks neither tj or molly role matter she made tj part in this like tj was is nothing like tj was not going to be that kid father, like she was going to be the only person that love baby irene

      molly tear that girl a new one and hope she give alexis hers too

    3. The baby wouldn't exist without Kristina either. And Kristina carried the baby for almost nine months, so it's only natural that she bonded emotionally with the baby.

      It was her egg too. She has the same love that any mother would.

      That emotion doesn't get turned off because of a legal document either -- if there was one that she was giving the baby away. And there wasn't one.

      Yes, there should have been. But there wasn't. Kristina is biologically and legally the baby's mother.

      I'm not defending making a scene at the funeral. But both sisters have been insensitive through this whole storyline.

      I just don't have the same antipathy toward Kristina that y'all seem to.

    4. Agree with JustLauGH on Maxie. She has been looking so fabulous lately.

      I really, really, really hope she has fantastic chemistry and instant connection with NuLulu because the friendship between Maxie and Lulu is one of my all-time favorites on this soap.

      I miss the original Lulu SO much. She had an incredibly fun dynamic and genuine warmth with Dante too.

      Those two relationships -- with Maxie and with Dante -- did not have the same chemistry at all with the last recast of Lulu. I'm happy they decided to get a new actress this time instead of bringing the last one back.

      I've read that Sam is leaving the show, so I guess that'll clear the way for a reunion between Lulu and Dante. The writers haven't given Sam anything interesting to do for quite a while, but I hate that she's leaving.

  15. Molly is a jerk amd Molly Deserve go to jail how Treated kristina

  16. oh lois are these writers reading our comments that brooklyn accent of lois has been complained about, girl its really bad, felt bad for lois when she over heard that but damn that accent can grate on the nerves lol just saying

    lol way to destroy once confidence lois accent may be a bit much but her energy was never the problem

    wow ric has turned into a silver fox is he still a piece of shit i wonder probably still is good he is there for molly

    enter the drama queen attention hog kristina there she goes making the funeral about her, is kristina jealous of molly, the girl has made molly endometriosis about her the fact molly cannot have children about her, molly and tj choosing the surrogacy route she has made about, she once barged into their home while interviewing surrogates because from day one she was like i should be molly and tj surrogate, she made the fact the first surrogate lost the fetus about her they were not even done grieving but kristina was already up in their faces about wanting to carry their baby, kristina has made the entire molly and tj baby story about her now here is once again making the funeral they plan which she did not want any part of molly did mention it to her at the hospital about her and the insensitivity of that girl kristina to stand in front of molly and tj especially molly and talk about how it felt to carry that baby without a thought that molly will or may never know that feeling was so gross to hear, the girl just cutoff jordan didnt even her a chance to speak because kristina always have to have the god damn words when will kristina realize she is not the only grieving baby irene what a thoughtless selfish person this girl is

    scott is a coward the man is ava lawyer and he just took off lol because jason found the pharmacist what he thinks sonny and jason would come for him all he knows is that ava tampered with sonny meds oh scotty

    get her molly get kristina whhhhaaaattttt

    trina stop acting like a fool when it comes ava there are some you give the benefit of doubt but ava is not one of them, ava is so lying to that girl giving her half truth or full on lies
