Monday, August 26, 2024

General Hospital 8-26-24 Full episode

General Hospital 8-26-24 Full episode 26th August 2024

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Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like Brennan's office. That Big blue globe highlights his eyes and neck tie. Brennan's charm and confidence is undeniable.
    Jason was smart to tell Carly "No" and actually hear him out. I'm sure that they will work together eventually though... on a temporary basis of course.

    Love how Scorpio politely pulled Anna's card. She is smart BUT she really thinks that no one sees through her games especially when it comes to Valentin. When you love someone, it's very hard to hide it.

    Ok Lucky, so playing Russian Roulette is now considered a "judgment call" 😆. Yeah, he is definitely Luke's son! Although he is awfully small to be a believable assassin... his character has always been entertaining.
    WHO is this doctor that he is helping? Possibly a love interest for Jordon... I hope.

    Gio's honesty with Lois was cute and mature of him. I actually DO want to hear Lois speak in her normal (Bold & the Beautiful) voice tone for a little while. It'll be fun hearing her switch it up!

    BLQ...why, why, why would you tell Chase about any past romantic activity with Dante??? It just creates unnecessary weirdness. Even though Chase welcomed all the info...she should've kept that part a secret imo.
    BUT I get it, the point was to share Lulu's and Tracy's history.

    Sam was super supportive towards Dante. I like their relationship I just get tired of hearing her "whisper" all of her lines. She has become bland.

    Tracy is becoming sweeter & sweeter each episode while still remaining true to her character.

    C'mon Lulu wake up already...
    Don't keep us waiting too long.

    1. His office is so cool, loved it! I hope they throw Jason and Brennan in the mix together, they seem good to go for a fun caper! Need more of those on the show. Haha, Anna's not fooling anyone anymore, good. I hope Lucky and Doc bring some much-needed zazz back to Port Charles, and by ALL means, throw Jordan in that mix. Tracy is becoming a perfect mix of Edward and Lila now, I love it!

    2. Yes, that's true... a mix of Edward and Lila for sure.

    3. chase should know everything about brooklyn who knows when one of her past acts will come to back to haunt her and it seems she has a little secret she was being hella shady there

  3. The best parts of the show were Dante and Sam along with Laura finding out that Nicholas could be tested at the prison where he is being held. Hopefully, someone will be a match.

    1. Although Nikolas was a bone marrow match when Lulu was a baby, I think this time they will need Lucky...just because of JJ's recent return.

    2. You are probably correct. It could never be an easy solution.

  4. I kind of new to GH, who is the guy captive??

  5. Lucky grew up all over the world running from the mob, came to Port Charles alone at the age of 11 after a mob attack in Canada. He rebelled from Luke and moved out on his own to live in a boxcar and later Jason's workshop while a teenager. Then JJ left and we had some re-casts. During this time Lucky became a cop (much to Luke's annoyance) and lost his edge. I am enjoying the edge that I am seeing in Lucky now. To the GH writers, don't mess this up.

    1. Did I miss hearing who Lucky is working for? I think he is trying to get that doctor out.

    2. He is trying to get the doctor out but I don't think he is officially working for anybody. But I could have missed something.

  6. Oh it's good to see Lucky back maybe he might be the chance to save Lulu's life and I'm glad Jason doesn't trust Brennan

    1. No one should trust Brennan, lol, that guy has angles for days, in every sense of the word!!!!!! :) Looking forward to seeing how they reunite the Spencers.

  7. BREAKING NEWS Everyone! 😱😱

    Sam is going to be killed off. Kelly Monaco is out as Sam!

    Are they doing this so Dante can go back to Lulu?🤔

    1. Oh wow! She was boring and it seemed like she was missing a lot of days. She got too comfortable imo

      Sad to hear that she got terminated BUT she wasn't adding value to the show... poor Danny.

    2. but killed off? or using the other actress to play sam?

    3. Wow, indeed. In all fairness, many times she's on-screen it feels as though she's just phoning it in, she often seems totally checked out to me. She does act as if her job is a guarantee. It doesn't surprise me too much, some characters will need to go in order to welcome back the likes of Lucky, Lulu, Ric, Mac, there is just no room as it is. I'm not too bent out of shape about it, her character hasn't been central to a storyline in a while, she's always just chipping in pointlessly at the tail end of everything. I just hope they don't get rid of Maura West, she's amazing. I was more sad when they let Roger Howarth go, the writers failed him--with a great character he could have been a real counterweight on the show.

    4. Roger Howarth and Micheal Easton were absolutely 2 of my faves... The writers dropped the ball with both of them. Both men are great actors... they just needed better material/ storylines.

      These new writers are better though.

      I will create a petition and protest if they let Maura West go for some freaking recasted Lulu who hasn't proven herself yet!
      All Ava needs is a solid love interest and a permanent residence.
      Enough with the flings!
      Enough with the MC scenes.

    5. I shall sign your petition, lol!!!! :) Ava being without a real residence on the show is silly--she has castle money, she could live anywhere!

    6. I'll sign it as well. They better not get rid of Maura West.
      Then the show will definitely be cancelled for sure!

  8. so lucky is not being held hostage what is going on, who is he trying to work for, valentin would not be surprised, so lucky is in africa doing humanitarian work is he trying to help someone hes here to save that gorgeous doctor got it

    carly still do not know that brennan is the one who made that fbi evidence evaporate into thin air she would act a lot more grateful towards him

    that wsb logo looks cool and it comes off as shady as the organization it represents

    so jason will end up in africa and he will bring lucky home given his role as an operative for the wsb

    lulu has been in that coma for four years geesh feels like yesterday

    is diane and robert still a thing they havent had scenes together in a while

    that is one of the many reasons chase and brooklyn makes no sense as a couple chase has no idea who brooklyn is none, you mean to say neither dante nor brooklyn told chase about their past daliances

    uri is the greatest bodyguard butler the guy does it all is he and terry still a thing wonder

  9. Yeah, what happened to Dianne and Robert! Where did the romance go?

    Also BLQ and Chase seem more like friends than lovers. They LOOK cute together but zero sexual chemistry imo

    Hopefully Carly will show gratitude because this is technically the 2nd time Brennan helped her because he gave her sound advice when she visited him in Pentonville before the court hearing.
