Tuesday, August 13, 2024

General Hospital 8-13-24 Full episode

General Hospital 8-13-24 Full episode 13th August 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. Tracy's and Violent's tea party and discussion were the best part of the show. Tracy's looks great with her hair down. I am looking forward to Cody, Mac, and Felicia getting screen time.

  2. Anna was not wrong, Sonny and Jason are right back to their old selves. Especially Sonny, he felt like ooooooolllllllldddddddddd Sonny, good! Tired of Nixon Falls Sonny, blech. Still wish Jason had a life beyond Sonny. :(

    Kristina and Blaze break up, totally predictable. Glad Blaze passed the good karma on to her wicked mother though. Also glad that Molly seemed to have some recognition of Kristina's part in this... Molly has shown her sister so much grace thus far.

    Tracy and Violet were absolutely adorable, I can't handle how much Tracy is softening with time, I LOVES it. Still a shark when she needs to be.

    BRENNAN AND CARLY, FFFIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Loves it! Yes, have that drink at the bar, Carly! And flirt away handsome Jack Brennan, you keep so many of us tuned in... :)

    1. yeah tracy being uber nice was kind of strange to witness but its nice she showing violet all the care in the world that kid has lost two parent been through the dead of a grandfather hope finn comes back or hayden like hayden she was a good mother inspite of how she was

      yeah it was about time molly recognized kristina role in that baby dying and its time molly realize how much kristina has been gaslighting her about her own sister who harassed her to be their surrogate wanted to keep her and tj baby

      as for jason the man is soldier he needs his commander but wow sonny didnt even have the good manners to apologize to jason for doubting him that disloyal man sonny

    2. It's been happening so gradually, it's just a believable and heartfelt arc, and I love it. :) I think Tracy is getting older, has lost a lot of people she loves, and like a lot of us who have lost our mothers we tend to reminisce on them fondly and think about our part in keeping their legacy alive. Tracy has ALWAYS been way more Edward than Lila, because as much as they butted heads, Tracy admired and wanted to be Edward. But now she's slowing her life down, and learning, really understanding, what Lila was all about. How her mother was the one grounding the family. And the kindest, happiest one of the bunch. I've always been a huge Q fan, and I look forward to the day when ELQ is a bigger part of the show again.

      YES to Molly taking Kristina to task. That was her daughter, and Kristina was reckless, irresponsible, and selfish. And YES, Jason deserves an apology from Sonny. He won't get it though, it's already water entirely under the bridge! Jason can be such a great character, he just needs to let Sonny and the mob life go and be his own man. Be a real father to his boys, at least. SOMEDAY, GH please, give him his memory back and have him be the GH doctor and Quartermaine he was meant to be!

  3. Brennan, Cates, and Scott are all underhanded, disgusting, and boring. At least, Cates and Scott speak clearly.

  4. OK... it is beyond time for Ava to change clothes and ditch the orange blouse!!!
    We saw her in the pics.
    She went to jail in style.
    It has served it's purpose....

    Yes, I'm so glad that Blaze is g-o-n-e.
    I guess she served her purpose too 😆
    But it was good to see her stand up to her Mom for once though.
    Just hearing her flat out say the words,
    "Mom, you're fired!!" That was unexpected
    BUT I'm sure that her mom will stay in PC.

    Kudos to the writers fir using that " fall out of the window " moment to reposition characters and pivot on the plot.

    When Molly looked at Christina's picks... it seemed like she saw a different narrative playing out and KNOWS that there is likely more to the story.

    I love the characters of Sonny and Ava so it's very fun to watch them go at it...
    Just don't kill her off
    Sonny & Jason's friendship dynamic is still there. They have a way of balancing each other out.

    Agent Kates is way too obsessed.
    Who is his son anyway???

    Carly and Brennan are intrigued with each other. I guess I'm here for their snake on snake love affair 😆

    I like when Tracey wears her hair down.
    The tea party scene was cute.
    It's time to bring Violets mom back.
    Brooklyn has her hands full and can't really be a stepmother right now.

    1. second about ava clothes go change girl

    2. Tracy's hair is so glorious! And YES, I think Molly does know that Kristina is lying about Ava's part in this. Do something interesting with that, GH... And all I remember about Cates' son is that he has autism, because he really connected with Leo when he was first introduced on the show. Before Cates became completely obnoxious and unlikeable. I think he said his son stays in a care home back in California. I think Carly's RUTHLESS dig is that Cates has left his son behind to pursue this vendetta against Sonny. Ouch. I'm HERE for Carly being an absolute shark again, lol!

  5. Why is Anna running around antagonizing everyone? Wasn’t Felicia supposed to be waiting for her to get back to the Metro Court Dining Room? Guess the writers forgot that fact!

    1. That made me laugh so hard...Anna totally ditched Felicia :')

    2. Anna does nothing but hide out those involved with her personally, like Valentin, Peter etc., she should never be in a position of so-called power. Shes a hypocrite. And please Anna drop the ankle boots & the tight dress, with that boney body, there so not your age. OH by the way Brennan whose side is she on? Shes on the side of Anna. Bye Bye Blaze! But Mommy dearest isn't done with Sonny yet. So its going to get dicey with Kristina. Glad Jason & Sonny are together again, need some excitement.

  6. Anna needs to be fired as Commissioner, she is such a dirty cop. I have lost any respect for her that I used to have.

    1. Anna has NO business leading the PCPD. She is entirely self-serving in positions of power--the queen of moral relativism.

  7. ava has been in that top for two three days now girl go change, again what the hell happened to ava apartment she was subletting to nina, nina found a way to completely rent it to some one else sold it under ava what happen to that apartment

    tracy's hairstyle is so school girlish made her kinda look a bit youthful, tracy showing her softer side is just wigging me out, its nice but thats weird

    oh look miss i think i know it all, look who ended a relationship kristina, you and blaze that chick is wrong about everything

    sonny what happen to protecting your children mothers yes ava is piece of low down trash she deserves everything horrible that happens to her but killing her karma will come for that woman, how does sonny explain him being the reason ava is gone to avery someday

    finally blaze shows she has a backbone that she has a mind of her own, finally this girl stands up to her mother it was about time good for her

    cates shut up you have no integrity or any sense of who he should trust or give his trust to, the man is an fbi agent with radar for who is good or bad this guy is one note sonny sonny sonny all day everyday ava is playing that man like a fool and he cant even see that

    1. do they have that on a plaque some where, whenever tracy tries to run the q mansion, some says "its monica house alan gave it her", underscore targeted at tracy, violet that kid hilarious even gio threw that in tracy face lol, that line is always fun to hear though

      there it is what molly knows in her heart but was afraid to think that kristina is as much to if not more to blame for that baby dying as ava is, she was the aggressor as ava told her now find those custody papers and tell kristina off

    2. These writers totally forgot about that apartment... :')

      And Molly deserves to know the whole truth about what Kristina was planning, and what Kristina did in Ava's room.
