Thursday, August 29, 2024

General Hospital 8-29-24 Full episode

General Hospital 8-29-24 Full episode 29th August 2024

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  1. Kates is doing a great job!
    And I only say that because I want to punch 🤜 his face every time I see him 😆 ...and I don't even like Christina! To charge her for the baby's death... super low.

    He is so giddy about arresting people. Offering to come pick Sonny up at his home THEN offering to meet him at the Q mansion after he says his goodbyes?!?! Pure evil... just obsessively vindictive.
    Ava just has got to escape from his hands OMG

    Drew Q for you!!! 🍾🥂 🎉 🍾🥂 🎉
    I love it... cool slogan and it was nice to see people in casual wear like Micheal Corinthos in Jeans 😆 Yesterday it was Ava.
    Drew operates best in business mode and will make a good politician. Yeah, politics and scandal go hand in hand. Willow is "feeding" into her crush too.

    PLUS I think that Curtis will be great filling in and leading at Aurora. It is just a matter of time before Curtis or Portis has an affair. So his busy schedule will just "open" the door for the opportunity.

    I don't care for Carly BUT I like how she keeps Donna and Avery connected as sisters... and close to Sonny.

    Dante is mentally still spinning from Tracy's attack on him and so it's spilling over. That is the un-pretty part of grief... misplaced anger and the blame game.
    Carly loves to call people out on their past BUT omg... she can't handle it being done to her.

    Either way, I don't like seeing Dante like this. IF Sam does die while being the organ donor THEN it will be somewhat poetic for him. Because he'll always have a piece of Sam inside of Lulu. I'm guessing that this is what the writers are aiming for... that way Dante and Lulu are gently forced back together and onto the viewers.

    The LAST thing that BLQ and Chase needs is a baby right now. Did they even get a decent honey moon??? Has it even been a year??? Let's not rush things.

    Decent episode.

    1. Chase and Brooklynn definitely need to settle in first, so much has happened in the short time since they've been married, that would be a lot to handle! I'm all about honeymoon first. ;) And I would not be against breaking up Curtis and Portia. Make Curtis likeable again, lol.
      And yes, run Ava, run!!!!!!!!!! :)

  2. I was wondering why Dante was bringing up Carly's crap from 14 years ago, I think is still spiraling from his conversation with Tracy and in a bad mood. But I have to stop him at the "do you know what that did to Brooklyn". Brooklyn tried to have sex with you after drugging you so you were so messed up you didn't know where you were. That's on Brooklyn, that's attempted rape and she should be on a sex offenders registry for that one.

    Based on the conversation between Sonny and Carly, does that mean we are finally going to get the see the long over due Sonny apology tour.

    I wanted to smack Alexis. Tell Kristina to bite her tongue until you and Diane can get her out. Sonny giving Cates what he wants does not mean that he will stop his vendetta. Cates is petty enough to continue out of spite.

    1. I sure hope so, on the Sonny apology tour! Long overdue. Brooklynn still gets into trouble sometimes, but she has come a looooooong way since her scheming youth. Reminds me of Maxie in that way, they both really grew up.

  3. BBBBBBBaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrffffffffffffffffffff... Drew calling out Willow like that, and then congratulating Michael on having the sense to marry her, bbbbbbbaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrfffffffffffffff... This guy is a grade A psychopath now, seriously, who does that. And GET AWAY from him Willow, geez, he's a grown man, he can deal with his feelings. Guess she really isn't all that great a person I thought she was, disappointing.

    Speaking of psychos, man CATES! You must have a death wish. Adding manslaughter to Kristina's charges, good grief. Going to destroy that girl to get to Sonny... Hahahahahaha, boy, they are dragging Dex into this baby story, lol, how random! Guess the kid needs more screen time with anyone not named Josselyn. I can't believe for a second that Sonny would actually take the fall for Kristina, guess we'll see!

    1. Molly "used" Dex to serve her purpose and now it's Alexis and Christina's turn 😆
      Kinda of nice seeing Dex with others.. I forgot that he wasn't an official cop yet

    2. I agree, even if it's random, he needs an identity beyond Joss, even if he's just standing around, love that Alexis walked up and plucked him for the task at hand, lol...

  4. Drew will not go Washington DC. Drew belongs in port charles and he not Leaving

  5. Drew is acting like a 16 yr old. Grow up, I just can't with him anymore. First Carly then Nina, now Willow & him acting like teenagers. He needs someone like Jordan to kick him back to reality not a "used to be Happily" married woman like Willow. Just NO!

    1. I agree, but not Jordan, lol!!!!!!!!!!! She deserves someone awesome, not mid-life crisis weirdo Drew.

  6. Alexis needs to call FBI and report Cates....

  7. Bob can you repost this episode please?

  8. Hahahahaha, Curtis there, holding up the phone for Drew like a proud Dad. This would all be so great if they hadn't completely ruined Drew's character and spoiled the Curtis/Drew friendship for me.

  9. damn sonny and carly are still vibing but never take that man back carly sonny is a disloyal ungrateful unworthy piece of crap

    drew and willow why why, these two have become so unlikeable do not like when they are in scene together anymore they are forever gross and there they go eye fking each other

    dustin that the dude name dante she was not going to make any life with that guy her last memory was of dante wait so lulu does not know that dustin died in that bombing yikes how many deaths will lulu have to deal with

    so the writers are bringing old shit up can it be revealed that liesl was manchurian candidating dante, she was mind controlling dante to be her personal killer always hated lisel got away with what she was doing to dante

    why is dante passing his guilt on carly all the woman ask was is he ok and he is attacking her really dante bringing up irrevelant crap from the past wasnt that resolved between them

    isnt michael the one running aurora why is curtis auditioning for the job huh. thought curtis was running the division that had to do with some gym exercise healthy living stuff or whatever it was

    no chase no do not breed with brooklyn
