Thursday, August 1, 2024

General Hospital 8-1-24 Full episode

General Hospital 8-1-24 Full episode 1st August 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. I had a feeling this was going to happen to Kristina. Once Sonny finds out, Ava is done.

  2. YES! yes!!! Yes!!! I'm so glad to see Christina go threw that window.
    It was the best scene on today.
    Classic soap fall. 😆
    The 2nd best scene was Ava telling Christina off and putting that spoiled brat in her place.

    BUT unfortunately I doubt if GH will kill off the super annoying Character of Christina.
    (As bad as I want them too)

    My only concern is the Baby...
    The sooner she has it the better so that they can get through the custody crap then put Christina on the backburner where she belongs.

    The Million Dollar question is whether or not Ava is staying in PC????
    As long as she remains at the Metro Court and not in her own residence... then there is a strong possibility that she won't be around. Maura West is a great actress and she should stay.

    Louise and Olivia are equally boring but some of their scenes are "required" for storyline purposes. I get it...
    Louise needs a love interest... give her something more to do besides flicking her fake nails 💅 and being a busybody.

    1. Oh man, if it was just Kristina going through that window, I probably would have been ambivalent toward it too. The baby is what makes it terrible. Classic soap fall indeed, there is NO way a person would have gone through a hotel-grade window just because of tripping over a bag, not gonna happen, would have bounced right off! I hope this isn't the beginning of the end of Ava in PC, she's evil but fun! Amazing soap villain.

    2. Agree. Ava is more fun as an evil villain!

    3. turquoise agree with you kristina looked for it, she is nine months pregnant and all over place with no care for the baby as she claims

  3. brookie doesn't want or need Louise protection

  4. I like how Josselyn is like it's sooooooo hot as she's in her swimsuit and poor Gio is in pants and a collared shirt, lol! The way Lois gazes adoringly at Gio every time he walks by, ha!

    So Kristina is confiding in Alexis, Molly is going to Sam with her true feelings, this thing is going to blow the whole family apart. Bwahahahahaha, even Molly didn't believe it when she said everything was going to work out...

    And there goes Kristina, daaaaaannnnnnnggggggg now that's how you end an episode... Let the baby be OK! Man that scene was all just the definition of unlucky. Cates with the unintentional assist there, oh my. Those windows should be way more reinforced than that, but need the drama. Thank goodness for that pool, do your job for the first time Josselyn!!!!!

    Jordan being a great Mom to TJ. I felt it when she told him this should be a happy time. :( So considerate of Molly's feelings too, what a fantastic mother-in-law. WHEN will this show get her a SERIOUS romance interest, come on!!!!!

    Ava and Cates are funny together, she is going to rip him to pieces and leave him rotting when she's done with him. Love how Trina and Joss kept looking up towards Ava's room as they were gossiping about her dalliance. Honestly, can you two look more guilty, if she happens to look down at you? :) She's going to know exactly what's going on, and that could set her off on Trina.

    Can't wait for tomorrow's episode!!!!!!!! Yay, GH!

    1. lol yes the two lifeguards just standing there get they are shocked but action people

      and that is what tj was worried about given kristina need to always be up in people face taking unnecessary risk she did not have to go to ava room, this did not have to happen but kinda glad it did that sound mean dont care kristina looked for it and there always doing the worse and the most and she thinks she would be better parent than tj and molly

      this girl never thinks before she acts

  5. Wow Ava big trouble coming after you. Hoping Kristina is not leaving & the baby fight is over, with Kristina being incapable of making any decisions for the time being. Lois needs to go home; Brooklynn does not need her Mommy going after Sonny who she adores. T.J. needs to stand down a bit, he's changing in a bad way. I can see him & Molly separating if he keeps provoking her in his opinions.

  6. is sam for real she has heard first hand right out of kristina mouth calling that baby hers on multiple occassions

    john cates is so thirsty and you mean to say there are no other hotels in port charles that cates can take up vacancy in this dude

    yes jordan kristina acting like that baby was made for her that tj willing gave of his dna so kristina can have a child tj and molly better fight hard to keep that baby and then keep kristina away from it

    thank you tj, everyone is bending over backwards to please kristina, kristina on the other hand is just antagonizing everybody and they are just suppose to take it the hell with kristina

    oh look predictable kristina goes after ava putting herself in a situation where where anything can happen tj was worried that kristina action would put that baby in danger and there it is she does as is expected and put that kid in danger

    we all saw that coming months ago right

    ava calling someone a liar, and a thug, butual murder lady where is that mirror
