Friday, August 16, 2024

General Hospital 8-16-24 Full episode

General Hospital 8-16-24 Full episode 16th August 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. Thanks for everything, Bob… have a lovely weekend!

  2. Thanks Bob !!!! Loved the Mac & Cody scenes today Now I guess Jason will be after Valentin

    1. hope jason goes after valentin that man has gotten away with too much evil and yes jason and sonny has too but valentin is intentionally malicious get him jason

    2. Agree!! Except don’t want Valentin dead, still like him lol

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  5. Finally!🥳🥳 The Mac/Cody storyline is officially over!!!🥳🥳
    Everyone's happy....well, almost.

    Is John Cates on crack?!?
    I knew he was going to try to arrest Kristina but this is VERY reckless.
    He's so damn reckless!
    Good Friday cliffhanger nevertheless.

    Finally! Someone knows about the Valentin portion of the med tampering.
    Things are about to get uglier!

    (Sorry for the triple posts, typos lol)

    1. Yes, the sappy Hallmark Movie storyline is over!!! 🥳
      I'm so glad.

  6. So.. Laura gets a call from the nursing facility.. something to do with Lulu. I wonder if she's starting to come around finally? And yes, it was good to see Mac and Cody finally resolve their differences, but I frankly wish the writers could have accomplished The close of the storyline without Cody literally having to save Mac's grandson in the process.

  7. Yay for Cody joining the Scorpio clan officially, and Mac getting the child he always dreamed of!

    Wow, Cates has guts. He is wide-eyed crazy now. Arresting Kristina is a BOLD move. She was willing to let Ava take the fall for the accident, so karma is coming for her... I'm fine with it honestly, neither of them are without fault in this terrible tragedy.

    TJ is about to go on a warpath, and Molly might just join him. Maybe their hatred of Kristina will keep them together, lol... Especially if those custody papers come to light. Still hoping for a miracle baby for those two.

    Hopefully Lulu and Lucky are coming back at the same time!!! Spencers in Port Charles again...

    1. cody is the child mac wanted doubtful still dont like cody being mac son but it what is

      not mad about tj and molly blaming kristina for that baby dying she was at responsible little miss hot head know it all and yes really really want molly to find those papers

      good regarding lulu and lucky is really coming back great now laura will have the distraction of her children and hopefully she will stop focusing her energy on heather

    2. Cody definitely needs some work, but he's been trying to be a better person, for many reasons, and for a long time now. A Dad like Mac can get him there, and I hope that's the direction they go with it. :)

      I don't fault Molly and TJ for being angry at all. With a traditional surrogate (a paid position), you sign an agreement that says you'll take care of the baby, attending all medical appointments, maintaining a healthy pregnancy, not undertaking dangerous activities... Kristina's first priority, as a surrogate, should have been the well-being of the baby, especially at over 8 months pregnant. Any court order dealings could have waited until after she gave birth--courts will give you grace for that, they won't jeopardize the health of an unborn baby. Those hearings get delayed all the time, for much less substantive reasons.
      Unfortunately, TJ and Molly didn't follow standard protocol in establishing Kristina as the surrogate, so they just don't have any legal grounds to stand on. :( But it's more than fair to just cut Kristina out of their lives. They did make it a point on the show to mention that Kristina can still get pregnant, so I'm hoping dumb-dumb Kristina makes an offer to Molly to try again, and Molly goes absolutely POSTAL, for ALL the reasons, ha. Come on, drama...

    3. Which custody papers? And I still wonder if the original surrogate secretly had the baby!

    4. Now THAT would be some drama, what in the world would her motivation have been... :) And the papers Kristina asked Alexis to draft so she could maintain her rights to the child "in case Molly and TJ break up". Boo, as she messes up their relationship so bad they might actually break up...

  8. The Cody, Mac, James, Maxi, Felicia, Sasha scenes were great today! The rest of the show was really blah and lengthy. I kept checking to see how long until it was over.

  9. goddamn kristina that child would not have been yours to take care of enough of this my baby crap really need tj and molly to hear her call their kid that

    and alexis yes she warned about this baby giving of kristina egg situation but she has heard kristina voice wanting to keep molly and tj baby she has even helped by sending links to aid with getting custody legally need molly to know that

    now john cates is trying to make ava a victim lol, well kristina did go there to harass this woman, but geesh this kristina going out a window is being spinned into something its not, first ava did not have to mess with the scene of a clear accident, she put hands on the girl but kristina is the one who jerk violently away, now they are trying to say kristina attacked ava lol, well guess these two perpetual victims will get all the attention they wanted and all they had to do was tell the truth about what happen and neither would have their ass thrown in jail

    does john cates think going after a woman who just lost a baby is being wheeled out of a hospital is a smart thing to do that will make the man look really bad and vindictive john cates man there is thing called optics this dude has not tact

    ooh mac should have made cody sweat a bit more before accepting that man into his family

    of course the three stooges plans are going haywire, did ava forget all the resources sonny has, john and scott are dumb as hell not even shocked jason found the pharmacist, yes the pharmacist told jason the truth about ava messing with sonny pills and yes valentin name was mentioned as the person who started it love it

    1. Kristina has been downright gross on this point, pulling a Nina with all this my baby stuff, lol... :) She is so selfish. Incapable of being kind, even to her own sister. She can sit in a jail cell for a while for that, as far as I'm concerned...

      Yeah, Cates and Scottie were no match for Jason and Sonny, and Ava knew it right off the bat, that's the funniest part! "My plan can't fail", lol, whatever Cates! As it immediately fails and he does something else crazy instead...

    2. yes Cates is really DUMB. Him & Scottie are pair. Go to Spoon Island, yea thats not obvious. Maybe Kristina will have time now to get over her my baby, my baby nonsense in jail. Wait until she hears Molly & TJ naming her & having a service. She sure went from a scared/traumatized lil girl of Daddy beating up Dex, to: did you kill Ava yet.

  10. cates a agent right bending the law backwards and will throw Ava and Scott under the bus quickly to save himself for something happen over 20 yrs ago I blame ambitious sonny and Karen make there own choices cates cant get over it cates arresting Kristen not goin to help the matter but worsen it cates need to lose his badge and jail time hope Jason talk sonny down

  11. Thank you very much, Bob! Have a great weekend, Bob, and everyone here!

  12. Now THIS is a Friday cliffhanger!!!
    Good job new writers 👏 👏 👏
    Looks like Christina is going to jail.

    I love when Sonny and Jason brainstorm and strategize against their enemies.
    They are really keeping Agent Kates on his toes... he thought that it was going to be easy. 😆 Ava warned him too.

    I'm so glad that Jason found the pharmacist and that he spilled his guts.
    I almost wanted to have pity on the pharmacist but he actually tampered with Sonny's meds TWICE.
    (Once for Valentin and once for Ava.)
    He could've went to the police or even reported it internally at GH.
    But he didn't so it's time for his comeuppance.

    Good to see a rare scene with Ava and TJ.
    I actually love scenes at the gallery PLUS
    TJ needed to hear Ava's version of events. He needs all the closure that he can get.

    Ana is still trying to protect Valentin.
    She is the chief hypocrite YET she is always lecturing others about "justice"

    Brennan is so charming and demure...he didn't allow Ana to corner him about Valentin either, which I enjoyed.
    He calmly shut her down.

    Ok, so Laura got the call.
    Lulu is about to wake up and I'm SO GLAD that Lulu is being recasted. I wish we could get the original actress back

    BUT as long as they don't bring back the last actress then it's a good thing.
    Emilee Ryland ( I think that was her name) was NOT a good actress. She completely lacked range and was very whiny imo.
    Firing her was a sound decision.

    Whoever the NEW Lulu is it is important for her to act well and have good on screen chemistry with her family too.
