Wednesday, August 14, 2024

General Hospital 8-14-24 Full episode

General Hospital 8-14-24 Full episode 14th August 2024

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  1. Drew needs to leave Willow alone. He is a great uncle to her children and an uncle to her husband.

  2. Great seeing Sasha and Cody finally getting together.

  3. Hahahahaha, surprised everyone didn't just get up and leave Felicia alone at the park today... ;') Poor Maxie looked like she was in agony listening to Nina talk about having overnight fun with Drew again, lol...

    Well, if you're making me choose between Drew & Nina and Drew & Willow, then fine, Drew & Nina it is! Line of the episode to Drew, lol, "Michael and I feel the same way about you Willow", geez Drew, subconscious tell much???? Yuck. Hate that Willow is giving up something she loved because of that dude. I think she has residual cult issues--she's clearly struggling, if anyone on the show could use a therapist, it's her.

    Wow, Lois is absolutely going to town on that caviar, lol... Most expensive breakfast ever.

    Glad Tracy is finding a new backgammon partner. Her new relationships on the show--with Violet, the other kids, Cody, Stella--they're all making her downright lovable.

    Finally, Sasha and Cody are so cute together! Be happy guys! Nothing bad better happen to sweet little James!!!!!!

    1. man they have ruin drew, that guy used to be a decent honorable, respectful man who was selfless with his time whether to family friend or not,

      this guy that is drew now is selfish greed disgusting playboy how would he feel if scout was drooling after a man old enough to be her father who was also dating sam, drew would want to murder that man right but he thinks its ok to go after willow will doing whatever with nina

      the way this guy is betraying michael do not know how michael forgives that or will ever look at drew the same again

      drew and willow are both breaking a trust they have with michael dont think either one can get back when michael finds out

    2. The only potential redeeming thing about this arc is if it brings out the worst in Michael and he turns into a full-on Edward-style Quartermaine... Everything else is just yuck. And disappointing that two characters I liked so much before have become terrible. Sad face.

  4. willow showed she love her marriage but that skankie drew needs to walk away before something serious happen

  5. Overall a decent Humpday episode.

    Lois is way too intruding for me... she acts like people "owe" her answers 🙄
    Last time I checked she is the CEO of nothing and a freaking Q mansion guest.
    She is really overstaying her welcome imo as a matter of fact she is equally as overprotecive as Portia!
    Someone needs to tell her to mind her business for once.

    I DO think that having Natalia work at Deception is a good idea. I think that Tracy will get on board with having her eventually ...and receiving Sonny's money.
    I'm glad that Lucy will be there tomorrow.

    My next question would be where is Natalia going to live? She has been at the Metro Court long enough.

    Screwing Drew will cost Willow her husband, status and reputation.
    But running from attraction rarely works!
    Nina is disgusting...
    IF Drew wins his candidacy he will need a wife for political "optics".
    I can see Nina manipulating her way into that role and completely bulldozing over her daughter's feelings.
    Either way, it's going to be a mess.

    Mack is annoying me... as a matter of fact the entire storyline is BORING and that's why they are showing it on a Wednesday.

    Sasha and Cody's relationship has no sparks. Ok so the cook is going to be screwing the stablehand... So what!!!
    WHERE is the excitement / action in that?
    All they can do is steal kisses between shifts. It would be very interesting IF they were teens.
    IF the writers don't get Cody back into crime or some kind of PC action involving Selena Wu, then what is the point?

    The GOOD thing about the park scene was that it showed multiple people and a wider area instead of the typical scene of 2 people talking on single park bench under a tree. 👏 👏 👏

    1. You're right, if they're going to bring a legacy character like Lois back, they need to give her some real story, not just have her tailing Brooklynn. And yeah, Willow has got some real issues and attraction for Drew that running away is not going to help. She needs cult counseling. She grew up in a cult, now she's idolizing Drew that way--she needs a therapist to fix this. And Nina is NOT helping, this is all going to blow up, and hopefully end Drew's political career before it even starts. The political scandal of being with a wife-daughter combo, hoo boy... And DEFINITELY bring back Selena Wu, she was an awesome side character!

  6. Drew needs to leave Willow alone. The writers have totally destroyed this character and now he needs to get what is coming to him. We all know that Nina will end up being so vindictive that she will get even by destroying his political career and he so needs for this to happen to his two-timing ass.

  7. vomit drew and nina gag 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮, nina let me throw myself at drew to keep him distracted so he can stay away from my daughter yuck

    so once again natalia sugar coats her part in the blaze kristina drama that breakup she basically begged kristina to "let blaze go"

    lol natalia working at deception please can already see lucy and natalia butting heads, natalia and tracy going at, brooklyn taking her shots and as always maxi playing referee and trying to keep the peace

    oh natalia maxie tracy and lucy has to be consulted before natalia can even open the deception building door

    lol sasha in the background knowing exactly why willow be resigning that poor girl being privy to that kiss gross, guess drew will find reasons to go to that hospital now 🙄🙄🙄🙄

    good mac make cody work to have a place in your life and family

    willow giving people whiplash with her back and forth career choices and yes it because of you of course it is thank goodness there less of willow and nina together

    and drew drew drew the way that man keeps looking at willow the man now looks like a dirty old sleazoid with forever lust in eyes at willow and the way willow keeps looking at that man please make this end

    what ever happen to that esplanade that drew was going to build is that still or go or is this man life all consuming with wanting willow

    1. Yeah, Natalia is such a shameless gaslighter! Wonder how Sonny would feel if he knew the real story. But honestly, he's thinking with a different head whenever Natalia is around, he can't hold her accountable for any terrible thing she does or says, even when it's hurting his daughter... And she is so GOOD at manipulating him. I don't believe for a second she was ever going to go back to Puerto Rico, she went to his place with an agenda. I am looking forward to Tracy vs. Natalia though. That stuff won't fly with Tracy.

      Drew has become completely unwatchable for me, unless I view him as comedic relief, like a joke character. He used to be such a great guy, and now it's like he's going through some perv-ey mid-life crisis, yuck. I just feel bad for Michael at this point, when this inevitably comes out, that's going to hurt. And Drew has no business going into politics, can't believe this storyline is even happening, he should just work on finishing that esplanade! :)

  8. I want to know what happen to the blog for GH?
