Monday, August 19, 2024

General Hospital 8-19-24 Full episode

General Hospital 8-19-24 Full episode 19th August 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. YES!!! Yes!!! Yes!!! Brad is BACK!!!
    His character and humor was always a good addition to the show. I wish that Brit was here too. Their friendship had a unique flavor.

    Chief hypocrite... Oops! I meant Commissioner Devane is a piece of work. First Ana asked Jason for extra time to help Valentin escape and NOW she wants him to not tell Sonny about Valentin tampering with his meds !?!?!
    Are freaking kidding me....
    I'm so glad that Jason didn't give into her request & still told Sonny.
    Anna selectively applies "justice".

    Molly's disrespectful tone towards Jordan at the beginning of their meeting was wrong on multiple levels. Good to see Jordan maintain her maturity /professionalism while dealing with little miss Alexis Jr...
    I can't wait for TJ to dump her!!!

    BUT I will give her credit for being honest about her sister's true temperament. It felt so good seeing Christina get arrested.
    She absolutely deserved it!!!
    I want Ava to get off. I'm Team Ava.

    Agent Kates is beyond overzealous with his vendetta towards Sonny.
    He is attacking him from every angle. He has an obsession.
    Agent Kates could really use a session or two with Dr Collins. (along with many others in PC 😆)

    Tracy treats Cody like the "son" she wished she had... VERY motherly towards him. She has been showing more of her softer side since Gregory passed away though.
    But she doesn't treat Cody like an employee at all, more like a son.
    Much more so than Mack does!

    Sasha and Cody... certified snoozefest. 😴 💤 The writers need to step it up with his character...and Sasha's too.

    All I want to know about Lulu is WHO is the recast??? All these scenes about her not doing well are misleading since Lucky is returning.
    It is very unlikely that they would bring him back for her to die.

    Dante's scenes were cool today. He was supportive towards his ex-wife and his sister with their situations.
    Sometimes he can be TOO by-the-book BUT he has a caring side to him just like his Dad.
    Good for him!

    I also liked the outdoor scenes today with Jordan/ Molly AND Sonny/Jason in the vehicle. They came across very realistic.

    I like 90% of what I'm seeing from the NEW writers so far.

    1. chief hypocrite so true, anna wants to take sonny down, all others but her precious valentin can never pay for things he does because you know charlotte

      dont know what valentin coolaid anna is drinking but she need to get a detox fast

  2. Did anyone else catch that flubbed line that Cody had? when he said, "I told James I was his son".. "Mac" maybe?? or maybe told James I was his nephew.. And ok.. Brad's back.. meh, but obviously it makes others happy so welcome back B rad.

  3. Jason failed to tell Anna and Jason failed to tell Sonny that it was Ava who had Sonny's medicine switched entirely to placebos.

    1. I was thinking the same thing. Yeah, Jason wanted to find Valentin for his part but Ava is in town and had the tampered medication reduced to a placebo. Jason also only told Sonny about Valentin, I hope Ava's part in this gets exposed.

    2. third that ava needs to exposed for what she did to sonny meds this is how ava always gets away with everything just like nina and valentin people seem to just get amnesia about the things they do

  4. Cates has totally lost it. He, at least, needs psych help. Kristina was objecting to the subpoena to testify at the custody hearing for Avery, not a court case bringing any charges against Sonny.

  5. Somebody has to stop Cates already he's out of control and I'm glad Jason told Sonny the truth that Valentine messed with his meds.its good to see Brad back

  6. Ava definitely needs to go to prison, if she isn't murdered. You do not push a woman who was 8 1/2 months pregnant. She should have been in prison for so many crimes - Connie, Morgan, Olivia, Drew, and she tried to
    kill Nicholas. Ryan killed Kiki to please Ava. Before Julian was murdered, he asked for her help but she told him that he would just have to pay. It is long past time for Ava to pay. There are the placebos and the story about Braze and a whole lot of other things.

    1. ITA!!!!

      I know that Ava is not the only character to do bad things but here is where Ava differs.

      Ava has no conscience, she has no remorse for anything that she does and she learns nothing from the consequences of her actions.
      -Ava tampering with Sonny's medication proves Ava has no remorse and learned nothing from leading Morgan to his death by tampering with his medication.
      - Ava also does not understand why other people just don’t forget about Connie the way she did.

      For a character to be likeable after doing bad things, they need to have some redeeming qualities. Ava has no redeeming qualities; Ava only cares about Ava. Anything that Ava does that could superficially be seen as caring about another person is really about what Ava is getting out of it.
      - Ava wanted her and Avery to live with Sonny when she knew Sonny was mentally unstable because it gave Ava what she wanted, Avery never factored into the decision making process. What kind of a mother doesn’t care about putting their young child in a potentially volatile situation?
      - Trina just fills the void left by Kiki (who Ava was a horrible mother to). Actually, Trina is an easier to manipulate replacement for Kiki who works for her and so follows Ava’s orders, which definitely suits Ava’s needs.

      Ava is NOT a complex character, complex characters have those redeeming qualities, Ava is an amoral sociopath.

    2. Thank You.

      And to add to your earlier list is everything she did to AJ. 1) Framing him for killing Connie, 2) sending Carlos to try to kill him when he started to remember, 3) trying to kill him in her apartment before Sonny showed up, 4) trying to get Sonny to finish him off in her apartment, and 5) messing with his life support (not too long before he actually died)

    3. @My 2 Cents - Granted, that is true But don't you love to hate her though?
      C'mon admit it 😆
      What fun would there be for Ava to be off screen and in jail...

      Sonny assaulted 2 men in the past year and regularly visits the PCPD but not to sleep in a cell.
      One call to Diane and he walks pretty much every time.
      Shouldn't Ava be allowed the same opportunities? 😂

      @Susie - But DID Ava push her???
      OR did little miss clumsy pull away and trip over a luggage bag?

      It was an accident that Christina brought on herself. She caused it.

      Ava may be guilty.... OK OK is guilty of PAST crimes... but not this one!

      Brad has "paid" for his past crimes but I can guarantee that he is not coming back to GH to be a good Samaritan... it's just a matter of time before he is back in the middle of Major Drama.
      Just like Heather and Cyrus.

      GH is full of entertaining bad guys
      Jail doesn't change them...

      I guess some people just won't be happy until Ava is back wearing orange again...

    4. Love Ava. especially when now shes accused of something she didn't do. Even better.

    5. I love Ava as an engine of chaos on the show--she brings the drama and she is a very good actress. That's not to say I think she's a great person, she IS an amoral psychopath, who has actually been habitually jealous of her own children (her interactions with Kiki and obsessions with taking her lovers are a case study in that) and manipulator of every psychopath she's ever been in a relationship with. And there have been many psychos in her bed. But Maura West's acting is superb, in that when she feels things, she makes me feel those things too, and I can't help but feel sorry for her. Always hoping she'll turn a page, for Avery, or Trina, but she never does. It is poetic for her to finally suffer and be held accountable for crimes she didn't even do. I wouldn't be mad at that, but I think they should keep her out of jail and on the show, period.

    6. ava is an idiot always has been an idiot the woman does these things that always comes back to bit her, she is self serving, self sabbotaging fool who thinks she is some criminal mastermind have never seen that ava is just good at getting away with her crimes

  7. OMG right ANNA! The hypocrisy of Anna is constant. The last person who should be police commissioner. Cody & Sasha are just boring/ Violet is adorable. Good job Tracy, let him have it. Bring Britt back, her & Brad were so cute together. And her & Jason were on fire!

  8. Wow, they should just make Jordan the mayor and the DA of Port Charles, goodness sakes, Laura and Robert leave her in charge of everything all the time. I hope she is very well paid. Honestly, she should drop politics and just be a model, she is too gorgeous to be doing all this grunt work all the time. COME ON, NEW GH writers, give her a real romance story, for crying out loud…

    Laura laying the guilt trip on Anna, good!

    Wow, Cates, tip your hand much? You’re just asking to be booted off the force, stop talking so much.

    It was HILARIOUS to have Terry read Brad the riot act—going down memory lane of all the crazy things he did in his time in Port Charles, awesome! Now HE brings the drama…nothing if not entertaining. Put him and Selena Wu back on the board somehow, for sure!

    Anna is downright gross now. A shameless, relentless gaslighter. Using Charlotte and Lulu to manipulate now too… Jason, stop giving her the time of day. She would throw you under the bus in a heartbeat to cover for the criminals she favors, all the while throwing shade at you and Sonny. Someone she now knows has been improperly and illegally unmedicated. Honestly, hearing how Valentin messed with Sonny’s meds, and you’re still protecting him... Yikes. Be the upstanding police commissioner, or don’t. Such an unbelievable hypocrite. Make Jordan police commissioner again too!!!! Haha, she can be the total trifecta, anything is possible in Port Charles!!!

    1. lol said the same thing about laura as mayor that woman never has time to do the people work not faulting her for going to her daughters side, but she is always leaving the bulk of the work to the DM, jordan and the other lady that was spying for victor but she sure has time to run all around to them prisons to ensure that heather is set free of her murdurous crimes

    2. Yeah, Jordan is like Maxie in that way, just doing all the actual work while the people around them, in supposedly higher positions, run around town and even the world just causing problems, lol... :') Love those ladies. They actually run the world.

  9. brad where is your aunt selina wu, thought that selina wu had brad under her thumb after she helped him get out of prison she had him beholden to her what happened with that and why would general hospital give brad who abused his power at the hospital with his shady actions give that guy a job whaaaattt then again britt and lisel were given their job back and she is an international criminal whatever oh yeah elizabeth hid a thought dead peter in the hospital basement and was stealing medicine to treat a held captive pregnant esme yet the woman is head nurse

    what else is new the deputy major does the actual job of the mayor once again while the mayor is always incapable oh laura if she gets another term will be shocked

    once again cates is the most ill informed agent the man is coming after sonny and he does not do his research about the people in sonny life how incompetent is that guy cates what the way the man harasses uses anyone he thinks is connected to sonny is all kinds of wrong

    and here this cates guy goes again ava already gave the pcpd her statement where she said kristina fell out of the window of her own accord, then there is ava who messed with the scene of the accident or now crime scene, and there is trina who saw ava close the curtain as if to hide a crime wont cates going around saying ava is an fbi witness conflict with her statement seeing how she did not mention that little fact seriously could not care less about ava or kristina they both could share a cell these two are ridiculous

    anna anna still making excuses for valentin, like the woman does not know who valentin is at his core woman please enough the blinder anna wears regarding valentin the man put a hit on sonny she almost got hit, he was working with brennan put a hit on anna who had an wsb agent burn anna house down yet anna is still acting like valentin is some misunderstood person who deserve her loyalty or protection

    the way molly twitched when kristina said my baby and molly is right all that is happening is kristina fault she did not have to go to ava room and open her big mouth

    1. Bwahahahahahahaha, if they took all the criminals out of General Hospital there would be NO ONE left to work there, heeheehee... I mean, like you said, Elizabeth helped hold a pregnant lady hostage in a castle and she was IMMEDIATELY promoted...hahahahahahahaha....

      And when is the next mayoral election, I feel like we haven't seen one on-screen since Spencer rigged the last one, and he was a little boy back then! ;')

      I am so looking forward to Molly totally snapping when Kristina thoughtlessly goes too far with her, make it happen GH!!! The only thing that would make this terrible storyline worthwhile at all...

  10. I'm so sick of this "Karen" excuse it's not like he made her strip she wanted to besides Cates cheated on her and had a child with another women plus Karen's dead move on.

  11. Happy to have Brad back!
    The current thing was over 30 years ago, he needs to get over it, and he’s actually repeating the same thing toward kristina !!
    But I didn’t get to finish the episode before it was removed!
