Friday, August 23, 2024

General Hospital 8-23-24 Full episode

General Hospital 8-23-24 Full episode 23rd August 2024

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  1. Wow that was a surprise seeing Lucky today and I'm getting tired of Molly blaming Kristina for the babies death Kristina carried that baby for eight months

    1. I know some people are blaming Kristina but seriously, who in their right mind ever thinks that a verbal confrontation is going to result in someone going through the window. I would get blaming Kristina if she got upset and reckless sped while driving but there is no way that Kristina should have expected to go through a window.

    2. Kristina has always been reckless and always gets in a mess that everyone has to get her out of. She always plays the victim card. If I were in Molly’s place I would blame her too and never forgive her and never forgive Alexis either. They both conspired to steal that baby. I would sue her for breach of promise. She should feel guilty for killing that baby. The only way any man would get that lesbian pregnant would only be sperm in a test tube. She would not be a good mother and seems her only reason for living is to make others miserable around her. Such a selfish brat, TJ has every right to sue her because it’s his baby too.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You go Molly I agree 100% Sonny was more important than the baby Kristina should NOT have went to see Ava (knowing she would fight her about this ) So YES it was Kristina fault the baby didn't make it now we don't have to worry about a court battle because neither one will have Irene .

    1. I totally agree with lindasavage, it’s Kristina’s fault and also blame Alexis for picking one daughter over the other. Everybody keeps on enabling Kristina’s bad behavior when she really needs to be put in a psych ward.

    2. 3rd'd lol, this whole mess is Kristina's fault. I get getting attached to a baby you're carrying, but if she truly cared for Molly at all, she would have kept that baby name to herself, and not turned the funeral into a stage for her grief, talking about being the only one who knew the baby because she carried her, just entirely dismissing Molly and TJ as parents, and after making them feel so uncomfortable, walking on eggshells around Kristina, over the entire course of the pregnancy. So unbelievably selfish. And she should totally go on a registry, this was borderline criminal behavior, if only Molly and TJ had taken the proper steps...

    3. True! The scene at the funeral was terrible, and of course, what did she think Ava was going to do if she went to her room l?! did she really think Avs was going to change her mind about the subpoena??!?!

  4. Thank you very much, Bob! Have a great weekend, Bob, and to everyone here!

  5. I was even happier than I expected to see Lucky. I know it is old school but Elizabeth is single and deep down, I am still an L&L2 fan. I think how they were handled (13-15 years ago) was horrible.

    I liked Maxie acknowledging that she withheld the truth about Lulu from Dante. I was wondering if it was just another storyline plot that the writers just forgot about.

    1. Yeah, it was really great to see the kid again! I just hope they have a truly worthwhile storyline planned for him. And Lulu-Dante is totally unresolved, I hope they do something interesting with that relationship too!

    2. Maxie never told Dante that Lulu had changed her mind about committing to the teacher-guy she was seeing, because she still had feelings for Dante.

  6. get her molly go for the jugular let it all out damn molly breaking my heart and kristina finally stop gaslighting molly and tj and tells the truth she wanted their child and was going to keep it from day one, all her my sacrifice selfless act crap was just that crap, that girl kristina was getting attention as a pregnant person and she wanted more, kristina was going to stab her sister molly in the heart and she still does not care that molly is screaming her pain at her and its because of the pain that kristina inflicted on molly and tj

    kristina is still bloody tone deaf to what she was going to do to molly and tj was an absolute horrible person kristina is man this girl is truly sonny daughter nothing is ever their fault and everyone has to bend over backwards for them an apologize them only they never offer any apologizes for anything they do

    lol kristina what an over the top drama queen is so full of it the girl dropping to the ground to get more sympathy from mommy and sister dearest two people who knew kristina wanted molly child she kept calling the baby my child in front of them, and alexis did take a side when she sent kristina links to draft that custody paper and then took the papers to look over for kristina she warned alexis did warn but she did make kristina think she was right doing what she did

    and killer molly just grabs her guy and walks away that was awesome

    wish shawn tj dad could have made it to the funeral for tj sake

    good laura is getting her children back so she can stop obsessing over heather and her misguided attempt to make heather some victim of circumstance

    oh no dante the last time when lulu was alive before the bombing she rejected that teacher guy forget his name proposal she was going to choose dante and if lulu does come back dante is so going to chose her and that will be the second time that someone has left sam for their first love, patrick did that when robin came back and dante is clearly still in love with lulu

    so lucky excuse for being a dead beat absent father for so long is because he is someone hostage wonder whom

    1. I was all in for Molly going after Kristina. Molly was so unbelievably caring and gracious to Kristina in the hospital after the accident. It was only after talking to Ava, and then seeing those custody papers, that she realized what a truly terrible thing her sister had done. I can't get on board with folks excusing Kristina's behavior and asking for yet more grace for this selfish brat. It's one thing if Molly had tracked her sister down and begged her to be the surrogate, but she didn't. She declined her offer, for good reason. Then the first tragedy struck, and Kristina POUNCED in on grieving parents to save the day, supposedly. TJ had pretty immediate buyer's regret, but Molly kept the faith in her sister for a long time, despite several red flags. She owes Kristina nothing at this point, and I hope they cut her out of their lives completely. And I hope Jordan goes nuclear and we get to see her fire too. She's lost two grandbabies in a short period of time too, she's allowed to get a little less composed for once. I'm glad TJ and Molly walked away together hand-in-hand too. :) Praying for a miracle baby!

  7. I hope Molly and TJ well adopt a baby soon. Of course, it would be better if Molly would now be able to get pregnant and experience carrying her own baby and having all of that time to bond with the baby.

    1. I agree Susie hope the writers let Molly find out she CAN get pregnant and rub it in Kristina & Alexis face (neither one has anything to do with the baby BOY ) now that would be a good story !!!!

  8. The writers like to throw twists in the shows. If Molly would become able to get pregnant and carry her own biological child, the writers could, also, write the story with TJ no longer being able to father a baby so Molly would have to have a sperm donor. The writers would have all kinds of possibilities for drama.

    1. OR Molly and TJ could be at the park and bump into the original surrogate with a Biracial Toddler???
      Then that way they could still have their own baby back.. after a an investigation and a very dramatic court hearing of course
      Anything is possible !

    2. Turquoise, I don’t recall… did Molly have eggs that were used with that first surrogate? Either way, would be a great twist…

    3. Well, thanks to Bob, you can always go back and rewatch episodes!

    4. And just required a simple yes or no. Gosh, thanks.

    5. @NorthwindLife -- It was Kristina's egg that was used for the baby she carried. I don't recall why, but Molly couldn't supply the egg. I believe it's because of whatever issue it is that is making Molly unable to have children.

    6. So ... Kristina is the biological mother.

    7. Why thank you, unknown. Actually tho, I was asking if the first surrogate had Molly’s egg implanted. If not, it would be Tj and the surrogate who are bio parents to the baby (if it is, in fact alive). That would prob cause as much drama as Kristina🤦🏻‍♀️

  9. Good for Molly!! I'm so tired of whiny ass Krissy. She's a whole selfish pot of diarrhea. I cannot believe she cut Jordan off like that! What a terrible thing to do. I'm so glad Molly let it all out. Miss Drama can't take it so she reacts by dropping to the to ground for the attention. Disgusting! Take it Kristina! You were bold enough to call Irene Adella in front of Molly and get up in front of Jordan to talk about yourself. What a selfish brat. Then we have Alexis, acting as if every word out of Molly broke her heart, please woman. You choose to side with the wrong daughter.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Kudos to the writers! 👏 👏 👏

    Maxie painting Lulu's nails 💅 was a nice touch. And with the actress Kristin Storms back to her normal size... it made their scene more believable because that is how she looked during their last scenes together as Besties.

    Dante and Lulu had broken up BEFORE she went into a coma so I'm hoping that the writers stay true to that ...and keep him with Sam. . It's normal for him to still care BUT let's not romantically rewrite history once she wakes up.

    Kristina DESERVED every tear today!!!
    The spoiled brat finally had to break down once confronted with the truth.
    Molly dropped TRUTH bomb after TRUTH bomb 💣 💣. Even Alexis FINALLY got called out on her blatant favoritism too.
    Molly has been holding that in for a long time... BUT she let it out today.
    I'm liking Molly a lot more right now. 👍

    She even told her father how she already knows exactly how things are going to go because she has experienced the pattern way too many times.
    Molly should NOT forgive Kristina for a long time imo.

    WHY was Portia so invested on learning about Ric Lansing???
    Do I sense a future chemistry test / possible future hook-up???
    OR maybe the writers used this part of the conversation at the repass to educate/ inform any new viewers about Ric.

    Good to see Jordan finally getting provoked to to show some passion/fire now that she knows about Alexis & Kristina's plan. It's about time...
    The original Jordan has more range.
    This Jordan is beautiful BUT she tends to play it safe and be VERY by-the-book.
    It's time for Jordan to come alive....
    STOP being the "Peaceful Barbie Doll" and bring on the D-r-a-m-a !!!

    Good for Louis! Yes, make her a regular on the Home and Heart segment.
    That way she has something to actually DO and tone down the wild acrylics 💅 .
    Time for nude colors & French manicures😆 😆 🤣
    Just kidding, Lois' authenticity brings a flare and flavor that Sasha lacked.
    Not necessarily better... just different.
    I'll bet that Sales will increase big time.

    Ahhh! Yes, the foreign dungeon set...
    Dante was there... when he had to say
    "I must complete the mission".
    Drew had to sleep there after getting tortured and beat-up...

    NOW it's Lucky's turn!!!
    Welcome Back Jonathan Jackson 😊

    Very good episode & Excellent pacing

    1. @Turquoise -- Kelly Monaco (Sam) is leaving the show, and I've read her character is getting killed off.

  12. storyline is complicated and juicy. but nothing compares to writing back in jonathan jackson!! hope he's back for the foreseeable future 🙏🏾

  13. You never let us down, Bob. I’m grateful for you… hope your weekend is going well :)
