Tuesday, August 6, 2024

General Hospital 8-6-24 Full episode

General Hospital 8-6-24 Full episode 6th August 2024

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  1. We really dépend on you Bob. Hope u know how grateful we are for your existence . Thanks

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  3. Yes, Thanks Bob for your efforts and consistency. It is appreciated. 👍

    Very good episode today with good pacing. I enjoyed seeing Morgan and his and conversation with Sonny was needed. The fact that it resulted in Sonny seeking help voluntarily after being mentally pushed to the edge "literally".
    Kevin will definitely get to the bottom of Sonny's medication issue.

    Ava should NOT be charged with manslaughter because she did not push Christina!!! Christina barged in her hotel room like a hothead and proceeded to verbally assault Ava ... which Ava had a right to tell her off and put her in her place. It's not Ava's fault that the annoying spoiled brat was clumsy enough to trip over a luggage bag...
    Christina got what she freaking deserved imo.

    I really hope that GH is not choosing to let Maura West go while keeping the actress that plays Christina. That would be very foolish. Most viewers are not tuning in for her and Blaze, like c'mon...

    The only reason I tolerate Christina is because she is Sonny's kid and Sonny doesn't deserve to lose 2 kids.
    I don't give a rats butt about Alexis.
    She is only tolerated as well because of her connections with other characters.

    BUT I am glad that Brick decided to assist Jason by providing those pictures that show Ava's actions AND Kate's luggage bag. Jason is truly in Sonny's circle of trust. He has proven that time & time again.

    I really like Jason and Anna working together even though they are on opposite sides of the law, they actually well together when they are collaborating to solve crimes. I hope that it continues.

    Carly and Donna's scenes were cute...
    Looks like Avery will be moving in with Carly because Ava is going to jail and Sonny is going to a Psch ward.

    All we need now is for Brennan to return to PC... I'm sure that Carly will have no problem expressing her "gratitude" for his help with her case 😆

  4. I really enjoyed seeing Morgan. The Sonny messed up medications story had gotten way past old. This was the best part of the story and I am glad that Sonny is 1) acknowledging the problem finally and 2) voluntarily getting help from someone trustworthy.

    Did Ava push Kristina out the window....no....but that horrible woman has gotten away with so much other crap that I am enjoying watching her squirm. I would like Ava's role in Sonny's medication tampering to come out. Hell, I would like it to finally come out that Ava shot Olivia and ran Drew down with her car.....but that will never happen. Then there is the preview...."sometimes good people do bad things".....Ava, good people?....what was the standard of comparison....Hitler.

    1. 😆 Your comment was hilarious 😂
      But I'm still Team Ava.
      Why? Because she is an excellent villain and it's undeniable.
      All the things that she did in the past to Connie, Drew, Olivia, Morgan etc... are inconsequential.

      Look at all the stuff that Sonny has done... and he is the star of the show!!!

      Just about EVERYBODY in PC has committed crimes that they got away with or got off Scott free !!!
      So Ava shouldn't be any different.

      Valentin, Cyrus, Heather AND Ava are the ones keeping GH exciting.

      GH is full of complex characters who do bad things sometimes.
      Ok, in Ava's case...a lot of bad things.
      BUT I still want her on the show 😆

    2. The difference for me and why I hate Ava is that she has no conscience. Ava has no remorse for the damage she causes and learns nothing from it. She led Morgan to his death by tampering with his medication and now she is doing it to Sonny, she learned nothing. I don't have a problem with a complicated character. I do have a problem with an amoral sociopath.

  5. I'm glad Sonny went to Kevin for help now there going to find out that someone fooled around with sonny's meds and I enjoyed Anna putting handcuffs on Ava

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  7. I've had several miscarriages but none at 8 months. Its horrific at 4/ 5 months but at 8 months I can't imagine. Kristina if they play this correctly is going to be a very difficult recovery. It's devastating to lose a child even in utero, their part of you & you connect with them as soon as you know & sometimes even before. This should be a very hard & emotional part of this show. God knows they play into gay & black constantly, let's do this some justice too.

  8. It was great watching Chase put the handcuffs on Ava after Anna showed Ava the pictures of Ava with her hand on Kristina giving Kristina a push! Ava should have gone to prison when she shot Connie and, also, when she changed Morgan's medication. It was so good that Sonny went to Kevin for help. Hopefully, Kevin will discover that his medication has been altered and that the police discover Ava's part in that, also.

  9. Thank you, Bob, for all you do for your fellow fans!

  10. Ava never touched Kristina. She almost did but Kristina pulled away from her. Who altered those pictures Brick or the photographer? And how stupid is Anna for not checking first to see if the photos were doctored or not. She's just gonna trust Jason, Brick and the photographer's word? I feel bad for Kristina, she lost the baby and now she won't be able to have children of her own.

    I can't believe no one at the hotel called Carly about what happened. Joss didn't even tell her. Smh. When Sonny told Kevin he needed help, i almost started crying. There are people who go thru this everyday and some don't ask for help. Good job to Maurice Benard today. 

    1. The pictures were not altered in anyway. Brick is the one who took the pictures. Ava is the only one who altered anything by hiding Cates bag and put her shoes and other stuff on the floor.

    2. What the hell are you talking about?? Brick told Jason that he had a guy take pictures of Ava's suite. The pictures that Anna showed to Ava showed Ava putting her hand on Kristina's shoulder. Go watch last Thursday and Friday's episodes, Ava didn't touch Kristina. And while you're at it, go rewatch this episode again.

  11. Man, for Ava to finally go down for what actually was an awful accident, wow. Can't believe no one at the hotel contacted Carly, and what about JOSS, for crying out loud, she was really that busy with Dex? Geez.

    Don't know where the Davis girls go from here, but I don't think it will be anyplace good for a while. Picking a name for the baby, oh my heart...

    Good to see Morgan again, poor kid was dealt a rough hand. I wouldn't be against them bringing him back for real one day. Can't agree with much of what he said to Sonny, Sonny's best intentions haven't really manifested in his kid's lives, but I did want him to talk him off the ledge. Good for Sonny going to Kevin, he'll get him back on track! I'm over these tampered medication stories, it hurt to see Morgan again because of that. Ava might actually go down for this crime she didn't actually commit too!!! It's all kind of fitting.

    1. was asking the same thing about he hotel staff no bothered to call her not even the police investigating an active crime scene ok

      just hope they dont show kristina as the only one grieving so far kristina has hijacked molly infertile issues, her surrogacy stuff, the pregnancy was all about kristina yeah she was carrying the baby but come on tj and molly were going to be this kid parents, kristina usurp these two story and she is still very much center stage, just hope they give tj and molly the appropriate amount of air time to grieve scream show some rare emotion and dont make it all about selfish kristina

  12. carly does not know that kristina is in the hospital so is sonny, he could have texted that to carly if he intended on having a playdate with donna and, you mean to say the hotel staff or olivia did not call carly to inform her about the incident at the hotel or the police for that matter

    nah sonny kristina would have found a way to bring harm to herself and that kid without sonny being in her orbit kristina is destructive all on her own

    why is no one putting some blame on kristina expect for tj asking the question why was irrational guns always blazing kristina even doing in ava room

    carly and donna melting my heart, carly with her children grandchildren always does

    man if sonny had taken that swan dive off that hospital ledge that would be on valentine but more on ava because she instructed the pharmacist to make all the guy med placebos and i hope the pharmacist take both ava and valentine down with him and tell the police how they strong armed threatened him into changing a mental ill person meds

    good for sonny recognizing he is not in his right mind
