Thursday, August 8, 2024

General Hospital 8-8-24 Full episode

General Hospital 8-8-24 Full episode 8th August 2024

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  1. Oh why oh why oh why oh why did GH show that adorable baby, ugggggghhhhhh noooooooooo, my heart. :( Beautiful little girl. And wow, I know it's grieving, and I do feel bad for her, even though she made bad choices that led to this tragedy, but Kristina has no business being a surrogate ever again. Some people can't do certain things, and Kristina was never going to let this baby go. Now demanding justice from her mob-boss dad, she is a chip off the old block.

    Par for the course, Portia going ballistic on a patient in the hospital, so inappropriate and unprofessional. She has no business being a chief of staff. Wow, for her daughter Trina to be teaching her what it means to be a professional and leader. I hope Felicia gets her in trouble with the board. No way Portia should be calling all the shots at GH.

    Cates calling Anna out, GOOD. Cates could use a lecture, for sure, but NOT from Anna. She has become the ultimate hypocrite. And he is letting Ava play him like a fiddle, so foolish... That will be his lesson.

    Scott pushing the Heather thing now, for real????? How greedy can you be? I thought Heather was set on staying in prison anyways. And asking Alexis to help? At a time like this? THAT would have been a great time for a classic soap SLAP! So many missed opportunities on this show...

    Wow, Jason fell right back into henchman for Sonny mode, that was instantaneous, sigh. I was REALLY hoping they'd take his character a different direction. New line of work, new value to being a father, new romantic interest, come on GH. What's the point of bringing him back.

    I miss Mac, Cody, Sasha, Maxie, James, BRENNAN, bring them back on screen!!!!!! :(

    1. no big fan of portia but will give her this one especially given the patient and all the hell she has put trina through, and when she told felicia had it been ryan in the hospital would she had protested the same way felicia immediately shut down because she knows she would have done the same thing if was ryan given the years of torment he inflicted on felicia and her family

      yes portia is a representative of the hospital she should have shown some restrain but given heather may receive a get out jail free card her words were warranted

      and in no way did portia deny care to heather, but portia is a human and a mother who had to watch her child life be put in danger over and over because of heather cannot fault portia for this one

  2. How does Donna stomach hurt from taking Placebos? Should have been no reason for her to go to hospital. Stupid storyline. Portia should not be in that position, she's a bigot & know it all. Patients are patients Portia, not your punching bag. Understand the Heather dislike but not for Portia to voice, she needs to be fired from chief of staff. Don't like her anymore & don't support her character. Kristina on the other hand needs to face that she went to Avas room to confront her & actions speak louder than words. She was 8 months pregnant & should have been protecting the child not her dad. She's to blame for her rage & loss of the baby she was entrusted to carry for her sister. Not for her for her sister or there would not have been a child for her to carry. She wasn

    1. How exactly is portia a bigot? I hope you're not as stupid as your comment. Most likely you are just as stupid as your comment

  3. OK Kristina enough of this MY BABY thing I know it's sad but it was NOT your baby and Porsia really needs to leave PC and put Curtis back with Jordan WATCH OUT Cates Ava might throw you under the bus

    1. Agree! I’m getting so tired of Portia!

    2. keep jordan as far away from curtis as humanly possible curtis did jordan dirty and he does not deserve her

      as for kristina yes its so annoying and realize she only does that with other people not with molly or tj so she is conscience of this kid not being hers and aware of how saying my baby infront of tj and molly would sound they way kristina has gaslit these two is so upsetting she is just a selfish individual who would have purposely and maliciously hurt tj and molly because she felt like it wait she did do that going after ava

    3. JustLaughs-
      I agree, Christina needs to get a grip on reality. And so do the ppl around her.
      Is everyone just forgetting how hard Christina pushed herself into being mollys derogate ? She practically shoved her way right in the middle of Molly & Tjays plans to have a baby. Of course for her own selfish reasons. She always wanted to baby for herself. How is the whole family forgetting about this ?!?!!
      Molly ? These were literally your concerns the entire time when thinking about Christina being your surrogate. That she wouldn’t be able to give the baby up once it was born. And it’s exactly how it’s played out.
      Who cares if Molly and tjay break up. If they do devotee or breakup then they will raise there kid just as every other divorcé in port Charles. It’s just a pathetic justification for you to act selfish and keep the baby that’s not yours.

      I have been over Portia for so long now !
      Soon as she started sneaking behind Spencer and Trina’s back but then acting all high mighty and self righteous in front kid them. I really can’t stand either Portia or Trina. Fast forward they all of there annoying scenes with them.
      I miss Spencer. He added so much enjoyment to the show and to so many characters. Really hope Spencer comes back once heather is released and ends up kid napping ace.
      Both Spencer and Esme will come storming in thru port Charles and I cannot wait for the day 😁 😈 love me some Esme and Spencer action !!!! Gh bring them back!!!!!!!

  4. Scott is a trip. I can't believe he wants to help Heather and had the nerve to ask for Alexis' help. Alexis should've slapped those glasses off his face but i loved her reaction.

    I'm getting tired of Portia and Trina. Portia definitely overstepped today. Oh let's be professional as possible while trying to rush a patient's discharge. What the hell does Portia know about being professional? Her attitude towards Felicia was not necessary, she needs to be fired.

    I don't like Cates but i'm glad he called out Anna today. She has no business asking him about his relationship with Ava. Anna should be lucky she still has her job because she needs to be fired also. She's a walking joke.

    I'm glad Sonny is back to his old self and knows the truth about his meds. It's sad that it had to take Kristina losing her baby for Sonny to realize something was wrong with him. I'm curious to know how Donna opened that bottle of pills? Aren't those caps child proof? Couldn't Felicia wait another day or two to go in Kristina's room to talk to her about counseling? She just lost her baby, she ain't trying to hear about no counseling right now. 

    1. Scott is a trip. He's always chasing the ambulance per say. Portia I can't take anymore. Hope he takes heathers case so he can shove it down Portia's throat. Heathers just trying to be slick? What does that even mean Portia? Shes not embarrassing herself, she's an embarrassment to the hospital. Felicia should have quit on the spot & reported Portia immediately. Kevin should have never gone to see Ava. Makes no sense again. Neither does the whole donna thing. Boy wait until Molly & TJ hear my baby stuff from Kristina. Love Jason & Sonny back on it. When Jason left it became tip toe thru the tulips. Bring Britt back for god's sake & let's see some spice again.

  5. just like alexis said it was a bad idea for kristen bein molly surrogate that was sad it happen that way Kristen should have let sonny handle Ava & Cates and Ava going down sad Avery wont have her mom

  6. Do any of y'all remember what ever happened to Sonys brother Rick?

    1. I don’t, but I heard he’s coming back on the show, I thought he was dead though!

    2. I don't remember everything, but last I do remember he was working with Nina's somehow more evil mother to steal her fortune. They got married, but Nina got out of it somehow with her fortune intact. Ric then tried to get back with Elizabeth for the 8 billionth time, but she rebuffed him because she was trying to steal Drew/Jason when he was brand new in town. I thought Ric just left after that, him and Sonny were always at odds too, maybe Sonny made him leave town... Curious if anyone remembers more!

  7. Agree Portia was very unprofessional speaking to Heather like that at all, but especially in front of a bunch of people! And talking to Felicia like that when it is Felicia‘s job as patient advocate! what happened to the other coach chief? Agree she needs to be fired as chief!

  8. Trina is a sweet and forgiving person which balances out the meanness in PC.
    She was kind enough to listen to Heather. I understand her reasons though..
    It's good to see Trina maturing and becoming her own person.
    Even if it puts her at odds with her mom.

    BUT Portia is tiring and one dimensional... to the point where every time I see her, I'm wishing that Curtis would have an affair.
    That way Portia would be forced to refocus her energy and stop treating her young adult daughter like a baby panda.

    As mush as I don't really care for Alexis and Christina, I DO value the mother daughter dynamic that she has with her 3 daughters.

    I wanted to care about Christina's pain BUT It was kind of hard to feel sorry for her because #1 she caused the accident and #2 if there was no accident THEN Molly would be the one crying about Christina stealing the baby from her &TJ.
    At this point everyone needs time to heal.

    I am glad to see Jason back on assignment. I REALLY want him to intervene with Kates basically kidnapping the pharmacist at the Hospital.
    He uses that badge to do anything!!!

    Ava, Ava, Ava... I love to hate her 😆
    Of course she is going to use info to weasel her way out of this situation.
    Plus I think that eventually Christina will start having flashbacks and ultimately come to the realization that she was NOT pushed. Maybe she will confide in Alexis or Molly about what she remembers???

    But then again, she likes to blame others for her screw-ups so we'll see how that goes...

    Kate's AND Anna are both big hypocrites.
    They both have badges but will clearly bend the rules for whoever they are sleeping with...
    BUT then again, I'm a fan of their super villain lovers, Valentin and Ava. 😆

    Yeah, I want Ava released from jail and
    I want Valentin back in PC pronto!!!
    Looks like Jason is going to have to track him down first.

    Heather will eventually be free.
    By the way WHERE is Cyrus???

  9. Good afternoon Bob, would you be able to please fix the links? They have not been working for the past two weeks and I have been unable to watch it. I would greatly appreciate. Thanks for all your hard work and have a great weekend.

  10. that dreams says it all this girl, her words to alexis further conforms it, she was definitely going to keep that child and make tj fight just to be in his own child life, and she would have broken molly's heart without a care for her sister, really need molly to get that custody paper she had drawn up from alexis place so her suspicions can be confirmed and again confront kristina

    seriously cannot muster any sympathy for that girl kristina all of this is her fault little miss i think i know it all

    oh no anna that baby was not sonny grandchild that baby would have been sonny niece

    why do trina love giving bad people the benefit of doubt she did that with esme and the girl tried to kill her, drugged her would have sent her to prison succeeded in killing spencer, trina heather is an escape professional no handcuff prison can hold this woman

    ryan did not manipulate esme into going after trina her target was nicholas and ava, all esme did to trina she did of her own accord and vindictiveness

    really why would sonny go after cates for what happen to kristina its not like he put that bag there to take that girl out really like he knew that kristina was going to go to that room and he was like yes will leave my bag there so sonny daughter can go through a window thats some crazy irrational thinking there

    scotty is the perpetual ambulance chaser this man any way to make money just despicable after everything heather has done to him and the people in that town

    cates is so stupid he is cleaning up ava and valentine mess and the fool does not know it what a jackass, you mean to say an fbi agent can tell when someone is working him lying to him

    valentine part in sonny med tampering better come out right along with ava part

    wow jason is just back taking orders from sonny just like that no apology again from sonny to jason for not believing he had sonny best interest at heart that jason would never betray him

    portia maybe irritating on the regular but of late she has been right about the things she has said

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