Wednesday, August 28, 2024

General Hospital 8-28-24 Full episode

General Hospital 8-28-24 Full episode 28th August 2024

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  1. Boy or Boy did Sonny look ruff today ???? wonder if he's not healthy in real life ????Think a good shave might help and also SO SO sick of this baby storyline glad to see tomorrow maybe something different want to see Cody & Sasha back

  2. Laura is entirely focused on having Lucky be the donor. Anna wants to find Charlotte to be the donor so they don't have to rely on finding Lucky. What about Rocco? He is local and easily accessible. Dante even said he would have Rocco tested. WTF writers.

    1. I keep thinking Sam will be the donor when they kill her off🫤's been said she only has 5-7 episodes left. So if she is the donor upon death, then they will give LuLu her entire liver as opposed to a portion, which would increase the probability of LuLu surviving🤔?

    2. Hmmm... THAT is a possibility.
      Because flat out killing Sam would probably leave a bad taste on some viewers mouths. BUT if they go that route then what was the point of going through all of this drama to bring Lucky back???
      It just seems...rushed.
      ESPECIALLY since terminating her character likely opened up the budget to bring Jonathan Jackson back on contract.
      Similar to Scotty being off-screen the second that Ric Lansing returns.

      NOW if they would only get Kristina off-screen for a while THEN we can finally see the new Lulu recast!
      Every show has a budget 😆

    3. I don’t think very many viewers want to see Kristina and her drama of betraying her sister everyday. I am really tired of hearing “my baby” and want to scream that the only way she could get a man to touch her lesbian ass is through a test tube!! TJ needs to sue her ass for breech of promise and reckless endangerment of his baby!!

  3.'s time!
    For Sonny and Alexis to reserve a padded room and have Kristina committed.
    Give the viewers a break from this Baby storyline. I get that they are still grieving... BUT it's very tiring. All it does is force viewers to either fast forward or endure more pointless scenes of Kristina being coddled. She is NOT that interesting of a character imo. Enough already!

    Agent Kates goes from being obsessive to being unintentionally hilarious with his antics. He is basically a rogue FBI agent with zero oversight.
    One minute he shows up to question Sonny's daughter THEN he abruptly cancels that plan and demands that Sonny meet him at the Port Charles Grill in 20 minutes 🤣 Who does he think he is?
    Granted it WAS nice seeing that set again. It's pretty and gives viewers a break from constant scenes at the Metro Court.

    Of course Sonny is not going to agree to the ridiculous deal that Agent Kates is offering him.. no matter how "frantic" Alexis becomes about Kristina.
    I do wonder what Jason has up his sleeve.

    I'm so glad that Ava decided to do her own little investigation on that female FBI Agent. NOW she realizes that she should've listened to Sonny.

    Laura and Dr. Collins are way too old to go on some covert mission out of the country. I guess when you have a Deputy Mayor doing all the real work... you can just up & travel the globe whenever you want. She needs to cut the crap and ask for assistance from Jason. He is better suited.

    With Spencer at the Q Mansion OR should I say Monica's house since we are constantly reninded... Tracy will have someone to nurture along with Violet.
    I think that she enjoys being a grandma / glam-ma 😆.

    OFF TOPIC: Kristina Storm is clearly on Ozempic (or something similar) and it "appears" that Maura West may have had a little of it too...
    The actress who plays BLQ is pretty
    BUT maybe she should follow suit.
    That way she can stop hiding behind black blazers and puffy blouses.
    Just an observation 👀

  4. Laura is going herself to find Lucky and see Ava you should have listened to Sonny

  5. Elizabeth Korte who supposedly knows all of GH history is once again ignoring and rewriting history. Lucky wasn't a match for Lulu back years ago when she aplastic anemia so that's why Laura had to tell about having her Cassadine son which brought Nikolas to GH and he saved Lulu. Also why kill off Sam seriously! The writers haven't been writing for her and so many others. The problem is the writers and GH head ups like Frank Valentini. Olivia is hardly written for anymore, Michael is hardly written for lately, Liz never gets her own storyline she is always assisting others. Then we are getting these new characters tied into Lucky's return which we didn't need! GH has so many cast members that never get written for or shown enough. I'm glad Lucky and Ric are back but enough with the new characters all the time and constantly bringing people back just to higher ratings when the real solution is correct the writers and get good writers who actually respect GH history, and respect us the fans

    1. I agree that Sam shouldn't be taken off. I really like Kelly Monaco as Sam. If she needs a break or doesn't want to play Sam any more, Lindsay Hartley does a nice job of playing Sam.

    2. There are plenty of other characters that could be taken off. Boring Lois could certainly go. Blaze and Gregory and Finn have already
      left. Marcus and Stella could certainly go. Evidently Cates will be going. Heather could definitely go.

    3. I agree Lois and Natalia should go and there are others who can go as well that wouldn't be needed. It's just so upsetting that GH makes these bad decisions and doesn't even care how us the fans feel

    4. They need more of Felicia and Olivia and Dex.

    5. I actually LIKE the bloated cast because it keeps GH from becoming too campy imo.
      Of course, I would prefer to see some characters more than others.

      BUT it all comes down to the writers. Every main character needs family and friends which is realistic. The KEY to it is to have their lives interwine in a complex and semi-believable way that keeps the viewers entertained.

      I'm liking 90% of what I'm seeing from the NEW writers.

      I'm even interested in learning more about Dex's mother now.
      That's a new angle to be explored.


    7. They should really get rid of Kristina and Portia, both their whining we could do without, and Trina really has got to go!!

    8. Kristina definitely needs counseling. Portia and Trina do not need counseling; those two do need to go!

    9. Kevin or someone else needs to be counseling Kristina. Kevin is a doctor but all he does is follow Laura from country to country searching for one of her relatives. Laura doesn't even know yet if Rocco is a match.

  6. Is that what they call it now Laura, Humanitarian work? And the Sh*t you & Luke pulled is now to be applauded. Lucky is such a grease ball that now is the star for LuLu. Good grief Laura. First time I've ever seen Ava in jeans. And those heels the FBI is wearing, work well if needing to chase Ava/anyone down. And she'd leave her bag there. Seriously??? Sonny told you Ava! So Kristina is now after Jason to stop Ava & Cates.

    1. I cant believe that Anna and Laura trying to brow beat and pushing their weight around trying to get everyone to find people because of their personal agenda. Can’t really stand them. And Laura now wanting to find her long lost son to help LuLu, when she was not looking out for him all this time. Such a lame story!

    2. Exactly, the Lauras, Portia's, Annas, Kristinas etc., are getting exhausting not to mention Lucky again with some superhero status. And yes, she hasn't mentioned let alone looked for lucky for years but now she's going to trapes around the world again with Kevin like a superhero mom & find him? Check Rocco for god's sake. Geesh enough GH

  7. Good evening Bob, while I do appreciate you posting every day, when are the links be working again? I haven't been able to watch in months and really looking forward to the link being fixed. Everytime i watch on dailymotion, there are countless ads with each scene and full screen never works. Please I would appreciate it. Thanks for all your hard work.

  8. Dante was going to let Rocco be tested and he is right there in Port Charles.

    1. was wondering the same thing if charlotte can be donor so can rocco them writers

  9. I just fast forward all of the Kristina scenes at this point.
    Your storyline should be (and is) done and so are you (in my eyes)
    Easy quick episode for me today.
    She took up WAY too much airtime more than she needed to today

    1. Kristina need to be committed and get her off screen time. Anyone who worked so hard on becoming a surrogate for her sister and then betrays her does not deserve the viewers attention. Such a waste of our time on that loser. She never follows through on anything she does, just throw her in a padded cell, please.

  10. Cates need to be buried in mud with something happen over 25 yrs ago both was consenting adults and laura is getting back to her old familiar gounds when she and Luke was on the run wonder how kevin handle himself

  11. Wow, you can't steal something that is yours? They can ship Kristina right off this show, I don't need to hear any more relentless selfishness from a spoiled brat on GH--that baby was Molly and TJ's, created only under that condition. TJ in NO way wanted to share a child with you, you tried to steal more than a baby from him. This is so gross, for such different reasons, with respect to what she did to her sister, and then with respect to what she did to TJ. Just such a violation. Put her on a registry!!!!!!! Don't even mind crazy Cates torturing her and Sonny, whatever, you terrible humans.

    Laura sure does have some sense of entitlement now--Brennan doesn't owe you anything, and throwing around political power for personal reasons is just not OK. They need to stop ruining Laura's character, he said he would do what he could and mediated your expectations, that's perfectly reasonable. And then he came through, because Brennan is secretly awesome... I hope they completely detach him from Anna, I can't stand what they've done to her character, she is as shameless as it comes now too, manipulating every situation and person to her own selfish aims, and using her authority to do it. Such corruption. Loved Tracy trying to be the voice of reason for Laura, but again, the Mayor with a newly adopted baby apparently has alllllll the time in the world to go on capers and do a better job at it than people who are trained in extraction, whatever. Poor Jordan picking up the slack again! And poor Tracy, yet "ANOTHER NEGLECTED CHILD OF PORT CHARLES" staying at the Quartermaine mansion, LOL!

    Best part of the preview at the end--are we going to lose Kristina, good riddance! More screen time for better characters!!!

    1. Maybe Tracy is unofficially heading "Lila's kids daycare center" at the Q mansion now 😆 🤣 😂

    2. Haha, yeah, the mansion is the new Lila's kids summer camp! :)

    3. right thought laura and anna both came off as bad in this episode, they were making demands as if how you brennan not immediately do as we say

      but yeah how many children are now living at that mansion and the reluctance in tracy voice like oh my god not another one lol

  12. please put the 28th back up please

  13. so alexis and kristina leaves out the part where kristina was going to take molly and tj child the part where they had papers drawn up to take that child kristina claim she was having for her sister, molly is already starting to forgive alexis but here alexis goes making molly the problem like molly had no right to tear into kristina for her nasty evil intentions

    that girl kristina its like the writers want people to feel sorry for that woman child but everytime she opens her mouth the stupidity of words just makes me wish someone would punch her right in her lying mouth and them two enablers sonny and alexis just sitting there making kristina again think she is right for what she was going to do

    of course sonny kristina giving that baby that name had to be about hers and sonny ego everything has to be about sonny this whole thing is sickening and very disrespectful to the idea of surrogacy what a witch kristina is

    good hope cates mess ava over thats what that woman deserves, serves her right for never being honest about anything

    why is jason helping kristina that woman has been giving jason a disgusting attitude since he returned now she want revenge jason is the one she turns to, and here she goes again making plans to do things everyone is telling her not too they tell stay out of it but that idiot hears i think i can solve all with my big mouth woman has learn nothing from the ava confrontation

    anna has some nerve guilt tripping anyone lady look in the mirror you are the reason valentin and charlotte has disappears girl please

    if charlotte can save her mother lulu life maybe then so can rocco thats her son

    oh my god another child is sent to the quartermaines oh ace

  14. So Ace is going to stay with his biological family the Quartermaines and one of them Michael may be Aces biological father.
