Wednesday, August 21, 2024

General Hospital 8-21-24 Full episode

General Hospital 8-21-24 Full episode 21st August 2024

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  1. Ava is such a liar! She clearly pushed a woman who was 8 1/2 months pregnant and that caused the baby to die.

    1. Ava didn't push Kristina, she tripped over the luggage. Kristina should have stayed her 8 & 1/2 mth pregnant body home. Ava maybe a lot of things but she did not push Kristina. Go back & watch the 100 times they've showed it.

    2. Also, Kristina is a hot head like Sonny, she went to Avas room to confront her with testimony about Connie if Ava didn't comply & drop her testifying against her Daddy. Kristina is a spoiled entitled little snout & should have been protecting the child she was entrusted to carry from her sister & TJ, not flaunting around enticing an argument with Ava or anyone for that matter.

    3. We all so it again today and we all saw Ava push Kristina.

    4. Mam are you blind. Ava did not push kristina that heffa fell on her own when she tripped over that musty ass bag of Cates. Stop drawing straws here over Kristinas bitchass.

    5. Ava pushed her shoulder. Of course, everyone saw the bags. Ava was thinking back about pushing Kristina's shoulder. Ava pushed her because Ava had just learned that Kristina would tell the truth about what Ava did to Connie and Morgan when she was going to have to testify in the custody case. Ava should have thought about all of that before.

    6. Ava did push her shoulder a little, but not enough to push her through the window that happened from tripping over the bags

  2. It needs to come out before the custody hearing about Ava being an accessory to the pharmacist
    and Valatin after the fact about Sonny's medicine and then Ava having the pharmacist change the medication to placbos.

  3. Rut Row Kristina, you think Cates & Ava are a problem, wait til you see Molly coming at you. Yikes, its not going to be pretty. In Mollys heart that baby was hers & TJ's & rightfully so. Kristina would have had no baby if not for the both of them. Anna needs to quit as commissioner, shes a disgrace and will let anyone else take the blame as long as its not people she cares about. Jason needs to tell Sonny. This Lulu thing, just get on with it, we all know she's waking up.

  4. Trina always talked about upholding the law. Trina seems hypocritical going to the the funeral.

  5. Anna has become such a horrible character and she needs to be fired for letting Valentin go.

    I know that Irene was Molly's baby in her heart but technically, Kristina never signed over her parental rights. Now Kristina back tracking on her promise to her sister was wrong but legally Kristina was Irene's mother.

    Trina's blind loyalty to Ava is revolting. Joss made an excellent point about how many people does Ava have to hurt before Trina gets a clue. I could certainly list them out. Joss also made the same point that I have been stating, which is that Ava never learns and never changes.

    1. Anna is such a disgusting bitch, and everyone needs to know about her and Valentine. Trina is such a naive little girl and really needs to grow up and face reality.

  6. OOOOOOOoohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh to the MG, Kristina was FULLY intending on stealing that baby, good golly poor Miss Molly... Precaution my derriere. And I can't believe Alexis was helping her with it legally! Kristina is an absolute monster. Today was as brazen as she's ever been about it. What a psychopath. She should go on a registry. Man, she's so terrible she has me rooting for Cates now, and he's become insufferable...ugh. You could just tell how little she considered Molly & TJs pain in this.

    Molly and TJ were great together today, I'm glad they're mending their relationship. And I'm glad Molly knows what Alexis and Kristina were planning. Let the drama commence. I hope Molly gets justice for her baby.

    OK, someone definitely needs to have this talk with Jason, but that someone is not Anna. Shameless hypocrite, glad Jason called her out.

    Trina is being a fool over Ava. This is not the person you want grooming you, girl. And Joss was being waaaaayyyyy too forward, she's going to get herself in trouble too.

    1. kristina is a monster she would have hurt her sister and not give a second thought to it, did you see the way when molly said tj was at home how she was all gleeful that molly and tj might have been in a fight

      molly should recognize kristina is a terrible sister who keeps rooting for her relationship to fail with tj. and yes want her to take both alexis and kristina head off

      also want tj to tell that girl off but if he does for voicing his feelings people will call him all kinds of these because delicate kristina cannot handle people coming for her but kristina can be in every one face so leave tj out of coming for kristina let molly handle it

      really hope tj and molly learnt a lesson never ever ever ever involve kristina in their personal lives again

    2. Yeah, Kristina was downright giddy when she asked if they were fighting, what a sociopath. Glad Molly set her immediately straight. I feel so bad for TJ when he finds out--this crazy woman tried to steal his baby, and was so irresponsible that the baby died just before being born, and you're right, if he goes after her, somehow he's the bad guy... No. Everything Kristina did to him was absolutely terrible. There would have been no baby made with TJ without the agreement that that was Molly's daughter. TJ never wanted a child with Kristina. This is all the ick. Kristina is a total whack job, and the worst kind of human. She took advantage of her sister's medical condition, and TJ too. Those two definitely need to cut Kristina out of their lives, and just focus on healing together for a while.

  7. drew has a revenge plan against Nina for sending him to prison and drew want to bed willow to get back at micheal for keeping quiet drew need to cancel that plan it going to back firer since Micheal took that bullet to the head he don't play fair when he feel he being cross I hope willow don't give in Nina is unbalance as well she finally has her family drew take that away Nina will burn drew

  8. and ava is not an idiot the woman keeps making this situation worse for herself, ava is actually giving another statement where she is lying about what happened, if that goes to court wont that woman be perjurying herself a crime that can send her to prison, first she messed with the scene of an accident implicating herself now she is fudging her statement what is wrong with this woman, keep avery away from that woman

    what cates and ava are trying to do that will not work right sonny has photos of these two sleeping together, and fbi agent sleeping with a witness wont that raise eyebrows

    been saying this for months kristina has been gaslighting molly about her suspicious now look it there we have it kristina said out loud that she was going to keep tj and molly baby, yes molly found the custody paper yes

    as for alexis yes she warned all involved kristina molly tj about the legal implication of kristina donating her egg donating her egg did not know when you donate something you can turn around and claim said donation back kristina is the one who pushed herself into being tj and molly surrogate but alexis was clearly taking sides when she helped kristina draw up those custody paper and keeping quiet about kristina wanting their baby, molly should go off on both alexis and kristina

    trina open your eyes ava is a snake wake up that woman never tell the truth and josslyn who are you judge trina loyalty to ava trina was right josslyn does look the other way with many people in her life

    this kristina girl that baby was not yours what is wrong with this girl she would not have any decision in that child being named good tj and molly made that decision on their own

    damn aunt stella making me cry

    anna please valentin is a far more dangerous man that sonny but valentin gets to go free but sonny you want to take down whatever

  9. Disgusting PIECE OF GARBAGE arguing about a name!
    I fucking DARE you to say that in front of TJ's family...
    That "Irene is not a good enough name" because YOU didn't choose it!

    Stella will send you flying past 4 windows more than Ava "supposedly"
    ever did, you dumb vile skank

    Kristina gets on my last nerves😡😡😡

    1. I'll say it again, Kristina needs to go on some sort of registry so this doesn't happen to someone else... Some people are simply not equipped to be surrogates--it is one of the most selfless things you can do in life, and Kristina is soooooooo selfish, it just doesn't work. The fact that she couldn't even just keep her objection to herself, especially given what she did, just goes to show how unbelievably self-obsessed she is.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Good episode.

    Agent Kates is RUTHLESS!!!
    I don't care for Christina at all but he had no regard for her pain OR the funeral.
    YET he wants people to "care" about Karen... because it so important to HIM.

    Alexis is phoney to me too because she clearly favors her elder daughter over her younger daughter but pretends to be "fair".
    I'm glad that Molly stood her ground about naming her baby. She can't count on Alexis to care for her to the degree that she needs.... especially not over Christina.

    Trina told Joss the freaking TRUTH!!!!
    Neither Jax nor Carly are angels.
    I loved how Trina stood up for her friendship with Ava to Joss.
    I equally loved how she later called Ava to a truth moment about the case.
    Trina is maturing and becoming less fragile...she maintains her principles too.

    Lindsey Heartley does a better "SAM" than the original actress Kelly Monaco imo.
    If the original actress ever decides to go... Lindsay Heartley would fit in perfectly.

    ANA, ANA, ANA.... oh boy!
    She tried to deflect when Sonny told her the truth about Valentin.
    She hated hearing her hypocrisy being exposed so she "grabbed" Jason and practically RAN 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♀️ out.

    THEN once she got Jason to her office she tried to power trip and manipulate.
    Chief Hypocrite for sure...

    I LOVED how Jason turned the tables on her and held up a mirror.
    He pulled Ana's card properly and dropped TRUTH bomb after TRUTH bomb 💣 💣
    She needed to hear that.
    Jason works for Sonny... not you

    I enjoyed how the Ashfords came together to show support. The actress that plays Stella is a good actress imo.
    She has range BUT not enough scenes.

    1. good point about karen the double standard of the incompetent fbi agent cates, the man is willing to abuse his power and use harass anyone related or linked to sonny to get justice for karen

      how is this dude no different than sonny at least with sonny never seen that guy go after the family of people he dislikes or targets him but cates the man has gone after carly jason and now kristina all in the name of karen please whom sure if karen was alive would not be in support of what cates is doing in her name

      didnt watch around that time too early in life but didnt karen after the sonny stripclub and force drug stuff had a fullfiling life she was a nurse she married cates and had a kid, did this person die in some accident, its like cates is trying to project his bad marriage or whatever happened between him and karen on sonny

    2. I think they were even divorced before she died

    3. I've read that Kelly Monaco is leaving the show and that they are killing off her character.

      It seems like these new writers are intent on destroying the Davis girls. I always loved how close the three sisters have been and how supportive of each other through thick and thin. But ever since the recasts it's been a steady stream of rewriting that history and pretending there was some kind of longtime friction between Kristina and Molly. That simply was not true.

      I don't like this Molly recast, even though she is better than the previous recast that lasted about a week or however short it was. I have a very hard time rooting for her and I don't think she has any chemistry with TJ. That makes me sad because Molly and TJ are my favorite couple. It just doesn't work for me at all with this actress. It ruins this entire storyline for me.
