Thursday, July 7, 2022

General Hospital 7-7-22 Full episode

General Hospital 7-7-22 Full episode 7th July 2022

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  1. I wish Brooklynn and chase would just hook up in a car already this whole friendship thing is so phony so just make love already

  2. valentin has a conscience did not realize of course when martin told valentin what laura was planning he would tell victor what is valentin and victor plan its been year and half get on with it already

    ok that makes sense charlotte is the leverage over valentin, good now valentin knows how it feels to hold a child hostage over its parents and using people for what he want loving victor righ now cannot stand valentin

    elizabeth really hates her parent they are the trigger kevin the therapist finally recognize

    from the moment they had chase singing brooklyn song at leo birthday party it was clear they were going to make chase a singer

    chase/finn father and alexis a thing to be

    1. He's not being a singer, it's a plan to get him some good money & take down Linc, & bring them together finally. He will probably go back after a while to his job being a cop, they won't fire him.

  3. Hi Bob,
    Could you please repost the video for 7/5/22?!?! It says that it's been removed and I hadn't had a chance to watch it yet! Thank you so much in advance!

  4. tall and short...there is just no chemistry between Brook Lynn and closed.

  5. Sheesh.......for someone who is supposed to have been a super spy, Anna really is dumber than a box of rocks. Why would she make a personal phone call out in the open like that without making sure no one was lurking around where they could hear it? This wasn't the first time something like that has happened with her either.

  6. so sick of those pool scenes and chase stop being a man hoe and put some clothes on

  7. oh goody now a black hoe is chasing chase.

  8. Hey Bob I've been so busy all summer I haven't hD time to watch since July 6th 😯 I know right !?!! Lol
    AnywYs, came on today to start binging 😁 July 7ths isn't loading. So worried that's gonna happen a lot since it's been so long. Anything you can do ?
    Greatly appreciated 🙌

  9. Ope, ignore that last comment, just scrolled tk the top to try july8th show and the 7th episode has loaded woo woo
    Thanks anyways :):)

  10. None of the videos are working. 2nd, the best, says video is not exist or is not available. not working for 7/7 or any other July dates. Have not checked more recent shows. Could you please fix things? Thanks.
