Wednesday, July 20, 2022

General Hospital 7-20-22 Full episode

General Hospital 7-20-22 Full episode 20th July 2022

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  1. if chase is now a singer bring valerie back she was is a detective partner her with dante only as work colleagues

    can the writers have willow and michael just enjoy the pregnancy and the coming of their new child, both michael and willow had previous children that were surround by drama, willow with shiloh and michael with nelle as they said in this episode, can it just be fun for them wishingful thinking i know that aint gonna happen

    maxie should listen to spinelli this woman always makes the wrong decision when it comes to men except for nathan he was the best maxie learned nothing from her time with peter

    1. ryan vowed revenge on the entire town of port charles if they bring valerie back that would work into the whole ryan esme story, remember when valerie, curtis, there was doctor involve forget all the players stole ryan's kidney for jordan when will the move that story along anyways, they can also have valerie bust esme by having valerie befriend esme only to destory her

  2. I'm loving Britt and Cody together...been a while since I was excited about a storyline!

  3. I really can't stand Nina, but I enjoyed her scenes with Sasha. Before the writers ruined Nina's character, I rooted for Nina and Sasha to be able to rekindle their mother/daughter relationship. The actress who plays Sasha has drastically improved as well. I'm glad they're giving her more to do.

  4. so, I assume the baby storyline is gonna have 'abortion' complications for Willow. Her life or the baby.

    1. I not sure about that. I think the storyline has more to do with Willow finding out that Nina is her biological mother because Willow will need some sort of transplant.

    2. That's what I think Angmid36 and once Willow needs the transplant Carly will have to tell the truth to save Willow & the baby ( Carly is doing the same thing Nina did ) so how is she any better than Nina ?????
