Thursday, July 21, 2022

General Hospital 7-21-22 Full episode

General Hospital 7-21-22 Full episode 21st July 2022

This episode was not shown in all US states, so it has been postponed to tomorrow and will be re-broadcast tomorrow on TV. The next new episode will be on Monday.

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  1. So over GH getting pre-empted over this stooge of a President and Administration! Nothing but a bunch of liars about everything, 25th amendment anyone? This guys a clown.

  2. The current president has nothing to do with the hearings. The hearings are being conducted by Congress, run by one Democrat and one republican, and almost all of the witnesses so far have been republicans and former orange slob traitor supporters who refused to violate the Constitution by not certifying a fair and legal election. Weird how people who support the overthrow of our government are also the first ones to start spouting off about amendments. Hypocrite much? 😂

  3. I also don't understand why GH would have been preempted today. The hearing doesn't start until 8:00 p.m. eastern time. It doesn't bother me because I find them absolutely fascinating, and I look forward to each one, regardless of the time it is on, but I don't understand why they were a conflict with GH today.

  4. Is the second video very choppy for anyone else?
