Monday, July 11, 2022

General Hospital 7-11-22 Full episode

General Hospital 7-11-22 Full episode 11th July 2022

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  1. Boy is that Rory HOT !!!!! Trina needs to stay with him and forget about Spencer She needs to tell about Spencer being at the cemetery when the tape was released THROW HIM UNDER THE BUS !!!!!!!

    1. They put her with the Asian guy....because viewers did not want to see a dark skinned girl with a white guy....and that is the reality of trina's new relationship with Rory...Rory also seems gay to me.

    2. what are you talking about, spencer and trina can still happen not that they should rory and trina are great, and there is another multiracial couple on the show Tj and molly viewers have no problem with seeing different races together, alexis and shawn were a couple, nicholas and trina aunt gia were a couple

      stop man with this

    3. General Fanatic you know that there is two racist that are always on here. You know who they are.

    4. @kdilworth66: Yup. I try really hard to ignore them and not give them the attention they are so desperate for, but it's hard. And, to be honest, I'm not sure they're not just lowlife trolls whose sole purpose in life is to just try to cause trouble. I wish Bob had a way to block them. Or, at the very least, there was a way WE could block them. Unfortunately there isn't. At least none that I'm aware of.

    5. I also sometimes think they may be the same person and are just posting under different names.

    6. for all of you fools on here...I am how can I be racist against blacks....and yes once again...they put trina with the Asian male because the powers that be and certain racist viewers like janis don't want to see a dark skinned girl with a white man...spencer and trina will never happen. And the couples you mention are all low class white women characters with black men....Alexis and her daughter....I have a right to my opinions just like you sea live with it and deal with it. Janis you are lucky I never will see you in person.

    7. And one more thing you people need to educate yourself about Hollywood....Hollywood does not have a problem with dark skin men...but they do have a problem with dark skin Viola Davis she talks about this all the time. You will rarely see a dark skin black woman paired with a white man.

  2. The sex tape story has dragged on for 6 long months. In most court cases in Port Charles, something happens and immediately they go to court and it's decided and life moves on.

  3. Its kind of ironic that one of the main stars of the show keeps catching covid and the two stars fired for not getting vaxed haven't.

    Carly might be getting a rebrand. I also think that once the secret shes holding comes out Nina might just choose to keep the Metro Court instead of gifting it to Carly.

    1. How do you know Chad Duell "keeps catching covid?" Has there been some official statement to that effect? Or are you just pulling that out of your ass because that's what you want to believe because it fits your anti-vaxxer narrative?

    2. He said out of his mouth the reason he's missing time is due to Covid. And by the way I'm not anti vax, I believe a person should be given the choice of whether they want to get it or not and not be told if you dont get it you lose your job.

    3. Wrong. He said it was "COVID RELATED." Not that HE had it. He could have just been exposed to it. You also said he keeps getting it. Explain that. And any employer absolutely should be able to mandate certain things - like being vaccinated against a deadly virus and wearing a mask - in order to provide ALL of their employees a safe workplace. A couple of idiots shouldn't be allowed to put their co-workers in danger just because THEY are stupid.

    4. ^ you are stupid. Guess you also believe Dr's and Hospitals shouldn't treat the unvaccinated? And suddenly those who chose to get vaccinated, and should be good to go, are worried about what the rest are doing! SMH 🤦‍♀️. They should be worried about getting the vax allright cause their not safe.

    5. First off, the vax is perfectly safe. I have had both shots and both boosters, and other than a slightly sore arm with the second shot, I had no side effects whatsoever. I've had tetanus shots that were way worse. I also still wear a mask in stores. You know why? Because I care not only about my own health but also the health of my family, friends, neighbors, and community. But I don't expect someone who thinks he/she has to resort to personal attacks to make their point to understand that. 😂

    6. ^ thats good, your my hero! Just another one of the sheep falling for all this nonsense, over this "virus", man made bio weapon and the vax is to add to the death toll.....time will tell. Amazing how ever single vaxxed/boosted person I know has gotten Covid, but the unvaxxed have not, explain that for us.

    7. Haha.......I don't believe you. 😂

    8. @Janis He wouldn't be missing work if he didn't have Covid. A test result is 24-48 hrs so obviously his test came back positive otherwise he would be on screen. Hes missed time in May, June, and now July all due to Covid.

    9. Nope. Doesn't work that way. They film this show weeks, if not months, before they actually air it. Just because he wasn't on screen in July doesn't mean he just NOW is sick. My granddaughter goes to a high end day care. Several times, my granddaughter has come into contact with someone at the daycare who either tested positive or was exposed to someone who tested positive and she could not come back to daycare for a week to ten days. I know because I babysat her during those times. Somebody doesn't have to test positive to be restricted. They just have to be exposed. Incubation time is a lot longer than 24-48 hours.

    10. janis you are a sheep who follows the herd...does not have a mind of her own. All of these people who get the vax are still getting covid. Covid is a man made disease to get the population down...the vax does not is just sugar water to fool you fools. And furthermore...all of the people who took that vax are in for a rude surprise when they learn that they have now become dependent on that vax and will need to continue to take those shots forever or else they will have major health side effects.

    11. ".... YOUR my hero." Um........that should be "you're." And I'm the stupid one? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    12. ^ spelling police, I'm skeered....👏👏👏 you got me....lmao!

    13. I don't usually point that crap out. Unless someone who doesn't know the difference between a simple possessive pronoun and a contraction calls ME stupid. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    14. You should know, Bowel Movement. 😂

    15. Hmmmmmmmm, those initials are actually for Black stepped in that one.

    16. I didn't step in anything. BM is also an abbreviation for bowel movement. But I didn't' really expect someone who doesn't know the difference between a possessive pronoun and a contraction to know that. Try again. 😂

    17. Thanks, but I learned about BM's in school 🤣😂😅. As an adult I just don't generally use the term as I'm not 6 anymore. I dont have to try, "you're" a waste of time. Wait for "your" next booster while you watch the Jan 6 farce and hope you survive it...but indoubt you will.

    18. janis you would not pop junk to people if you saw them in are one lucky bitch that no one can see who you are.

    19. I told you yesterday, come and find me, tough guy. And where did your threatening post go anyway? Did Bob remove it? Or did you? Coward. 😂

    20. What does "indoubt" (one word) even mean? I googled it and all I could find was some reference to "engaging and accessing christian experts and pastors in meaningful conversation." And since I'm neither, could you please explain the context that you used it? Thanks. 🤔

    21. Anyway, I am done playing with you two trolls. Bye! 👋

    22. Once again janis don't know consider yourself one lucky bitch that I don't see you.

  4. let me guess, chad duel who plays michael. it being that there has been another actor playing the michael part this 3rd or 4th time now,.as of todays episode

  5. Are you sure it’s due to Covid? Because he’s only out for like one episode at a time

    1. Chad Duell had posted himself on his twitter account that it was Covid related. I have seen different articles on different sites about it.

    2. COVID RELATED doesn't mean he had it. He could have just been exposed to someone who tested positive.

  6. Am I the only one that has a hard time understanding the "back up Michael"? I feel like he talks wayyyyyy tooo fast.

    1. the new michael looks like he could be sonny's biological son...even though michael is adopted...but what the hell...I cannot stand sonny or michael.

  7. Wow has this show been Preempted so much its finally 4th of July?

    1. Well, better put on your big person panties because it looks like it's going to be pre-empted today, too. I think we'll all manage to survive.

    2. it will be halloween by the time the 4th of july stuff airs LOL

    3. Could be. 😆 But to be honest, I find the hearings absolutely riveting. They're extremely interesting and they are historic. Regardless of which side of the political aisle you are on, they are still well worth watching. I actually look forward to each one.

    4. ^ you would. Apparently you have no life if you think that false nonsense is "riveting" 😅😂🤣

    5. Clearly you haven't watched them. Sad that someone chooses to remain ignorant. What are you afraid of? The truth? 🤔

  8. The news conferences are going to be on again tomorrow at 10 AM Eastern time and 9 AM central time. Does anyone know how many hours those sessions go? Just wondering if general hospital will be on tomorrow.

    1. I don't think it will be on. The hearing starts at 1:00 eastern time, and last time that happened, GH wasn't on.

    2. I guess they either started at 10 AM Eastern like had been reported yesterday and are still going or they changed the time since yesterday. Either way, it is on now. Supposedly, it is giing to be telecast during prime sometime so more viewers have the opportunity to watch if they want to watch.

    3. I'm on the west coast and it started at 10:00 a.m., which is 1:00 eastern. They had lots of preliminary stuff, talking about past hearings and witnesses, but the actual hearing started at 1:00 (10:00 west coast time).

  9. man sam has become a boring character do not even realize when she is on screen

    this is my problem with nina she tells willow i am not happy with what happened to michael now she is telling valentin how giddy she is gloating all over the place this two faced woman is ridiculous,

    the preview could be red herring what if nina did not buy the shares but if she did she refuse drew offer to buy crisom but she goes and buy carly's half of the metro, might as well have just taken drew up on his offer she said she does not want to manage a business but thats what she will be doing right along with olivia that woman nina if she did buy the shares she did it just to stick it to carly.

    nina wants to assuage her guilt about being with sonny and thats how by putting herself in carly business and life

    carly better not take anything from nina that woman so called generousity comes with a steeper price than losing the metro court. why can't nina just leave carly alone carly goes out of her way to stay away from this woman nina should do the same

    she has sonny that what she wanted yet still that is not enough. was really hoping that carly selling the metro court would be about drew and her and how carly got her hotel back, they really did not have to involve sonny or they definitely did not have to involve nina

    Sonny to spencer you are losing everything because of a shit girlfriend does sonny hear himself the man lost his wife and family because of the same reason lol lol lol oh this dam fool

    1. This Trina is boring. Her voice is annoying and she is not a very good actress. The other Trina was better.

    2. Yes her voice! I am not a fan of the new one either.

    3. both trina's was bugged eyed and the new one is useless

  10. Damn! Nina playing the victim makes me want to hurl. 🤮

  11. I thought the other Micheal was back.Why are they going back and forth?

    1. I just did some checking, and back in early June, Chad Duell posted on Twitter that he was going to be off the show and that it was "covid-related." It doesn't mean he actually had covid himself; it could be that he came into contact with somebody who did have it. I also saw something about "scene blocking" (or something like that). I'm not sure what that means, but I wonder if these scenes with the replacement Michael were filmed back when Duell was out and they're all just being shown now. And other scenes with real Michael were filmed before he had to take a break from filming. But it certainly doesn't mean he "keeps" getting covid. Like some would like us to believe.
