Tuesday, July 19, 2022

General Hospital 7-19-22 Full episode

General Hospital 7-19-22 Full episode 19th July 2022

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  1. Ugh! The ugly, creepy Michael is in the previews for tomorrow.

    1. I agree! As much as I dislike the Michael character now, this new actor doesn't seem to be as angry LOL

    2. This show is horrible at writing gay male characters. Brad is a stereotypical effeminate gay man...trying to please his straight female friend. He should be trying to date Cody himself ....instead of letting Britt have him...now that is what I would do. And why doesn't the gay males hang out with the straight men instead of always being friends with women. I don't want or have any female friends...I only hang out with men! I want nothing to do with women and certainly don't want to be friends with them. Why must all gay male characters be one dimensional on tv and in movies ....where they have AIDS or being a straight woman's best friend...and pandering to the woman......just insane!

  2. Maybe, Spencer will tell Trina his theory as he outlined it to Esme and that will prove reasonable doubt so they can get the charges dropped against Trina. Then they can finally get on with the story of Esme and her real mother.

    1. Spencer is so dumb. He should have recorded the whole thing...fight fire with fire. Unbelievable.

  3. Esme is guilty we all know it. Blah blah blah. Sorry but they've once again drawn out a storyline to the point where it's just tired and overplayed like a pop song in the 90s! 😂 I've read recently that Maurice is saying he's leaving acting. Listen, I love Sonny, I love Maurice and everything he does for mental health awareness as I'm bipolar. That said, is he just looking for an excuse for sticking to such a dead and horrible storyline as Nina and Sonny force fed coupling? Admit it. He stuck to it said it was a new range for him. Maybe it was. But it wasn't good. We hated it. He had to know how badly we would react and basically stop watching all Sonny scenes thanks to fast forward. Why didn't he fight this? He had to know it was potentially career suicide as far as GH is considered. I pray to God the writers and producers find half a brain between them and turn this sinking ship around. Make it good dramatic and a surprise for once!!!! Tired if knowing what is really going on and hating everyone who can't put it together! Lol. Esme is a tired version of the Sonny Nina storyline. I hate it too. Why do the producers want us to hate the show right now? I can't possibly be the only one feeling this way. Showing us what's up is nice in theroy but in the long run it hurts the show. It makes the viewers bored as we can possibly get. Especially when the show drags the storyline out to the point they have in GH. I'm concerned about the writing and production. It's not the actors fault. They do a job. They do it beautifully for the most part. It's all on the behind the scenes production problems. Esme is the devil, do is Nina. If you're a life long fan, you know this. No fairweather fan crap about Nina and Sonny being good together! Lol. It's terrible and if you've watched for longer than 2 years you'd know that. Suggestions for you guys. Watch past Nina episodes on YouTube and then I guarantee you'll understand what the rest of us are so completely confused and angry about.💕 Love GH love it. Hate the current state of the show.

    1. Adriagirl1420 agree with you on all accounts except the Esme thing is more interesting than the Nina/Sonny thing which I fast forward. I am starting to like new Micheal, He does seem much happier.

  4. the haunted star is still operational who runs it now dante, laura, its still a bar

    why is britt willow's doctor that feels wrong is britt going to blab to nina about willow pregnancy and health issues the woman has done unethical things before eyeroll

    that ada is full of it how many times has someone credit card been used without their knowledge why would trina have the phone and her bag and willing allow jordan to search her

    spencer needs to give that little of information about the pills to diane

    yes esme and spencer are over it was about time did spencer really think esme would fall for that lol

  5. I would like to see who Esme’s mother really is and truth to come out about Ryan. I don’t understand why no one has gotten in touch with her nanny Maggie yet, did they just dropped the ball on Sam finding her? Seems like it would be super easy to find her with the address from the envelopes

    1. The way I understand it, Ryan was obsessed with Felicia many years ago. Felicia was with Mac Scorpio, but she took off and left. Somehow, she got amnesia. She was pregnant and gave birth to a baby girl, and Ryan Chamberlin kidnapped the baby. That baby was Esme. Esme is Felicia's and Mac Scorpio's daughter. I got this info from someone here in 'Comments.' I hope I have it straight. If someone else has the info, please correct me if I'm wrong. I guess Ryan had a nanny for Esme all those years and Esme actually thinks he's her dad.
      Spencer doesn't really know who Esme's bio mother is, so the address on the envelope isn't correct. He just cooked this up to try to get Esme to confess. I wish they'd get on with this story line where we'd learn the real truth about Esme's parents. Esme is such a horrible little turd, it's hard to imagine Felicia and Mac as her parents.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
