Thursday, July 28, 2022

General Hospital 7-28-22 Full episode

General Hospital 7-28-22 Full episode 28th July 2022

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  1. Could anyone make out what Nicholas said when he was looking at the picture of Ava and himself in himself on his cell phone?

    1. Hello Susie! To me it sounded like he said, "No, I am not losing _ (??) I didn't catch the last word.

    2. "not loosing w/out a fight.

  2. Michael was describing himself to Dex. Michael has become really despicable. He basically tells Willow what she is supposed to think. You need to break free from that wimpy, lying criminal.

  3. The show is actually getting pretty good. For once.

  4. I am accusing sonny of going soft he is putty in nina hands, paper in the rain, cotton candy on the tongue

    hate esme with a passion but i loved that she is taking ava down a peg or many, ava how does it feel to be cheated on the woman has ruined many relationships by sleeping with men that were in other relationships including sleeping with her daughter kiki boyfriends morgan then griffin, how does it feel to have another person intentionally ruin your marriage that what she did to carly and sonny via that woman nina

    emse is just another version of ava

    nicholas is pathetic blaming the cheating all on esme like he was not an eager participant, everyone see esme for who she is nicholas chose to believe her every single time take some responsibility man

    spencer is making a play to win over trina aaahhhaahh
