Monday, July 18, 2022

General Hospital 7-18-22 Full episode

General Hospital 7-18-22 Full episode 18th July 2022

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  1. sonny carly is holding me back for moving on with nina bitch sonny, there are three people in our relationship the man did not care when there were three people in his marriage now its an issue, carly could care less she gave the man a divorce and she has avoided him since please dude, is sonny holding back from nina becasue he feels guilt about being with her lol and michael has a mind of his own his actions are his own

    why does nina not leave willow alone she does not have to approach the woman when she see her, willow says she is pregnant that a win for carly, if nina wants to destroy carly just come out and say it nina need to stop hiding behind that fake sincerity like the things she does are not spiteful vindictive and calculated. sonny needs to see that side of nina and soon

    where is elizabeth she should be in that courtroom with cameron

    brando and tj are friends now good for them

    1. is brando jealous of sonny new henchman

    2. Brando doesn't like him and is suspicious of his intentions. Especially when it comes to Brando amd Sonny's other family members. Everyone is concerned about Sonny's mental health - decision-making skills since he regained his Memory yet doesn't act quite like the Sonny they all knew prior to his supposed death. I think Brando is just concerned. That's not a good thing when you're connected to Mob activity.

    3. you can always tell when a show has gay writers...they try to expose every man on the show by getting him to do a nude scene...example...this week watch how all the guys will end up in the steam all know that steam rooms were associated with gay bath houses years ago....where the men would have sex with one another. This show has turned the women into lesbian feminists and the men into porn stars.

  2. Wow... Nina sounds exactly like Nelle. Everything was about Carly getting a "win." Willow and Michael having a baby is not about their happiness...but Carly winning. This proves that Nina's faux attempt to buy the metro court for Carly was all BS. She knew Carly wouldn't tale it from her, but she wanted to perform the act of offering it to her so she could tell people that her intentions were good. I can't believe anyone in that town falls for her "oh my, I didn't mean to stab you in the front and back... I'm good, really" act.

    1. but then again...anyone who uses the title Queen in their name has Delusions of grandeur

  3. It is really ridiculous the way that Carly plays the victim card. Carly is the biggest liar on the show and she uses people. Carly is the most vengeful, hateful, horrible person on the show and Michael is just a tiny step behind. When Carly first came to town, it was to get revenge on her mother. She slept with her mother's husband and destroyed her mother's marriage. She slept with AJ and got pregnant by him but lied to everybody and claimed somebody else was the father rather than AJ. She tried to kill her mother's ex husband that she had slept with and went to a mental hospital. That was just the very beginning of all of her lying.

    1. oh come on nina came to port charles to get revenge on silas, she faked being in a vegetative state, then she force silas to sleep with her becasue she wanted a child when nina could not have that child she kidnapped ava then forced ava to have that child and then kidnapped that kid. she was horrible to kiki simply for being silas daughter

      she helped lisel hold hostage peter in the woods but its peter so i guess her actions are ok

      all she did to willow and sonny is ok because its nina and her actions have no consequences

  4. I actually wish they would keep this Michael. Although his replacement on Young and Restless is terrible. I like him as Michael. I just wish I could figure out who Esme's mother really will be someone who hates her the most. There is a reason they haven't had Esme and Spencer sleep together in a long while...they are setting it up like they are related somehow...I just wish I could remember that long ago who Ryan could have gotten pregnant...And for gosh not let Drew get caught up being in a relationship with Carly. That may just be too much for me since 1979 watching this show. It really gets on my nerves now.

    1. They've been setting it up that Esme's mother is Felicia, although they haven't done anything with that for awhile. That may be because the actress lost her son recently and hasn't been available for filming. But it sounds like Ryan may have raped her and she got pregnant and she blocked the memory out, giving the baby up for adoption. Or possibly the baby was taken from her. Who knows? I agree about the Drew and Carly thing. I think that's where they're headed and I think it's gross.

    2. Drew being with Carly is so beyond gross!!!!!!!!!! Remember, also, Carly slept with AJ and then LIED to AJ, telling AJ that he was not Michael's father.

    3. She's already all kinds of flirty with him and batting her eyelashes at him. I'm not looking forward to this. 🤮

  5. Hard to believe that Nathan has only been gone for four years. Seems so much longer. Probably because that whole Peter b.s. seemed to drag on forever.

  6. HI, I'm trying to catch up on episodes and can't get 7/14, 15 or 18. Is there a way to do so? Thanks.
