Friday, July 15, 2022

General Hospital 7-15-22 Full episode

General Hospital 7-15-22 Full episode 15th July 2022

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  1. nina once again is giving me whiplash, she refuse drew's offer to take full control of crisom because she does not want to run the day to day of a business, now she bought the metro court and its all about olivia i am your partner what do i need to do. she bought it for carly now its i bought it for wiley 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ olivia should just sell her half of the metro court and she and carly can start a new hotel problem solved

    oh great look in the previews nina is complaining to lisel how she has not messed up carly life enough eyeroll just let sonny and nina have their miserable lives together let carly have her own story for pete's sake

    valentin burnt down an old lady's home what a tool, its time for laura to take a little break from the show hurry back

    wonder how does portia feel everytime she hears aunt stella, curtis, marshall speak of trina like family knowing this girl is their family.

    dam portia not a fan but that was hard to listen to

    ava esme has respect for nothing, ava you have respect for nothing and no one again esme is just another version of ava

  2. Micheal should have bought the hotel instead of watching the fireworks.

  3. I used to like Nina's comeback story, but she's gone around the bend again. Her takeover of Carly's life is creepy and probably diagnosable. Reminds me of her pitocin-wielding, baby-snatching days.

    1. Ugh. Nina. I can't stand her. And her telling Sonny that he's more concerned about Carly than her should be a huge red flag and should tell him all he needs to know.

  4. Micheal wanted Ned to have a minor role in ELQ and Drew went along or just was too greedy like Micheal or Drew just isn't too bright. Carly must have wanted part of ELQ/Aurora, which would have meant her being involved in ELQ, the company owned by AJ's family. AJ was the man Carly lied to by telling hom that he was not Micheal's father. ELQ was, also, much more valuable than Aurora. Carly got greedy. Micheal should have bought the hotel.

  5. Sonny should not be ok with Nina buying the Metro Court and refusing to sell it back to Olivia after Carly rejected her offer

  6. Nina offering the hotel to Carly, was for what intent, guilt that she hid Sonny from his family? Or getting caught with sonny? Now that Carly knows willow is her daughter she will just keep that a secret, not that it matters much willow never really liked Nina ever since she was a teacher to Charlotte, Nina had a problem with her then.
