Monday, July 25, 2022

General Hospital 7-25-22 Full episode

General Hospital 7-25-22 Full episode 25th July 2022

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  1. The scenes between Anna & Valentin and the scenes between Spencer & Ava were good today.

    1. so sick of the sonny and carly keeps slipping back into this tired trend...cannot stand anna with valentin....he is too young for forward through the entire show....waiting for felicia and ezme storyline....that is all I am interested in at this point....will keep fast forwarding until this storyline happens. by the way drew is a man hoe...he is the new jax.

  2. Carly, Michael, and Joss geez they make these characters annoying. Michael is going to get that Dax character killed watch. Joss recording someone without there knowledge is pretty ironic writing and Carly has a blizzard coming her way when that secret shes keeping comes out.

    1. All very true!!!!! That comment about Joss recording someone without their knowledge is especially is soooooo timely!!!!!

    2. Joss should know better after what happened with her & Cam being recorded without them knowing it hope that was just to put her & Dex together Joss needs a bad boy !!!!!!!

    3. how is josslyn filming a crime in progress in a public place the same as esme violating a private moment to humilate two people who were doing nothing illegal but doing what couples do

    4. I cannot believe how some of you people still defend sonny....this is the reason why I hate turns a criminal murderer like sonny into a hero..just disgusting. I don't know what it will take to get the characters of sonny and carly off this show.

    5. @gen fan Josslyn is only acting out because her mother and her brother are doing the same thing. Josslyn even tho she turned 18 is still a kid and needs to mind her business.

      @gina Lets remember how did Michael get Willow, by sleeping with her when she was still married to his supposed best friend Chase and yet Michael is mad at his father. Lets look at Carly, she says Sonny chose Nina over her but for the two months until their divorce he was the only one putting in an effort to save their marriage where as Carly just pushed him away every episode we saw them together. The man survived a traumatic fall and a burning building to get back to his family and the first thing he sees when he steps foot in his home is his wife and best friend about to have sex and was basically written story line wise for him to just get over it but his relationship with Nina where he had no memory is written as the worst thing in history. Carly was initially not going to be forthcoming with the reality of the relationship with Jason until Jason told her he wasn't going to lie to Sonny.

      I look at the totality of each scenario and its annoying how you have Michael and Carly throwing tantrums towards Sonny when they themselves have skeletons in their closets as well. Nina and Carly's issues started by Carly withholding the truth about Nelle being Nina's daughter, and now Carly is doing the same thing again with Willow who asked Carly if she knew who her real mother was and she lied to her face.

    6. of course josslyn is acting out not only in defense of her mother but also becasue of her father and because she was hurt by both sonny and nina jax got shot because he tried to save nina in nixon dipshit falls, then she lied to jax about seeing sonny, yes jax told carly to keep quiet about nelle falling off that cliff yes he went along with not telling nina they thought nelle was her daughter that on them but, then nina knew sonny was alive she gave josslyn a graduation gift knowing that she was lying to that kid and her entire family she nina broke up with jax because of lie yet she had a lie of own keep and hiding sonny true self from everyone who knows him

      michael and willow were already together before chase got sick remember chase saw them kissing and more in a nursery they were painting and whatever after their marriage of convience they grow to have feeling for each. they were together when chase ask willow to marry to him willow only said yes because the man was literally on his death bed.

      willow and chase never consumated the marriage they were married in name only, yes michael and willow slept together while married to chase but was that infidelity that was a betrayal of the friendship that chase willow and michael had. because willow and michael wanted to be together but they kept off telling chase because they did not want to hinder his recovery

      carly told sonny the truth about her and jason and why they got married, sonny refused to tell sonny that he had grow to have feelings to nina, sonny kept gaslighting carly like what she saw between sonny and nina was not real

      again no one is calling sonny, carly or michael a saint no one on this show will make it to sainthood they have a right to have their feelings about what sonny and act according.

      nina is doing the same look she bought carly hotel to spite her, she is with sonny to spite carly to tried to take wiley not for his sake but because she wanted to stick it to carly

    7. flash...Sonny is not Michael's father. Also sonny is almost 60 years old and acts like a common thug....he is a shameful character who is a bad role model for anyone.

  3. Something is wrong with these videos. They keep looping around Valentin and Anna and a scene is getting cut out.

  4. favorite couple tj and molly love when they are on

    if anna bought valentin bull crap she really is a shitty wsb agent there may be some truth to what he was saying but there was a lot of lies there

    this is the sonny that i like my mob boss is fighting to come out too bad nina will kick his nuts back into submission that sleazy ass deserved that he took advantage of sasha really can fault josslyn she was hurt by sonny a man who always tout family first family first but sonny chose himself and then nina. still want sonny to get away with everything but not mad that michael and jossly are mad at him he made a mockery of his code

    so sonny will have a problem with carly and drew dating what is wrong with this guy

    again i ask if this guy who esme drug survive would esme do the most and kill that man

    what was the weird vibe between dax and joss, oooh

    1. I was thinking weeks ago that Dax would would somehow someway meet up with Jos (didn't see this coming) he'd be attracted to her, and become a problem for her and Cam, yada yada...


  6. Cringy Jos! You get humiliated by being on camera...but it's ok for you to film people. over her. And I can't wait for Nina to have to save sick Willow's life and people find out Carly knew for a long while.

  7. Anyone hearing eko in the back ground
