Tuesday, July 26, 2022

General Hospital 7-26-22 Full episode

General Hospital 7-26-22 Full episode 26th July 2022

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  1. Anyone have any idea why my DVR will recording GH on some days?!

    1. Same here. I have no idea either. It's frustrating. I checked it to make sure & It said it was going to record this episode before I went out but when I
      got back there was no show !

  2. Sonny should have just bought Carly's half of the hotel and been a silent party and then let Olivia run it. I guess that would have made too much sense💯🙄🙄😡🤬

    1. lol becase logic works on this show love your comment

  3. Michael should have bought the other half of the hotel, even if it meantgiving up his shares of ELQ

  4. I'll be glad when they move past the shit on Sonny show. Neither Michael or Carly have room to judge anybody.

    1. Alexis needs to do a tell all tabloid story on Carly early and then she needs to follow it up with a tell all tabloid story on Michael. Joslyn and everybody else in the town need to know how big of hypocrites and criminals both Carly and Michael are.

  5. News flash! The ADA is only doing her job in prosecuting Trina. On the other hand, Michael bribed the DA from Pennsylvania to bring ridiculous charges against Nina. Michael, the Briber, and the bribed DA were the criminals there!

  6. Love Trina with Rory BUT I think she will break his heart Spencer DOES NOT deserve Trina

    1. That would be the WORST!!! Rory is so adorable :( Trina needs to move past those first-infatuation feelings with Spencer already!

  7. So glad to see Tagert! He better be the playing Trina's dad when the paternity truth comes out.
    Ohh that was a hot embrace between Ava and Nick. Looks like post BJ glow.

  8. Frustrating how slow the trial is moving and how slow the guy in the coma is recovering!

    1. Definitely! They moved the 2 court cases that Nina was involved in along at rapid speed. It has been almost 7 months since the sex tape. This story has been so boring!

  9. @kidd..... I agree with you!

  10. It's ironic Curtis left Ashford for Robinson for her secrets yet Curtis has some of his own with ms wu

    1. this is why i am no fan of curtis and portia they act like they have the moral high ground yet both are keeping stuff from each other, when jordan and curtis finds out they are still married i hope jordan does not take him back finalize that divorce

  11. When ava finds out Nicklaus sleep with the disturb one All firer will explode

  12. so nina can yell at her workers but they cannot yell at her back. thats the same woman nina who said i do not want to run a business what the hell is she doing now wishy washy bitch

    me like mobster sonny but who the hell is that guy to threaten the metrocourt staff, me that guy i would just quit that job nina and sonny are not worth the hassle of that pay check

    carly still defending sonny dont care what she says

    esme is still living at the cassadines why she and spencer are basically over

    love the way papa taggert was like in not so many words you hurt my daughter rory you will pay

    people say carly is a horrible person so is ava, ava just had to come and gloat esme will fix ava ass

    1. Your completely off your rocker with every statement you said there
      Nine sent yell, and metro court bartender duty yell back at her either
      And Sonny is mob Sonny x of old metro owner, Carly, so Sonny will always boss any youngster around wether he's in the proper position to do so or not

      Carly is a fry baby trying to convince herself she's a stand up lady when everyone knows she's furthest from that
      Can't stand Carly and can't stand how equally pushy joss is. Quit acting and speaking like your a mature 40yr old, your embarrassing yourself
