Friday, July 22, 2022

General Hospital 7-22-22 Full episode

General Hospital 7-22-22 Full episode 22nd July 2022

This episode was not shown in all states yesterday, so it was re-broadcast today.

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  1. britt got a nice butt lol

    what in the hell is cody up to, does it have to do with faison

    never trusted this austin dude, is the man in a cult what is going on, did that guy with austin just threatened maxi, maxi and her horrible judgement

    so sex is a weapon for esme yuck would esme resort to murder intentional or accidental looks like the girl drugged that guy with the same pills she drugged trina is that how esme get caught

  2. Whether Esme gets away or not, Curtis is going to have the conked out phone dude there, and hopefully he'll have the presence of mind to pull prints from the glasses there to implicate Esme. At least I hope that's where they're going with this, because this story is becoming tiresome.

  3. Hey General Fanatic...I have a nice butt too.

  4. woman playing ms wu is a terrible actress...this show is getting boring....speed things up...get that trina trial over with....move on to the felicia...ryan...ezme mommy storyline...that is what I am waiting the meantime...I fast forward.

  5. Britt's butt is much too large to be wearing fitted dresses. It looks horribly large and that is NOT attractive at all.

  6. I think Britt is a very beautiful woman and I was so glad not to see Carly today

  7. Why is Thursday and Friday the same episode?

    1. On Thursday in the USA, only half of this episode was shown on TV in some states. Therefore, this episode was postponed to Friday.
