Tuesday, July 12, 2022

General Hospital 7-12-22 Full episode

General Hospital 7-12-22 Full episode 12th July 2022

There was no new episode on TV today. On this page, episode 6-22-1992.


  1. so courtney married everybody sonny hated aj, jax

    alcazar sounds like valentin there has always been an outsider who wants to take over run ELQ, yeah edward would have hated valentin being ceo

    i miss lucky bring him back

    carly the meddler still making decisions for people lives still love this woman though

    what happen to nicholas the nice caring guy turned into an ahole

  2. Sometimes these throw-back epis can be kind of fun to ffw through, and I don't know if it's genetics, or a deal w/ the devil, or "what", but Nancy Lee Grahn's looks defy the laws of time. This epi's 30 years old, and she looks, maybe, 10-12 years younger here. This show does however make me miss the REAL Quartermaine shenanigans

  3. Omg.... this is when they had that horrible Carly. That was the worst casting decision ever!

  4. no queen...the woman playing carly at this moment in 2022 is the most horrible carly ever. Queen we all know that you are really CECILE DePOULIGNAC

    1. Sheesh, @gina. Can't you disagree with someone without making it personal? And who is this "we" you speak of? As in "WE all know, blah, blah, blah?" Are you pregnant? Or do you have a turd in your pocket? Asking for a friend......😂 Please don't speak for me. TIA

    2. Yes Gina...it is I CECILE DePOULIGNAC....you got me! I am Mac and Rachel Cory's ex daughter in law from Another World! Janis...please don't stick up for me...I don't even like you!

  5. I really love the old old episodes. I try to get them on YouTube, but they're hard to find in sequence. This says 1992 but it seems more like 2002 or even 2012. In 1992 Jason was still his adorable lil Quartermaine self. The accident that made him Jason Morgan was around 1995 iirc. So when was this, really?
