Thursday, July 14, 2022

General Hospital 7-14-22 Full episode

General Hospital 7-14-22 Full episode 14th July 2022

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  1. Finally getting somewhere!!!
    Thanks Bob for posting!!!

  2. Trina promised Spencer that she would never tell anyone that he was there at his mother's grave on his mother's birthday.

    1. Josslyn would not have liked it if her father would have told the police that Carly was there when Nelle fell to her death after Carly had lied to the police, left the scene of the accident, and not reported the fall so the body could have been recovered instead of being eaten by animals and further destroyed by the elements.

  3. Trina will not be proven guilty. It will probably be a combination of Ava and Curtis and his father. That sleazy guy and Esme better not mess with Ava. Ava knows how to handle a gun.

  4. marshall trina is like a granddaughter to me little does he know she is his family

    is the actor who plays scott ok that is quiet the story to explain his absence but yes diane is trina's lawyer get that freedom girl

    yeah trina as a viewer do not want to spend a whole year with this story either get on with it the powers that be

    confused i thought victor needed laura for something thats why he wanted her out of witness protection now he wants to kill her all because she wants to get him out of port charles huh victor plans are weird and all over the place

    1. I googled him because I was curious, too. I couldn't find anything recent but back in January he tweeted that he was taking part, along with other soap stars past and present, in a five part spoof on soaps called Truth + Consequences. Maybe the filming schedules clashed?

    2. Thanks janis thought it was something worse given the all the temp casting

    3. You're welcome. And I don't know that that's it for sure. I just couldn't find anything else that might apply. Who knows? Doesn't he live in Florida? Maybe it's something as simple as him missing his flight from Florida to LA. 🙂

    4. Janis...go jump in a lake!

  5. Any chance Spencer will make a last minute Perry Mason confession that he was with Trina when the video was released?

    1. Josslyn's father sure did not make a statement to the police that Carly was there watching Nelle fall to her death and Carly lied to the police about it. Carly allowed the body to be eaten by animals and destroyed by the elements. Josslyn seems to think that is just fine. Josslyn has one set of rules for Carly and Michael and herself. She has another set of rules for everybody else.

    2. Carly and Michael, also, have one set of rules for the rules for themselves and a different set of rules for everybody else.

    3. @Janis

      Doesn't seem to be going in that direction, given his elaborate Esme scheme.

      That really doesn't seem like it should work. It's ridiculous to think Esme would agree to confess to a crime that could have jail-level consequences, but soap writers do a lot of ridiculous, not true-to-character stuff, so who knows.

      If it fails, maybe Spencer will admit being with Trina at the cemetery when he was supposed to be incarcerated. But, like Joss said, Spencer doesn't want to go to Pentonville -- and, realistically, that would be a very strong deterrent.

    4. @Unknown 42:. You're probably right. Which means they will continue to drag this story out indefinitely. Ugh. I have a feeling that despite everyone's best efforts, she's going to be found guilty. We all know that eventually she will be exonerated - but not until they milk it for all it is worth.
