Tuesday, July 30, 2024

General Hospital 7-30-24 Full episode

General Hospital 7-30-24 Full episode 30th July 2024

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Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. Brennan totally saved Carly, bwahahahahahaha, I love it!!!!! Move those two along, they are FIRE!!!!!!! :) Keep him in the credits, and on the show for a good long time! I'll happily believe this cover story if it means he's free.

    Per usual, Sonny blowing up at everyone for no reason, and everyone accommodating his bad behavior. Could've done this episode without him.

    Loved Wiley and James playing together, and definitely want to grab a shark floatie of my very own... If Cates was smart he'd go after Spinelli next.

    1. but spinelli is not the one that deleted the recording he told sam and in this episode maxie he could not do and pretty sure in left no digital foot print of mucking around the fbi website lol

    2. Yeah, I just think Cates keeps targeting Carly and Jason, who will NEVER turn on Sonny. Ever, ever, ever. But Spinelli has been privy to their criming over the decades too, and I could see him turning Sonny over to spare his family and Maxie. The pool area has cameras, surely Cates can turn up evidence that Spinelli stole his FBI credentials and committed serious crimes himself. If he was actually a decent FBI agent anyway. I'm just saying, I'd give up on Jason and Carly if I was Cates, find a new avenue. If those two haven't given up on Sonny by now, they just never will. Cates needs to be smarter about this, I mean now working with Ava, for real? His case is doomed.

  2. I don't know who's worse at this point: Kristina or Agent Cates🤣
    They are both out of control and Molly going guns a blazing just added fuel to the fire.

    And don't celebrate just yet, Carly. Brennan's gonna want to collect 😏
    I'm sure he's got major plans for you 😅

    1. I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THOSE PLANS!!!!!!!!!! :') I LOVE Brennan, that guy is the best new addition to this show in forever...

  3. Jack is back! Nice twist. And i love how the judge put Cates in his place. Cates acts like a spoiled brat, if he doesn't get his way he throws a tantum. Get over it John! I hope he loses his badge. I think Jack was the one who deleted the recording.

  4. I am beyond sick of Christina, never liked her to begin with. What in the world makes her think that her sister and TJ will split just because they had one argument for God's sake? Also what makes that fruit cake believe that she would be a better single parent than TJ or Molly if they did split up? Seriously? They should have had her sign papers before she was ever inseminated. If she wants a baby for her and Blaze, have another one!

    1. Didn’t Blaze finally tell Kristina that she did not want any babies right now and that her career was more important to her at this moment? And why would Kristina think that their relationship would even get that far? They haven’t been together that long and Kristina does not have a very good record on lasting relationships or following through on anything. She is not very good mother material! Don’t really think Blaze is either.

    2. When Kristina talked about this in previous episodes, she made the point that Molly did not have any genetic tie to the baby, so that if she signed away her rights, then Molly and TJ split up, TJ would be the only one who had legal rights to the child.

      Kristina said that she didn't want to sign her rights away in part to protect Molly's (and the Davis family's) legal access to the baby and right to have (at least) joint custody should Molly and TJ end up not together.

      You can make an argument that Kristina is just making excuses because she doesn't want to give up the baby, whether consciously or subconsciously. But her stated purpose is strategically sound.

  5. All of the pool scenes with James, Wiley, Willow, Nina, Maxi, and Spinelli were great today!

  6. The episode has been removed. 😢

  7. Its gone. Will the episode be reposted?

  8. please put the 30th back up please

  9. I finally got to sit down at midnight for some quiet time for me and it says all videos have been removed. Please repost as soon as you can. Thank you! PS: I wish "the gods" would leave you alone with these videos as they have been altered to make the screen very small for my little iPod plus GH is on free TV so why do they care that you share here for those of us who aren't free to watch live in the middle of the afternoon!

    1. I feel the same way you do, Cindy. Bob will repost; he's an awesome guy! He really takes care of us.

    2. Major ditto! Thank you Bob!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Dear Bob: All 3 videos have been removed. Please repost. I wish I wasn't so addicted to GH, but I've been watching it for years, and I just love it. We don't have a TV hooked up here at our house, and I was so thrilled when I found you and your postings. I also wish they'd leave you alone. Please repost when you can, and thank you so much!

  11. thank you for putting this back up as i have to watch on my computer in Australia so thank you very very much

  12. Loved how Agent Caits really got his ass handed to him by the judge. Like how Brennan is finally calling the shots. Time for him and Carly to get together.

  13. Now Michael doesn’t have to rely on Nina to get involved in getting Carly free.

  14. As of now, Michael has failed to tell Carly that it was Nina who arranged for his meeting with the Senator. Nina was fully aware that the meeting was to try to get the charges against Carly dropped. Willow is the only one who knows yet.

  15. Sonny needs to stand down & let it take its course. Nina as usual makes me gag. Willow will find out. Her infatuation with Drew is coming to get her. Spoiler alert Willow, your mother is a snake. Wait for it.

    1. second the gagging regarding nina stomach churning that woman is

  16. Dear Bob: Thank you so much for reposting this! It was really a great episode! Thank you for being you and for taking such great care of we who love GH.

  17. man valentine and brennan are removing every trace brennan every existed in port charles this is crazy the pull these two guys have is mindblowing

    oh even more crazy brennan is working for the fbi that is bonkers

    nina relationship with willow is so gross this woman has not earn willow trust or respect, as usual anything any interaction she has with others is transactional as a way to get at willow and willow is so dumb to think that because drew shows nina some kindness or michael pushes down his feelings for nina that means nina is someone to have in her life or her children lives

    anna your hypocrisy is showing again you let valentine get away with his crimes

    guess carly was smart to make friends with brennan what lol the egg on cates face is hilarious

    that makes sense valentine used anna, thought it was weird that valentine just left evidence for anna to find that was all a set up to get rid of pikeman and free brennan and for valentine to get away and anna played right into valentine hands

    1. Loved that court scene!!!!!!!!!!!! Cates got what he deserved. :) Just can't wait for the Brennan and Carly reunion...

  18. can i get a repost, video not available and i need to catch up :)
