Thursday, July 25, 2024

General Hospital 7-25-24 Full episode

General Hospital 7-25-24 Full episode 25th July 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. Thanks Bob!
    Drew stick with Nina she's your age. Ewe like what would you think if Scout was in Willows situation.

  2. Glad Carly finally took what she was due First Jason then Drew taking her place so it's about time she stands on her own 2 feet AND WISH Hayden could come back for Violet she's a sad little girl !!!!!

    1. Carly doesn't deserve any jail time for God's sake. And I wish that she and Jason would just go ahead and get married. I can't stand the FBI guy, he is no better than sunny. And he thinks Sunny is bad, he's getting into bed with Ava figuratively and literally, so he'll see who the real snake is. Kate's is no better than any other criminal, and I hope Anna takes him down ASAP

    2. lindasavage 1329, you are absolutely correct.

    3. Yeah, it's super weird for Cates to keep winin' and dinin' with Sonny's exes, first Carly, now Ava. That dude's got issues. He can join Nina, Drew, Finn, and Sonny in therapy. And Carly shouldn't spend much time in jail, it should be easy to demonstrate that she made those statements under duress. And they can't link her directly to any active mob activity, she isn't actually a mobster.

      Wouldn't mind throwing Hayden in the mix for a while!

  3. I'm not beginning to like drew goin after nephew wife when Micheal finds out he knows Willow very well drew doesn't want him for enemy and there's Nina scored

  4. Eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww why is Willow checking out Drew and having lingering glances and hand holding... oh for crying out loud, why does proximity to Nina ruin every character on the show... Poor Michael. This is going to hurt.

    Poor Danny, what a great kid. Jason is lucky to have him. He needs to just let Carly deal with this mess, and try to be a decent father to his boys.

    Diane lovingly watching Carly go ballistic, lol! I'm still going to wish she played the situation differently, but they seem determined to put Cates in Ava's clutches anyways, so oh well. Snap right to it Diane!

    Sasha and Violet are cute together, and can relate in some ways, nice.

    TJ and Molly freaking out over that interview, come on Kristina, you couldn't at least give them a heads-up? Explained a strategy? Sigh. Here comes the unnecessary drama. Or maybe it is necessary, I can't tell with Kristina, or Blaze, day-to-day.

    1. Christina could have easily explained her pregnancy and it probably would have raised the public opinion of her. I saw this coming from the get-go, Christina is another self entitled spoiled brat and will try to keep the baby.

    2. Drew is a sleazy snake! Get rid of him, going after a women young enough to be his daughter, and Willow is such a cheater too.

  5. Carly is an idiot. All she had to do was keep her big mouth shut but noooo, she had to cause a scene at her own hotel and now she's going to jail. It makes me sick that she would put Jason ahead of her own children. If she thinks Diane is going to get her out of this mess...good luck! I think Diane is all talk.

    I liked the scenes with Violet and Sasha. Very sweet. I think the writers should consider bringing back Violet's mom Hayden. That's typical Kristina...selfish as hell. Should be very interesting to see TJ and Molly go after her for custody of the baby.

    I don't like this Drew and Willow storyline. Plenty of single women in Port Charles and Drew sets his sights on his nephew's wife. Personally i don't know what Drew sees in Willow that's so fascinating. I used to like Willow but now i have lost a lot of respect for her. She has a good husband and a good life and she's going to risk it all for playboy Drew. I wonder how Willow is going to react when she finds out about Drew sleeping with Nina. 

    1. agreed about willow fast losing respect for her she always wants honesty from everybody but coveting her husband uncle just gross these writers sure know how to destory a character on this show

  6. I wonder if Valentin had something to do with Jack not being at Pentonville. I don't understand how you can run a prison and not keep track of who comes and who goes. Jack was there for months, he went to the hospital and was brought back and now nobody there seems to recall that he was ever there?? Please. Either that guy is lying or just dumb.

    1. Yeah, that's some deep corruption in the leadership of that prison, possibly all on Pikeman's payroll, otherwise makes no sense. I do hope this doesn't mean the end of Brennan on the show, I want him back!!!! :) It is quite a coincidence that Valentin and Brennan disappear at the same time.

  7. where is john jack brennan where did he go we all saw this man in pentonville, guess he and valentine had a plan to help him escape and that jail its warden guards need to be investigated how many prisoners have escaped that place and them prisoners doing whatever they want

    what is wrong with willow oogling drew and drew giving her the come get it look and drew looking jealous of willow and michael, these two are so ick worse than drew and nina what are they doing to drew and willow, nothing michael has done compares to this betrayal by willow

    oh tj and molly, kristina has been doing this for months, she wants your baby for herself and molly should have trusted her instinct and make kristina sign a contract instead of letting kristina fool her into thinking she can trust her own sister

    lobby drama at the metro court wow this dude cates calling carly a friend this guy is such an ahole
