Monday, July 15, 2024

General Hospital 7-15-24 Full episode

General Hospital 7-15-24 Full episode 15th July 2024

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Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. Wow you see that slap Nina gave Drew and what's with Ann now she can't let Cates take Valentin away

  2. Anna is being a self-centered witch! I like her and Valentine together, but I can't wait to see Carly and Jason get back together, of course I hope they will. But I can't believe that she got the evidence tells Jason and then won't give it to him. After all of the sacrifices that he has made over the last few years, not to mention before that, she's not going to let him have the other evidnce that he needs to free himself? I don't like her anymore! Get a vibrator Anna!

    1. Anna should never have been involved with trying to take Valentine down, she always lets her feelings get the best of her, and shame on Jason for not knowing that Anna can never be trusted. Can’t really stand Anna anymore and what she has turned into, such a lovesick fool. Don’t think Valentine would do the same for her.

    2. What really annoys me the hypocrisy. Anna has been all for taking Sonny down for months because he ran the guns through PC once and for his violence in PC. Yet, now she doesn't want to take Valentine down, who is running guns everywhere and is sending assassins out to kill numerous people all over the place.

    3. Anna has been doing this for years now. Her being Police Commissioner is a joke. She lies to people & does exactly what she wants. Look what she did with Peter. Shes a hypocrite of the worst kind.

  3. The scenes between Nina and her daughter were fantastic today! Nina gave her some great advice! Nina slapping Drew at the end was so good.

  4. Woah!!!! Nina 👊 Drew 😆
    Willow just had to confide in her mom.
    I KNEW that Nina would negatively affect Drew"s running for congress.
    BUT I'm here for this storyline because every politician needs a good scandal.
    Plus I actually like when Micheal gets upset and vindictive. He is more interesting when he's upset.
    (Nell really brought it put of him)

    I'm glad that Charlotte is back... because Ana won't be able to suppress her feelings for Valentin so easily.
    Granted she is making a selfish decision regarding Pikeman but I like watching Ana & Valentin way more than Carly & Jason

    Jason did a nice gesture towards Jake but too bad Jake is about to go away to Spain.
    Looks like Sam's son will get all of the attention.

    Brennan is very charming and entertaining, I want Brennan and Heather o-u-t and back in PC.

    Multiple upcoming court cases!!!
    Sonny and Ava
    The FBI and Carly
    Then TJ & Molly custody battle.
    GH is keeping the attorneys busy.

  5. It is good thing drew and willow kiss and now they will be great Couple

  6. Brennan and Carly are very boring. It was about time Jason started contributing to the expenses for his son.

  7. yeah, I guess that was a slap Nina whacked Drew with at the end, but it frankly looked More like a knuckle sandwich. especially with that expression on his face.
    .. and I'm not buying Charlotte's sudden reappearance, and being all apologetic to Anna. Well, not yet at least. I think she's still up to something. 🧐

    1. Yeah, it wouldn't surprise me if she was working with her Dad now to get one over on Anna...these two spy games with each other have my head spinning, lol!

  8. Drew is disgusting and just knew somehow Nina was going to turn on him and try to ruin him because she’s such a vengeful bitch and ruins everything she touches.

  9. If a kiss makes Willow that anxious and worried, hope they don’t go any further, maybe she needs to go back to that cult!

  10. Anna might try to protect Valentin just as Jason is trying to protect Carly. However, Jason has been doing it rather than being a supportive and loving father to his boys. It was not fair to his sons or their mothers.

  11. OK, Drew is totally gross. It’s one thing to do the things he’s done, quite another to just chillax around Michael the way he does knowing what he's done. And threaten to oust Nina at his behest, whatever Drew, you’re just a shameless manipulator now. I really don’t like you anymore, just not seeing any remorse. You deserved that shot from Nina. And it was a shot, almost like a punch, lol, hopefully they show it again at the beginning of the next episode, lol... 😊 Surprisingly to me, Nina and Willow were kind of sweet together, could see Nina’s demeanor turn though, knew that slap was coming... 😊 Why does everyone keep blaming the fireworks for that kiss, lol!

    Poor Michael is going to lose his mind. Maybe become interesting again, instead of boring businessman and doting father with a heart of gold.

    Good to see Jason just accepting responsibility for his failures as a father. I have to say, I love seeing the completely different way Jake and Danny approach their Dad, it’s a very realistic spectrum for absentee fathers with their kids.

    Charlotte was a nice surprise today, boy they keep rotating these teens on the show! Come on, give ‘em all a good storyline together, and just get rid of all the Kristina drama to fit it in. Anna is being awful, playing right into Valentin's hands. Poor Jason.

    Brennan and Carly are FIRE!!!!!!!!! Get that man out of jail, lol!

  12. say the word michael and send nina packing but he will never do that because of willow

    why is carly so open with brennan thought carly had better judgement than that

    wow that apology from charlotte to anna felt genuine really hope it was that kid like her father are convincing liars

    why is willow confiding in nina of all people sasha is her friend as her friend sasha will hold no critizism towards her

    is anna a terrible spy wont valentin know it was her who took the sat phone come on anna she keeps sleeping with this man knowing who and what this man is capable of and now she is telling charlotte valentin is some good person what is wrong with this woman

    wow here michael goes again pushing his feelings aside to make others happy, and everytime he does that he ends up hurt

    any advice nina gives you willow do the opposite tell michael, you want complete honesty from michael he deserve that from willow as well

    1. so valentin like anna are shit spy the man just left incriminating evidence on a phone for anna to find bull crap whatever is on that phone he put ther intentionally for anna breadcrumbs to nowhere
