Wednesday, July 3, 2024

General Hospital 7-3-24 Full episode

General Hospital 7-3-24 Full episode 3rd July 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

There will be no episode 7-4-24 on Thursday due to the holiday in the USA.

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  1. Great episode! Nina was fantastic today!!!! Alexis was fantastic today!!!! Maxie was fantastic today!!!! Sasha showed great compassion and advice. Scott is an idiot for not dropping Ava. Colossal liar and criminal Ava being convicted of criminal charges is sooooo long underdue!!!!

  2. Its not about you Nina, but of course you must play it out in front of Maxie to feel righteous! Then run to Kristina. Sonny needs to realize that his business is not conducive to primary custody of Avrey.

  3. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha, did Lucy just out a physical relationship with Scott at a Deception meeting, I can't even with these people...

    Whoa, I never thought about how this looked for Nina. It's nice when Nina is crazy, but smart/sharp. That's how Michelle Stafford was as the character initially, and it was brilliant. More of that from Nina. All this drama is great, just wish it didn't all center around Kristina!

    Ava a bit disappointing with her planning here, she's usually a bit more clever. Don't know how she ever expected to keep this a secret at all, makes no sense.

    1. what ava has never been clever about her actions she is just lucky at keeping her dirt secret not this time though

  4. Still believe Ava will get custody of Avery Ava told the truth about how Natalie feels about Blaze & Kristina just like Nina told the truth about Drew & Carly guess it's ok with Drew since he is sleeping with Nina Ready to get away from Kristina & Blaze & get back to Sasha & Cody sure we will see TOO much of Kristina when it's time for the baby ( know it will be a court battle )

    1. Yes and IF they get rid of Maura West / Ava then I hope that she grabs Avery and skips town WITH her daughter.
      (But I'm hoping that Ava stays, keeps custody and gets a New love interest)

  5. Funny how Kristina’s belly keeps getting bigger but her boobs look like walnuts, don’t they make belly pads with boobs so it could look more realistic?

  6. Love how Maxie holds it down and always does what is best for Deception

    1. Yes, Maxie has really come into her own as a Business woman. Honestly, I was glad that she chose to keep DeWitt too.

  7. Well... the Kristina Show OOPS! I meant GH did have good drama today.

    I get that one of the newest Head writers is part of the LGBT but if his plan is to turn GH into a soap that is LGBT heavy and while forcing his views onto viewers then I don't see GH lasting much longer.

    I say this because DOOL did the exact same thing when a new writer who was LGBT took over that show...
    It became very heavy with overt lgbt scenes and storylines..
    The end result was DOOL being removed from daytime TV and placed on a streaming site...

    Everybody's life is different and Everybody has DIFFERENT views... that's reality and it isn't going to change.
    Writers need to understand and accept that the core fan base of soap operas are of a certain demographic and THAT is what keeps soaps on the air.

    The same way that GH has clear limits on the number of Non- Anglo-Saxons that they will allow on the show along with clear time limits, rushed storylines and blink and you'll miss it scenes PLUS a flat out refusal to allow them to ever become a star on GH.

    WHY... because their core fan base doesn't want to see that and will only tolerate them in small doses.
    So what did they do??? I heard that they created a new soap opera that will be on the air soon. So now there will be a new soap opera with an all African American cast.

    In my opinion LGBT needs to do the same thing... instead of forcing personal views and intimate scenes on a core fan base that will never accept it.

    If they continue with more of this Kristina centered storylines it will not bode well.

    They even used her for the Replay Episode today on the 4th of July !!! Like c'mon

    If GH keeps this up.. the end result will be a huge reduction in viewership, then lowered ratings and ultimately show cancelation / removal from daytime and placed on a streaming site. Oh no!!!

    Many viewers have been watching GH for years.. we want the show to stay on the air well beyond the 61st season.

    1. Sorry, but not Sorry to say that I am looking forward to the Adein/Tobias storyline. Not a single person is forcing you to watch LGBTQ parts of the show. Or any other part either

    2. Did I ask you to agree with me?
      Just because you got offended, it doesn't change the facts at all.

      Heavy lgbt = Soap cancelation
      I said what I with it.

      And yes, I absolutely skip "those" scenes and I'm not sorry at all.

  8. What happened to Love in the afternoon ????? They showed a teenager (Joss & Dex ) forever and now there's nothing Want to see Cody & Sasha

  9. Thank you for having this site and the blog

  10. good maxie thats why deception needs maxie she is always the voice of reason and the one to always pull deception out of a mess of a situation

    must be in the twilight zone cause for once kristina is making sense and agreeing with her, blaze and kristina private lives is noones to comment on little miss know it all finally got one right

    nina realize this is her fault too she gave that dewitt unfettered power to do whatever at the invader, to gossip so traffic eyes can be on invader website he did what she wanted, she told dewitt to report on the lives of people in port charles then made the man editor in chief, some of the blame falls on nina, her outrage as usual is over top making shit about her

    why is nina acting like she does not know who dewitt is alexis repeatedly warned her about this man now she is all uppity about what dewitt did lol

    yes alexis ava is her own worst enemy 🙄🙄🙄🙄

    shocker of shocker sonny didnt run natalia off huh guess he does not want natalia to see that side of him yet
