Thursday, July 18, 2024

General Hospital 7-18-24 Full episode

General Hospital 7-18-24 Full episode 18th July 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. GH was good this past week but today's episode sucked. I wish they would get rid of Natalia. She reminds me of Gladys, she doesn't think before she speaks and she's selfish as hell. Cates is not done. He still wants to take down Sonny and might use Ava to make that happen.

  2. Think Ava will end up with custody of Avery so sick of hearing Carly talk about Jason like she's owns him the only good thing she has said since he got home was Britt they were awesome together and she admitted she was jealous

  3. And Sonny is an idiot for wanting to have anything to do with Natalia. She hates Kristina and if Sonny knew that he would kick her to the curb. Makes no sense that Sonny wants revenge on Ava but Natalia could talk trash about his whole family and he still would invite her over for drinks. He must be really stupid or just really lonely.

  4. Note of interest, possibly, Kelly Thiebaud is on record as saying she would be open to the possibility of reprising her role as Brit if the show's writers could figure out a way to bring her back from the extremely dead.. (my words not hers). Ironic because her name was brought up in the bridge chat between j&c. Kinda makes me go..🤔

    1. We need Britt back, her & Jason were perfect together.

  5. Love Tracy and Cody's new dynamic. That stable really is becoming the Q psychiatrist couch. Tracy is turning into a nice mix of Edward and Lila, I'm really liking her evolution as a character.

    Dex/Chase could turn into great friends, liking them as bros so far. Could see the longing in Dex for a family like Chase's.

    Wow, Nina and Kristina are meant for each other. Nina is really going through an image rehab here, I'm paying attention...

    Carly and Jason back to normal. Please stay friends, lol. And definitely, bring Britt back, this is a soap, use that magic!!! :)

    1. nina and he so called image rehab of course they want to make nina look good and what exactly has she done to be awarded with this so called face lift nina never does the necessary work she has done nothing to be granted such grace

  6. Please bring Britt back to Jason & let him & Carly be JUST friends!

  7. The scenes between Cody and Tracy, between Nina and Kristina and Blaze and bwtween Chase and Dex were really good! The scenes between Jason and Carly were very boring!

  8. yea I agree britt was good for Jason both could relate come back as a look alike and restart there relationship over I know this is a soap but Jason need someone new in is life

  9. why are jason and carly celebrating like all is set in stone, cates has not told jason hes free neither is carly all is not said and done he can still double cross jason like brennan said and continue to hold jason hostage as his footman with jason doing all the fbi investigating while cates just goes around with no proof accusing people of nothing

    does dex look different the last couple episodes there is something changed about his look his hair did he shave is it the uniform does he have a twin who is subbing for him, something is different about him

    that is some rich words coming from nina about the invader she hired adrian with the sole purpose of exposing as she put it the deplorable lives of the people of port charles but he wrote about kristina who has a connection to sonny so adrian is in the wrong and once again kristina is a complete idiot about nina, had adrian exposed someone nina hated would she be so apologetic think not

    stupid kristina realize that the reason her mother left the invader is because nina is a nightmare this girl

    nina calling ava anything is laugh lady pot meets kettle woman please

    why isnt adrian telling everyone he is just doing what nina instructed him to turn the invader into a gossip trash paper

    why is blaze always allowing kristina to speak for her use your voice girl this story was more damaging to blaze than kristina

    1. where is sam and her ridiculous outrage so she is allowing danny to see jason

    2. the invader is also being run out of the metro court how many businesses operate there crimson, invader, aurora what else

      this is why i like carly she is honest about who she is and how she is with people hate her or love her she knows who she is and makes no apologies for it and also acknowledge that she can do the worst and be worst when it comes to the people she loves
