Tuesday, July 16, 2024

General Hospital 7-16-24 Full episode

General Hospital 7-16-24 Full episode 16th July 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. What really annoys me is the hypocrisy.

    1) Anna has been all for taking Sonny down for months because he ran the guns through PC once and for his violence in PC. Yet, now she doesn't want to take Valentine down, who is running guns everywhere and is sending assassins out to kill numerous people all over the place.

    2) Charlotte can’t lose Valentine to prison for his crimes because Lulu is in a coma. But Laura can lose her granddaughter and Rocco can lose his sister with their daughter/mother in a coma because Valentine would have to disappear with Charlotte.

    Anna needs to be fired and arrested.

  2. Is Valentin & Charlotte leaving the show ????? Please take Anna ,Stellar , Marshall & Porsia with you

    1. What’s race have to do with it? Anna is becoming a love sick moron and the rest are taking up a lot of air time best used somewhere else. Portia has become a self-righteous bitch and alway complaining.

    2. i am black and i agree linsavage take stella...anna....marshall and porche...they add nothing to the show...they are just terrible characters....also porche has no business being in charge of general hospital...neither does the trans lady....oops man....but i do like jordan....so it is not about race

  3. Anna is probably trying to protect Valentin in addition to protecting Charlotte just as Jason is trying to protect Carly. However, Jason has been doing it rather than being a loving and supporting father to his sons. It was not fair to his sons nor to their mothers.

  4. Ava playing Cates like a drum, he is no match for her powers of manipulation. Glad Jason is about to set him straight.

    Gio being a random 3rd wheel today, lol. He's becoming like Kristina, showing up everywhere now. Come on GH, if you're going to give him that much screentime make him more interesting. ;)

    Anna had no business being named police commissioner, she is so hopelessly corrupt. Can't believe they're ending this looooonnnnnnnggggggg storyline in such a lame way. Really, a phone hidden behind some books, and the head of Pikeman is finally tanked? Now I'm disappointed in Anna and Valentin. Go ahead, all of y'all run away together.

    Jason, just turn over the evidence, stop stalling for Anna. I'm tired of this old line about kids absolving their parents' responsibilities. Jails are full of people who have kids--if you do something wrong, you pay the price, regardless of how it affects your loved ones. That's on you, not the justice system.

    Glad to see the slap again today, from a different angle, lol, yay soaps! Hoping Nina and Drew aren't quite done on this. And Sonny is on a grand apology tour, but only towards people he needs to get what he wants, ugh. :(

  5. anna has become a dumb cougar she needs to leave bring back holly

    1. anna has always been dumb the woman was in the line of fire at the metrocourt with the sonny shooting a place where valentin send anna knowing full well what was going to happen, valentin is an international criminal running an internationally crime organization running guns weapon of mass destruction all over the world but valentin needs to get away with his evil once again

  6. cates is a jackass really this man does not know about ava, this man has no intuition he cannot see that ava is using him he wants to stick it to sonny that bad

    so cates was having ava followed, ava went to see the pharmacist providing sonny his medication how is cates not suspicious about that what a shitty fbi agent

    my goodness the way ava lies she wanted to go to that warehouse because of her jermone name and family mob ties she has even said she still has connections to the mob world what a foolish man this guy cates is just what

    so ava, nina is one all the time but carly is on, once in a while if these two gets all the air time so should carly rather see carly than nina or ava

    keep amelia away from nina that woman wanted michael and willow to abort that kid will never stop mentioning this

    so they are completely ruining drew so nina and willow can have a relationship just gross

    not even surprised anna is saying this from the moment she went back to valentin bed she was going to protect him that what valentin was planning and boy did it work out for him anna is that stupid

    willow and sonny are such hypocrites, sonny tried to destory michael in a court of law and michael still tried to help him and willow gave michael hell for just trying to protect him now the great sonny cannot forgive michael for caring for him and willow can flat out lie to man face all day every day

    so willow want to temper down her guilt by trying to make peace between sonny and michael really

    1. ava is full of it when kiki wanted to love who she wanted ava was all in that girl business she hated kiki and morgan togethe so much she messed with the kid pill to make him have a breakdown then when kiki was with griffin she drugged griffin and sasha she told a psycho murder how kiki is worse and the man went on to murder kiki for her ava calling anyone a bad mother is just a big ridiculous joke

      nina calling ava a lying back stabber lol another joke really

      oh oh oh oh so sonny can find it in himself to forgive nina for all that she has done to him and his family but he cannot forgive michael for trying to protect him that is some bull shit
