Wednesday, July 17, 2024

General Hospital 7-17-24 Full episode

General Hospital 7-17-24 Full episode 17th July 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. What's going to happen if Cates finds out Anna helped Valentine disappear and Sonny came up with a good idea getting Brooklyn involved in this record deal for Blaze

  2. Bringing in Brooklynn was a smart play! Glad she'll be able to torture Natalia on a regular basis. Ha, Brooklynn is getting put in charge of everything she touches lately! Hope she can handle it all...

    Wait, is Gio somehow related to Jason? I don't know why that scene jumped at me so much. There has to be something more to this new kid.

    And no chance Cates lets Jason go. He wanted the head of Pikeman or Sonny, and he got neither. What is Anna going to do about it to change his mind? Like Brennan said, Cates has no reason not to charge Carly. Besides some feelings he might have for her... And glad Jason put him on notice about Ava, guess he really did bite on everything she was telling him! That shameless manipulator...

    Anna has no business being a police commissioner. World's biggest hypocrite letting the chief arms dealer go. She should have just gone with Valentin, they actually seemed quite happy together.

  3. Funny how Carly told Lois to mind her business THEN proceeds to ask her a million questions about Sonny's involvement with Gio....
    Lois should've responded in kind.
    But I called it weeks ago
    I think that Gio is "secretly" Sonny's son.
    Lois just gave viewers the back story to connect the dots.
    All we need now is a DNA test

    Anna needs to go with Valentin & Charlotte. BUT only temporarily.
    I want all 3 of them to return eventually.
    Sidebar, I really like Valentin's house.

    SO glad to see Jason stand up to Agent Cates today !!! I just don't want him back with Carly. They need to give him a new love interest... someone similar to Brit.

    I'm not a fan of Natalia so I'm cool with anyone that goes against her.
    I absolutely loved Sonny's spin on the record label agreement. Make BLQ in charge. I don't want Sonny with Natalia and I'm cool with her leaving Port Charles... along with her daughter

  4. They have made Anna one love sick fool and such a corrupt Police Chief. She should have left with Valentine because her reputation on the show has been ruined by being such a hipocrite!

  5. Hope Valentin comes back. he always makes things more interesting & fun. Anna needs to go.

  6. Why is it St. Nina is always forgiven & Ava is thrown to the wolves. Lois lie much? Hopefully Carly isn't buying that. My guess Sonnys kid & Sonny doesn't even know.

  7. why is everyone using the reason drew forgave nina so i should as their reason, so nina is always screaming carly is forgave everytime but here everyone is giving nina yet another chance, if they only knew why drew and nina are even cordial with one another their whole thing is transactional just gross nina and drew are both using each other

    nina has done nothing to gain these people forgiveness, she has done nothing to atone for her sins but drew is ok with her so everyone should, she has barely acknowledge that she hurt these people this is crazy not against nina having people on her side or people forgiving this woman will never like this lady because people keeping making nina crimes not valid like its ok when she does her wickeness. that is why nina never learns the woman will end up doing something evil yet again and becasue she never pays and no one holds her accountable she thinks it ok

    now that valentin is off on his great escape will he finally be ousted as ceo of elq meaning ned will finally get to be ceo

    and if valentin was a decent father he would not take charlotte on the run with him but either send her back to boarding school or give her to dante who is a better father positive role model to that kid

    cates really has no instinct about anybody for an fbi agent the man is dense

    1. right forgot how valentine was willing to throw anna under the bus, he planted evidence to get the fbi to suspect anna was involved with pikeman to save himself and brennan yet anna is still helping valentine boo

      so when it comes out sonny med was being messed with ava will get all the blame and valentine part just absolved as usual, valentine gets away with yet another of his many misdeed 😤🙄🙄🙄🙄😒just perfect
