Wednesday, July 10, 2024

General Hospital 7-10-24 Full episode

General Hospital 7-10-24 Full episode 10th July 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. Ava better hope Sonny doesn't find out what Ava is doing to his meds

  2. drew and willow have great chemistry...i wish the two of them would stop playing games and give in to their passion....there are many places at the quartermaine compound that they can go to and make passionate love....and when they do....the entire audience had better hold on to something ....because their love making will rock the entire planet....this one of the best storylines gh has had so far...besides ava and sonny going to war...was so glad ava stood up to murderer sonny....ava should have killed connie...i could not stand her....also the actor playing drew has done both mother and daughter when he was on all my children screwing both erica and kendall.

    1. Victoria, you must be a fan of Cameron. He is a disgusting vile male pig 🐷 going after both mother and daughter. Especially when Willow is young enough to be his daughter and then he changes his name just to get the votes. Typical political behavior now days and the more scandals in your life makes for a good candidate, NOT!! Either one of the mother and daughter have no chemistry with anyone they choose. Don’t know why GH is ruining Willow and Drew’s characters so badly, we already know that Nina’s was ruined a long time ago.

    2. cameron is a handsome man rose...period...i love older men....give me james brolin or harrison ford anytime

  3. Sasha is getting on my nerves. Last week she showed up at Kristina's apartment unannounced, (I'm surprised Sasha knew where Kristina lives. It's not like those two hang out.) And now today, she shows up unannounced at Maxie's place. You can tell the writers don't know what to do with her character. How do you go from being a model for Deception to being a cook for the Quartermaines?! 6 months ago nobody knew if this girl could boil water.

    Personally i'm getting tired of Cody and this storyline with Mac. They dragged this out for so long it's like does anybody care?? I would love for Sonny to go after Cates when he finds out the real reason Jason is working for the FBI. Can't stand Cates, can't stand Drew either. He and Willow are disgusting. 

    1. I agree 1000% about Sasha.
      I do like the character, but the writers need better direction.

      I actually like Drew and I saw the "Willow & Drew" chemistry weeks ago. Now that Drew is running for Congress, it all makes sense. What good is a politician without a scandal ?? 😆

      With Agent Cates, I'm still being patient because his current contract with GH is for 2 years and A LOT can happen in 2 years.
      So the big question is who will be his love interest?
      Beyond that he only serves the purpose of antagonizing Sonny and Jason on a regular basis.

  4. Dear Bob: All 3 of the videos for GH have been removed. Please help! Please repost when you can. Please, and thank you!

    1. Thanks so much, Dear Bob, for reposting the video of July 10! I watched it, and then I watched July 11 video. I appreciate what you do so much!

  5. so given what sasha saw between willow and drew she is no longer fan girling over drew, drew willow and sasha awkward, drew and willow just vile, drew blaming it on the aaaaalcohol still do not get regret from drew about kissing willow and willow blaming her actions on fireworks lol 🤣🤣😂😂

    if willow keeps this from michael after the way she went off on him for keeping nina the sec thing from her then how is willow better than michael

    just cannot understand sonny, he tells carly she is backstabbing disloyal person to him yet here he is at carly with avery seeing how carly is avery safety net asking her to advocate for him in avery custody battle because he knows in his heart that carly is nothing he has accused her of

    wasnt ava staying at sonny because someone was threatening her, they sent her the gun that killed austin a bunch of notes, pikeman was targetting her because she was a former mob queen, ava is no better than sonny she is a murderess and hope they bring up all the things she did to kiki she is vindictive and evil sonny is a bastard of a father but ava is a troll of a mother

    cyrus is no fan of sonny but would cyrus tell sonny about how ava almost murdered nicholas had it not been for him nicholas would actually be dead

    oh look predictable ava does what we all knew she would do mess with sonny meds to make the man have a mental breakdown when will that woman learn she did that to morgan and here she is doing it to sonny again, that will blow up in ava face and hope she gets hurt in the process too far ava

    is cody the quartermaines therapist and that stable the couch and the horse the emotional support animals lol

    1. Yeah, they have totally ruined Drew for me. I saw no regret from him, just we did what we did, and sweep it under the rug, no worries Willow. We could have been more in another time. No thought for Michael or the kids at all. What kind of uncle is he?

      And Sonny is a total dirtball, going to Carly like that. She should have just shown him the door. Don't envy her position, being called to testify in that custody case. Yeesh, yuck to both.

      Bwahahahahaha, YES, Cody and the animals in that stable should TOTALLY be the Quartermaine mental health sanctuary, lol, I kind of like this old-school return to the employees/servants being third party to all the family drama, ha! If done well I could start to really enjoy this new Q family dynamic, definitely not against that house being central to the show again.

  6. The videos have been removed 😢

  7. All three videos are not working. They all say video not available. Can you please put in yesterday's episode?

  8. Cody, don't mess up what you have with Sasha over this. Mac will forgive you, like the lady said, give him some time!!! He's the best Dad ever. Sasha dropping the truth bomb at Maxie's house, man I love the looks Maxie gives when she has that spark/flair back. She spent too long on the show sad, give her some real sauce to work with again, brilliant and underrated actress! She's so much fun when she's happy!

    Eeeeewwwwww, Drew and Willow. I can't stand them in a room together any more... :| Willlllloooooowwwwww, you hypocrite! You should be honest with Michael...figure out the weird feelings.

    Sonny is insufferable. He's been so awful to Carly and Michael, why do they continue to cow-tow to him... The nerve of him coming in and asking that of her, he needed to have much more of an apology than what he gave. For some reason today, all I could focus on was that decorative table moss at Carly's, lol!

    Ava, crossing this awful line again, stop messing with people's meds! She is so dangerous when backed into a working with Cates? That's a surprise.
