Wednesday, July 24, 2024

General Hospital 7-24-24 Full episode

General Hospital 7-24-24 Full episode 24th July 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. The interview that Kristina and Blaze had with Perez Hilton went great! It is so wonderful seeing Nina and Willow together! The amount of audacity that lying criminal Ava has is appalling! The only thing that witch Ava was missing was her black, pointed hat and broomstick. Hopefully, Anna can stop what Cates is doing to Jason.

  2. Hope Anna can help Jason BUT he & Carly needs to get their own life and STOP spending so much time together they are really starting to get on my last nerve

    1. Jason and Carly together are so boring. I do other things while they are on.

  3. Haha, they did get Perez Hilton to do the interview, wow! Love the occasional real-life cameo.

    Couldn't believe Nina didn't follow through on her plan to trick Ava into thinking she was on her side in the custody battle, then testify on Sonny's behalf. Maybe she is growing up and changing, in a good way. She just needs to get off the revenge train.

    And Carly needs to take her place on it!!!!!!!!!!! Come on, Carly Spencer, you can beat Cates at this game. You were a class-A manipulator and schemer in your time, bring back that cunning relentless fierceness for a while! Turn that guy into a sucker. Sigh, doesn't look like she's going to be stealthy with this at all.

    Hahahahaha, Anna was the wrong person to have that conversation with Cates, every word was literally dripping with hypocrisy. But go on, destroy each other's careers, lol.

  4. Anna & Cates both need to go away. Their boring & hypocritical. Nina with Willow gags me. Can't wait until Willow finds out Nina is sleeping with her hero!
    This Avery thing is getting stupid. Both Sonny & Ava running around trying to get people to support their side is ridiculous. Give her to Carly, she'd be much better off.

  5. Loved the scenes with Ava and Nina. Ava had me cracking up. Carly is selfish for putting Jason over own her children. If she goes to prison does she expect Jason to raise Donna? Natalia needs to go! She's overstayed her welcome in PC. Getting tired of her and this storyline Kristina and Blaze. Why does Kristina always have to make everything about her? She must got that from her father.

  6. what is with nina is the most media savvy crap when did that bull crap happen please writers stop having people blow smoke up nina butt

    no fan of ava dispise that woman but how does nina get everyone to forget her evil doings but ava no one wants to associate with these two woman nina and ava are the same and willow trusting nina will blow up in her face both nina and ava should be social pariah

    why does blaze keeps letting kristina talk for her, blaze never speak for herself kristina is always the one to voice her opinion about everything

    sam is annoying in her approach with jason and danny relationship but this is what she was worried about jason hurting danny again leaving her to clean the mess of it all

    this cates guy really thirst

  7. They need to just put Jason & Carly in a relationship already!
