Monday, July 22, 2024

General Hospital 7-22-24 Full episode

General Hospital 7-22-24 Full episode 22nd July 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. Isnt it astounding that Anna creates all these situations, by protecting those she wants & letting the others twist in the wind. She did it with Peter & now she's doing it again with Valentin which is going to affect Jason like it did with Maxie. Such a hypocrite.

    1. Yeah, what Anna did to Maxie was despicable, she deserved better than that. And now throwing Jason to the wolves to protect Valentin, a dangerous arms dealer, geez. Whatever on the Charlotte-front, that girl can protect herself! True Cassadine in the making, especially after what Anna just did to her, again.

  2. Anna is SUCH a skilled liar, "Not that I can say" for real!?!?!?!?!? Poor Laura is going to be freaking out over yet another missing grandkid, for heaven's sake, assuage the woman. She's not your friend, whatever. Losing all respect for Anna. Can't believe she's running the PCPD. Actually, that is easy to believe, lol.

    Man, Cates is such a buzzkill. Let the man enjoy the day with his son, Jason should have put his foot down. Danny should have threatened to press charges / file a complaint on Cates, lol. Not the first time that agent has crossed a line with that boy. Use it! Adults can't go around and harass harmless kids, and that's what that looks like. Carly needs to absolutely destroy Cates. Go nuclear Carly, let Jason be a Dad to that adoring boy. Bring back Carly the fierce manipulator and schemer!!!! It's been too long. :)

    Uuuuuuuggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh, Sonny is soooooooooooo insufferable, "I need your help, son", BARF.......... You have tossed this boy aside so many times, even telling him he's dead to you and needs to GROVEL for forgiveness, when he has forgiven you for much worse 10 times over, gross! You were supposed to be the parent Sonny, and Michael shouldn't need to be the bigger man for you. So much yuck. Poor Avery. Looks like Ava has another name for her list though, lol, call Michael! He'd be way better for them than Carly, much less clever, much less likely to lie, and even just stating the facts, what being Sonny's son has put him through across his life, is a terrible look.

    Brooklynn the spin artist, lol, she's a great one to have in your corner when stuff hits the fan. Probably since she has so much experience shooting stuff into fans, lol! Kristina said the first selfless thing about her pregnancy ever today, ha, it isn't fair to drag Molly's personal business into this mess. But she could just say she's serving as a surrogate, she doesn't have to disclose the rest, for privacy reasons. It's still a good look. That's what I'd advise. Wonder if they'll actually get Perez Hilton on the show! :)

    1. michael should help ava, that woman who helped nelle drive his mother insane, killed his brother, torment his family, he was there with kiki and saw what ava did to kiki, remember how kiki told family court that ava should never have custody of avery given how ava treated her

      but yeah michael helping either sonny or ava is nuts stay neutral michael just be there for your sister avery

  3. so sonny has yet to even forgive michael for simply protecting his ass but when he want michael to kiss the ring michael should just come running this is my problem with sonny the loyalty he wants from others that he never gives especially to his own family still think avery is better off with him than ava by far

    oh look sonny getting angry at michael for simple pointing out his wrongs and throwing crap in his face, michael needs to walk away from that man how much more abuse from sonny is michael going to take

    what is up with blaze brother is he a troubled person why is he off limits

    ava always seducing a man to do her bidding dumb men, really ava the girl josslyn that saved your life twice is an entitle brat who has ever right to look down her nose at ava, and ava mentioning morgan at military school a place where she targeted the kid with the whole gambling thing then seduce the kid all to get in sonny orbit some mother

    and when will ava going to pay for her behaviour she loves watching others pay for theirs when will karma come for ava

    laura you are wrong about everybody you give a second chances to esme, valentine, cyrus, heather, ava they all eventually prove they never change stop making people more than they are

    why is this interview thing more about kristina than blaze again this recording is more about blaze
