Monday, July 1, 2024

General Hospital 7-1-24 Full episode

General Hospital 7-1-24 Full episode 1st July 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. So Kristina is going to get custody of the baby...

    1. Nope, she will take TJ and Molly to court for custody and lose, and they will keep her away from the baby.

    2. t here is hoping that is the outcome bye kristina

  2. This is going to get messy between Sonny and Ava and wait until Blaze hears what her mom said about gays

  3. Love her or hate her... Ava is always entertaining. I actually prefer the newly promoted editor at Crimson. Every soap needs a good rag mag for drama, good laughs and to move storylines. I'm glad that Alexis is out!!!
    Looks like they are pushing Maura West / Ava out and I don't like that. She is a much better actress than the actress who portrays Carly. Maura has way more range

    Jordan looked really pretty today in her sundress. She looks like a model and should be on full display. It is beyond time fir them to introduce a new character as a love interest fir Jordan. Keeping her eternally single is just wrong.

    On a professional note I'm glad that Jordan is rooting for Drew Quatermaine winning at a seat in congress. Something tells me that the minute that Nina doesn't get what she wants... she will assist in sabotaging Drew.

    Trina did the right thing by telling Joss about Ava and I was glad that Joss actually wants Avery with Sonny. I just don't like her disrespectful attitude towards Sonny... he was there for you when Jax was m.i.a.

    Soaps NEVER do 2 custody trials simultaneously SO either Ava will be forced out of PC quicker than she expects without a custody battle OR something is going to happen to the baby that Kristina is carrying.

    1. Jordon and drew just need to have one nighter and nina catch them that would be great

    2. heres hoping something does happen that baby and kristina loses it cannot stand the thought of that baby sharing dna with tj, in my head that baby is molly and tj child kristina is just an incubator

  4. Ava, HOW in the world will that work? Natalia knows that conversation happened with you. She will tattle and everyone will know you narked on her. Supreme eye roll... But I'm happy you went scorched Earth with it! Let's see what's next at Deception...

    1. i hope everyone know its ava who sent that information to the invader for too long ava little nastiness never comes to light time for people to further make her the social pariah she was always meant to be

    2. Ava has done some seriously twisted stuff in her time, I'm always amazed that she's never in prison, never really even close. But I enjoy her antics too much to be too disappointed about that, just like if they decide to free Heather, fine, if y'all let her out y'all deserve all the crazy she's going to inflict on you and I'm gonna watch... :') Glad Trina is seeing this side of Ava, she needs to start using better judgment when it comes to the company she keeps.

      But Natalia was having the conversation with Ava, and it wasn't totally one-sided, if they post the full audio clip won't she be on it? Otherwise, Ava did just give them a fragment and that should be noted. Don't know why Ava cares if she's anonymous anyways... Just scorch-Earth Sonny with pride girl, lol. Hope Deception kicks her to the curb. They don't need this drama. Poor Maxie has worked hard to get that business in the black again.

  5. Ava's outfit is strange looking!

  6. can nina plane crash on its way to paris fashion week with nina being the only casuality just saying annoying witch that she is

    what the hell ava, so becasue ava is a disloyal wrench she thinks trina is one too, trina better not betray josslyn confidence and not tell ava anything that is said between them what a position to put trina in ava

    no body can hurt ava but everybody can be hurt by ava she does not care who she inflicts pain on

    so ava is going to publicly out blaze, bring trouble to deception all because she wants to get at sonny through natalia and kristina and ava is some great role model for avery

    how sonny cannot stand not being loved and adored yuck, egotistical much

    jordan got extension still hot is this woman going through some hot chick machine before she shows up on gh every episode keeps getting gorgeous

    kristina for the umpteenth time that is what a surrogate does house the baby for nine months give birth then hand the baby to its rightful parents where does this woman girl child get off thinking that baby is hers she went into this insisted that she do this knowing full well that kid would be molly and tj's she made molly feel bad for even bring up a contract telling molly she is her sister and she should trust her, what is wrong with this girl cannot just finish something and see it to end she always have to bring unnecessary drama

  7. Ava really is treating Trina like a daughter now, lol! All the awful things she did to Kiki before she was murdered. Ava really has no idea how to love someone. Between Sonny and Ava, poor Avery. Just poor Avery... Sonny was gross with Joss today, man he's needy.

    Jordan is just a queen among women, lol, she looked flawless in that dress, oh my. Hahahahaha, what I want to see is a lineup of men fighting over her--that Zeke, the cute trainer who was so taken with her, even Brick, have them all competing for her affections, I would love it. I guess if they want to toss Drew in there, they can, but he needs to seriously pull his head out of the sand before he's good enough for Jordan, in my opinion, lol... Bachelorette, GH edition!!! Oooooh, toss Lucky into the mix when he comes back!!! :')

  8. WHY would Christina take maternity leave for a kid she's not keeping?? Maternity leave is taken by new parents who have to adjust to a new baby in their life. Christina only needs a long weekend to have the kid and hand it over. That was all poorly researched. This whole struggle she's having with the not being prepared to relinquish the newborn was way too predictable.

    Then there's Ava: "Just make sure this doesn't get back to me." Wait, didn't we JUST do this?? lol

    I can't wait to see Natalia get strung up by her homophobia lmao. Can't happen soon enough.
