Friday, June 7, 2024

General Hospital 6-7-24 Full episode

General Hospital 6-7-24 Full episode 7th June 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. Thank you very much, Bob! Have a great weekend!

  2. Boy oh Boy think Finn's in trouble Liz won't forgive him for this one think Finn is on his way out just wondering if Violet will be leaving too ???? Sounds like Brooklynn & Chase will take her now she has to lose another person first Mom then Grandpa now Dad how cruel can these writers be ?????

  3. Thanks much, Bob. Have a good weekend!

  4. Oh, Jake, you've just wandered into a situation ripe for drama!!! What to tell his poor mother, lol...nice cover story, kid. And this chick at the bar thinks Finn is fun...LOL! What part of that is fun to you? He looks and sounds depressed as all get out. It's like being on a date with Eeyore. Guess she really wants a doctor, though...

    Why has everyone been coming down on Finn so hard, geez. Now he's made a real mistake. The dude's obviously been in pain and he's self-medicating. He's an addict--he needs an intervention, not people mad at him and saying that one mistake means he'll never get back to his old self, that's BS. Bad dialogue today. These overly dramatic, judgy people are not what he needs to get back on track. Get him with Alexis, with Tracy, in a program, and everyone else get with the program. Like Brooklynn said, it's a disease. His head is clearly not on straight, he's doing things he wouldn't normally do. And what kind of bar is that, $50 for a bottle that was mostly full? That's not impressive, and a bartender shouldn't be bought off for so little, those bottles are worth way more poured shots at a time, get with the scene GH, lol... Elizabeth walking in on this dalliance all judgy, and yeah, he is ultimately responsible for his actions, but you in no way helped this situation. Hopefully at least this is the end of Fizz.

    Nina, accidentally attracting all of the attention, yet again. What a poser... And what is her DEEP obsession with Carly. Wants everything and everyone Carly has had, it's just downright WEIRD. Her daughter Nelle was the same way, obsessed with Carly, but at least that was explained by the Benson connection. What is Nina's subconscious deal...and why in the world is Drew helping her???

    GH needs to have a serious episode where they delve into Drew and Sonny's psyches. I can't stand either of these characters anymore, they are so far away from who they used to be on the show, but both had serious traumas before spiraling, and GH needs to expand on that to create redemption arcs for these two. Stockholm Sonny had a serious head injury that led to Nixon Falls and him developing a relationship with Nina, let's get him to a real doctor. He was never really treated for the consequences of that fall. Fix Sonny. Same with Drew, dude needs to see a shrink. He was imprisoned by Victor for years, he was programmed, he was put on trial, convicted, and beat up in prison, that guy is not acting normally either, so let's book all these dudes who need help some sessions with Kevin. Seriously--Sonny, Drew, Finn, you can all get your heads examined, I'm tired of this. These characters don't need drama, they need real help.

    Done with my pouting for the day, lol! Hopefully Monday sets some things right.

    1. truth that drew and nina thing cannot take it, it revolting to watch, drew knows who nina is, seen first hand the kind of woman nina is, the things she will do to get what she want just gross, said this before will repeat drew better never bring scout around nina cannot watch yet another child being worked by nina

      and finn what a disappointment did not think he would cheat on elizabeth hate these two as a couple but to hurt elizabeth like that wow then again remember when he was an addict as was with hayden he wasnt very nice to her when he was high

      finn father gregory need to start haunting him cause this guy needs a wake call from beyond since his father death is the thing that is trigging his drinking

  5. Nina's new hairstyle is very pretty, just as she is. She really looks good in her outfits. She and Drew getting along is great.

    1. Nina does be lookin' good, reminds me of when Michelle Stafford was first on the show in the role, everything she wore was DIVINE and fitted to perfection. She is ridiculously rich, and the head of a fashion magazine, let her be absolutely fabulous!

  6. Sonny, Drew, Finn, and some others all need a checkup from the neck up, for sure.

    1. LOL, I guess if they ever got everyone on the show the help they needed, the hospital would be more of a mental hospital, hahahahaha...

    2. third that comment these three are cracked

  7. Why don’t they get rid of Trina or pair her with a black guy for once? She’s not that attractive and such a sad sack.

    1. I agree and Portia needs to leave, also. Put Curtis with Jordan.

  8. I agree Roseam instead of getting rid of Gregory they should have gotten rid of Trina , Marshall ,Stellar Trina has NEVER looked happy to me even when she was with Spencer

  9. Addiction is a choice, not a disease. Its a way of life not a disease. It maybe become an addiction after years of it, but a disease NO. When they want to quit they will. If they don't they won't. Finn is Finn not the enemy. He will come back to take care of violet, this is just a drinking side show. Everyone is going to go towards OMG, give him a moment. I think they portrayed the bar scene pretty well even though I'm a woman that never inhabited bars but seems pretty true to life being married to a bar dweller, its a choice. I agree instead of Gregory, Trinia & Portia should of went. At least Gregory was an inspiration.

  10. nina mop up the dribble running down your mouth, drew better not reciprocate what ever nina is feeling forever yuck, cannot stand what they are trying to do with drew and nina this needs to end double yuck

    why is jake at a bar with a bunch of roughneck looking kids and he is worried about danny jake you're making some really bad decisions

    that is such crap the way they always have wiley running towards nina then again nina knows how to manipulate these children

    so jake has a problem he tells elizabeth he saw finn drinking with another woman then conveniently leaves out to elizabeth he was at a bar underage drink jake you sneaky little shit tell on finn which he is right to do but not on himself nice kid lol

    oh look dex is all healed up last week the guy could barely open his eyes now the bruise is all gone

    did trina just ruin whatever image gio had of sonny yikes the guy thinks just like everyone in bensonhurst that sonny is some great guy welcome to port charles gio where the family dynamic is convoluted and crazy

    finn took that woman back to his apartment he shares with his daughter what if maxie drops off violet early and this lady is there stop finn stop what is finn doing

    please keep amelia away from nina will never forget how nina told michael to kill that child
