Thursday, June 20, 2024

General Hospital 6-20-24 Full episode

General Hospital 6-20-24 Full episode 20th June 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. If it were Michael what carly did whatever she did would Jason protect him too? i remembered that he was in the five families meeting in 2016 when Sonny got shot how come John doesn't have that file?

    1. yeah that whole rico charges thing makes no sense and its jason we all know he just stood there and never uttered a word just stared everyone intensely down lol

      and nothing carly said in the meeting constitutes rico violations if we go by the many crimes that are listed as rico charges

  2. So happy to see Finn finally tell Liz off Would hate to see Violet leave BUT if I was Finn I would take Violet & disappear and never look back. Heard Finn was leaving the show but don't know about Violet

    1. I agree. Can’t stand how righteous there all acting towards Finn. Seriously, I can see pressing concern towards it but wait to he’s dusting up to with dunk or something a bit more intense then just over it two. There’s going about this in the 102”1 way of what Not to do.
      Of course he’s posing you all of good let the guy travel through guys grief and maybe come out yr other side but you start forcing him into rehab Jesus Christ you are fired otherwise. Like cmon gh writers get it together
      Let us watch the Finn fall down as an alcoholic and have Eve since need to rush in to save violette. Isn’t this a soap opera ?!?!! Cmon

  3. Hope Sam tells Carly off tomorrow So sick of her & Jason I don't blame Sam for leaving his kids for 2 years for Carly First Drew & now Jason is protecting Carly

  4. BRAVO FINN! 👏👏

    They have a lot of nerve treating him like that. Yes Finn can be a little arrogant and stubborn but:

    1. Do you see Finn slurring his speech?
    2. Do you see Finn tipsy or yelling profanities on the street?
    3. Do you see Finn being violent with Violet?
    4. Do you see Finn disoriented and disrupting the peace?

    Didn't think so!
    Now, if he hits Violet or gets violent, then I agree that they need do something or suspend him etc.

    But he had ALL of his faculties during the meeting with his superiors, and because of one BIASED "concern" from his ex, he has to fulfill 70 progress reports, signatures and probations just to keep his job? GTF outta here with that shit! I would have left too!

    I ABHOR this storyline.
    Chase & Liz are insufferable now.
    Why did they make their characters like this?

    1. Totally 100% agree. Give the man a break. Then saying when he sobers up? He went to work; he wasn't drinking or drunk. Those 3 think they own the hospital. And Finn is right, if not for him they wouldn't be working there!!! HYPOCITES!

    2. those three women are head of the hospital head nurse co chief they are responsible for the well being of the patients at that hospital so finn did not drink this time what happens next time better safe than sorry and you think finn would have a better sense giving he was just sued for malpractice the hospital is covering their ass as they should

    3. He did seem like he was disrupting the peace at the hospital when he was yelling loudly at Elizabeth inappropriately!

  5. its just a matter a time when Finn starts falling and speech slurring and violet will catch Finn drunk

    1. That, or he ends up getting a DUI with Violet in the car also. Whatever it is, some major 'slap in the face' moment, I think, is inevitable.

  6. Bob, I just went to watch GH for Thursday, June 20th, and none of the videos would play. Would you please repost? Thank you, Bob!

    1. Thank you so very much, Bob! I just saw June 20th. GH! Thanks so much for reposting! Have a happy weekend!

  7. Can’t believe they made Sam into a complaining, whining bitch. They really need to try making her more like able. She is so jealous of Carly. And then there is Saint Elizabeth, who never does anything wrong, getting Finn canned because of her big mouth. Why does she always appear to be so self-righteous when we know how manipulative she has always been, especially when she doesn’t get her way.

  8. Whoa, Gio, hit the brakes, you and Trina literally just met. Laughed aloud over Joss's googly eyes seeing Dex in uniform, OK girl, lol...he is a cutie. And at least the lifeguard mentioned being on a break today, ha, I was starting to worry about the safety of that pool! Like how the kids are always running by the pool, it is realistic how they're always having to corral them. Every pool I've ever been to, no kiddo can follow that rule, lol...

    Yeah, Sam is going straight to Carly with this, throwing the whole story in the air. Now Sam's anger is more palatable, I'd be mad too if my kid's dad did this for a grown woman who committed crimes, Sam made good points today. Still don't like the direction she's trending though, she needs to be working through parenting issues with Jason, not through Carly. She did pressure him into having a kid, he knew his lifestyle wasn't conducive to having children. Like Carly said, she can't be raging against him now. He literally warned her about this exact kind of thing.

    I just don't like this Finn storyline, I understand that the actor is leaving, but everything about this is awful. I see all the points being made each direction, but this is just yuck for me. :(

    More MAC, Maxie, and family, they are always a welcome sight on-screen, love them all, love seeing the old gang of legacy characters back together--I'm so grateful for John York's return, it's so good to see the silver fox back! Can't wait for the father-son time he and Cody are about to share, hope they show it!!!

    1. agreed so sam wants to keep jason away from danny not like danny will comply with that as we have seen tell a kid not to do something they go do it anyways but sam is going to use that tape recording to force carly to get jason to back off being danny's father ok

      if we know carly well she will go and confront cates or maybe thats what sam want to get rid of carly for good, carly would never give up sam if cates ask how she knew about he rico charges but jason may lose his leverage with the fbi because cates might think jason told her, these two ladies are making jason world a lot harder

    2. Danny is great, bring him back to the forefront on the show, love that kid! And yeah, Sam's not going to be able to control him, he is a chip off of the old block.

  9. Finally someone to tell those holier than thou do gooder women off. Good for Finn. Then saying when he sobers up? He wasn't drinking when he went to work but he will now thanks to them. Then Sam, what a piece of work she's turned out be. What's with all these women?

    1. so finn going home and drink is some one elses fault he can prove everyone wrong by not doing what they know hes doing

      he left the hospital and went straight home to get drunk they were right

  10. Fin was on fire today!!! THIS scene today between Fin and Elizabeth was the most interesting during their entire boring relationship. The writers should've done this a long time ago. I LOVE when Fin gets passionate. I really don't want the actor to leave the show... but if so, looks like he is going out with a Bang 💣

    I like that Elizabeth has the support of her coworkers/ chiefs of staff. Fin's actions forced her hand. She clearly still loves Fin BUT his drinking is out of control.

    Even though Fin is sober enough to return to work and appears to be able to function... in real life no one in their right mind wants a Doctor with a drinking problem operating on them. The action plan that the chiefs of staff set up for him wasn't so bad.
    Granted, I did LIKE how Fin reminded them about he saved the hospital/ increased revenue and ultimately saved both of their jobs...right before he quit!
    But the reality is that he is REFUSING to go to AA.

    Even though Sam is handling things in an irrational way... I'm kind of glad that they are moving this storyline along. Carly is NOT an interesting character to me and I want to see Jason with a NEW love interest. So the idea of Jason going through all of this crap with the FBI/ Agent Kates just to protect Carly is not keeping me invested. I'm cool with them putting Carly and Agent Kate's together.

    Sam is the only PI who doesn't seem to have any real clients... it would be nice to see her get back to work / a real job... not just meddling for her own interest.
    I get that she is upset about the Danny situation BUT beyond this what else do the writers have for Sam???
    That's the real question.

    Nice to see Mac back in PC

    1. agree about finn they give him a simple request to go to rehab and he blows up a rational person would not react like that finn is really trying to destory all that he has its sad to watch just hope violet does not get hurt in the process

  11. oh hate maxie around nina but damn does she have nina number like she did not know drew was at willow party choops, like maxie does not know nina truly vile soul

    so sam is mad that jason once again chose carly, is sam proving to be the most disloyal of people, get her wanting to protect her son get the pain they felt losing jason for so long but damn like jason would not do that for her too if she was in trouble

    sorry but sam outrage has less to do with safeguarding danny and more to do with jason abandoning her she is angry at jason and she weaponzing danny to get at him she wants to hurt jason so he can feel her pain and now there she is with this fbi evidence to do god knows what and jason would never push back if sam decide to keep danny away from him

    how soon will dex make detective will give a year before hes running with chase and dante no as soon as he graduates out of the academy

    1. Maxie isn't fooled by Nina for a minute. I agree, Maxie spends too much time on the show surrounded by parasitic women, Nina and Lucy take full advantage of her and steal her light, and she deserves better. Love to see her at home, or just out having fun, she deserves that. :)
