Tuesday, June 25, 2024

General Hospital 6-25-24 Full episode

General Hospital 6-25-24 Full episode 25th June 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. What's Carly thinking she actually trust Brennan and Sonny better watch out for Ava

  2. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that Ava is going to go into overdrive with being vindictive. Sonny putting her out witout notice was was one thing BUT slamming the door in her face too??? Oh Boy! Let the drama begin. I really hope that Ava goes at Kristina FULL FORCE... let her have it.

    Ana "enjoyed" her time with Valentine 😉
    I think that she is underestimating her feelings for him too. Either way, Valentine is the type of character that seems to always have a way out... even when it looks like he has lost.
    More than likely, Brennan is going to tell him about his recent visit with Carly.
    Once Valentine figures out that Ana is working with Jason 💥 💥 💥 He is not going to play fair or have any mercy.

    Fin, Fin, Fin, I'm rooting for you because I really the actor who plays him. I didn't expect him to throw those vodka bottles but I'm glad that he did. The rumor is that he is leaving the show. I hope not.
    He is doing a good job with this storyline.

    Scott Baldwin has always been a fun character that provides comic relief. But sometimes he shows his serious side and I liked the advice that he gave Finn.

    Jason scenes were cool today too.
    Gotta love Jason.
    Although I was surprised that he would risk parking outside of Valentine's home.
    I understand his reasoning... I just thought that he would have a more covert plan.
    What if Valentine has secret cameras inside and outside of his home???
    That would be interesting/ funny.

    1. I'm shocked if Valentin doesn't have a surveillance system! He built that house knowing what he was into, it only makes sense. I think he has to know Anna was rummaging around. Miss "I searched the house", whatever, lol! :)

      I actually really like Scott in that role too. He's been selfish in his life, for sure, but at this stage he has learned some hard lessons and he has a lot of advice to offer. I loved his serious conversations with Franco when he was alive. Actually made Scott likeable, ha!

    2. was thinking the same think about valentin the man kept yelling to anna he was coming back in the room he is working anna and anna should be aware of that but not sure if she does

  3. Loved Sonny & Ava today she'll be back Glad to see Finn throw those bottles but I heard he was leaving the show (don't know if it's forever ) BUT if he does please bring Hayden back for Violet and think Carly made a mistake going to see Brennan

  4. It is unbelievable that Ava did not know that she would be kicked out of Sonny's apartment after Sonny found out what Ava had done to Kristina's mother! It was good to see him finally remembering what Ava did to Connie and to Morgan. There are other things that Sonny does not know that Ava has done.

  5. YYYYYyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssss Brennan in the credits!!!!!!!!! Finally a smart casting decision by GH, lol. I was giggling like a schoolgirl throughout their whole conversation...he is perfect for Carly for this stage of her life. Never thought I'd be so happy to see the return of Revenge Carly!!!!!!!! So glad she has this baddie zaddy to confide in and plot with! Because I know it doesn't end here. He's bored and has all the time in the world to come up with something crazy for her... Come on GH! She's going to end up making all sorts of problems for Cates and Jason, lol... I'm also glad they're putting Carly in the sights of Cates and Brennan, and not forcing a Jason reunion, they are so much better as friends and she is FIRE with those other guys. Wish Britt was still here for Jason. :( Also hoping they don't do an Elizabeth/Jason redo, they can stay friends and coparents, please!

    Ava all surprised. Yes, you're moving out, you messed over yet another mother of one of his children, and the one he's trying to get back in the good graces of. Glad she told him off a bit first though, she is definitely not a good person, but neither is he, and I don't care how many people try to convince me he has some kind of noble code, he DOESN'T! Now use that audio to vengefully mess with everyone that was in that lovey-dovey foursome, lol!!! Would love to see Kristina and Ava go at it even more, they'd make perfect adversaries.

    What game is Valentin playing...does he still have feelings for Anna? I think he does, he's just so messed up in the head (a la classic Cassadine) he can't just have a normal relationship with someone he loves.

    Excited for the potential some of these storylines have now!

    1. do not trust that brennan guy for one second but there was something truthful in the way he adviced carly he may actually grow to become on of those guy carly will come to rely on she loves her criminal beaus

      love carly will be always be honest about who she is one of the reasons root for her but we all know will do something to make the situation worse thats her nature

      if kristina goes after ava is that how something happens to that baby here hoping so that kristina loses all so called claims to that child

      ava is her own worse enemy this will only end badly for ava when she yet again does her obvious destructive things

    2. Agree with you about the couples completely!

  6. Why is Sonnys voice so low & slow anymore. Hardly sounds like him. Man, friends can sure turn fast & get the courts behind them overnight. Chase could have handled this with Finn so much easier by talking with him & arranging something they all could agree with & not hurt violet. Finn isn't as over the edge as they seem to think or jumped the gun thinking. Violet is suffering with worrying about her Dad no matter the circumstances & keeping him away isn't going to help him or her. Finn knows about recovery; he'll find his way back to it.

    1. I don’t think so. You think Finn was too far gone

    2. I mean, I think he’s too far gone

  7. Finn is leaving the show and this is the way he's going out BUT the rehab is only suppose to be for 3 months don't know what will happen after that

    1. Dang! I really like Micheal Eastons acting. I doubt if they will do a sufficient recast. I wonder what will happen to Violet now?

  8. oh my god what the hell is anna thinking what is anna thinking she knows valentin planted evidence that she is corresponding with brennan making her suspect to that cates she knows valentin is head of pikeman he put hits out on sonny she was next to sonny herself when a hitman fired at him, she knows valetin is trying to manipulate her to try to get her to turn her head away from investigating him, is anna crazy, damn toxic much

    anna is not that stupid valentin kept announcing he was coming back into the room anna was searching maybe valentin purposely left that phone there for anna to find, anna is not thinking with her spy brain

    text of day from anna to jason V is up too funny

    no hearing ava scream that alexis broke the law was the most laugh out of loud statement this woman has made, ava judging anyone for breaking the law the woman is the most unlawful and criminal what a hyprocite lol lol really ava

    so now sonny is turning on ava will she ensure that the pharmacist continue to mess with sonny meds to trigger a manic attack and will she ensure sonny hears that tape of natalia so sonny and that woman can never happen wound him more

    finn is breaking my heart go get that help

    elizabeth needs to have that conversation with sam, danny is old enough to make his own choice own decision about his father, its should be danny decision whether he wants his father in his life or not

    was brennan actually being genuine with carly did not see any manipulation he was actually trying to help her the advice sounded good huh brennan more of a friend to carly than cates go figure

  9. Can Maxie ever stop yelling at her kids it's annoying seriously her attitude really is terrible

    1. It’s a lot like true life when you’re busy working and you have multiple kids to keep an eye on!
