Monday, June 24, 2024

General Hospital 6-24-24 Full episode

General Hospital 6-24-24 Full episode 24th June 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. This surrogacy storyline isn't going to end well

    1. That and the Finn storyline is all YIKES to me.... :| :)

  2. This is why no one tells you anything Carly!!
    You ruin plans and now, the preview shows Carly asking Brennan at the prison.😔

    Good job Kristina! Not my favorite person but she stood up for herself...good.
    Ava has a lot of nerve sometimes lol

    He lost his father, he lost his gf, he lost his job and now he's gonna lose his daughter?? NO WONDER he's spiraling out of control!

    Everyone has abandoned him; no one is left. Yes, alcohol isn't a substitute for a friend and I don't want to see Finn like this but can you blame him? they took everything away from him! Not everyone bounces back from stuff like this easily like chase does or how Chase expects him to 🙄😑

    I agree that Violet should not see this kind of stuff and at this point, yeah she needs to be in a calmer environment but permanently? No

    In my opinion they are working against him instead of with him. I get alcoholics are stubborn and whatnot but treat him like family; not public enemy number one!

    1. asking Brennan for help*

    2. you mean the way sam just ruin jason plans with the fbi no better than carly

      and no one has abandoned finn they are forcing him to realize he has a problem that he has to fix before things get really out of control and good for them for putting violet first she is the priority

  3. Finn is out of control and I'm glad Kristina told off Ava and Carly is going to Brennan for help

  4. Natalia giving googly eyes, Sonny winking back at her, man she's a different person around him, she wants him baaaaaaaaddddddddddd... All niceness to Sonny's daughter when she's around him, gross.

    Really Cates, your only friend in Port Charles is the one you're threatening to imprison? Carly, PLAY this fool right back. Come on, evil conniving Carly of old, make a temporary return and play this situation to your favor! HUGE YES to getting Brennan's help with this, oh I'm loving where this is heading...

    Yay, TJ, trying to make things right. You kids get back on the same page. You're in this together.

    Ava trying to be a 5th wheel at dinner today, lol, where is this all heading...

    1. if carly had slapped the living hell out of cates would have applauded but that would be showing she knows hes using her that man cates is just wow

    2. Yeah, I wouldn't have been mad at a good soap slap there, lol! But I'm down for the long, slow revenge too, especially if it gives Carly and Brennan more back and forth, I love that they brought him back!!! They never should have ended his storyline the way they did, just a lame, short-sighted shame. :\

  5. Kristina did great! She stood up for her mother and told Ava, "No!"

    1. Ha, and Ava is clearly not used to hearing that!

  6. The scenes with Carly were sooooooo boring.


  7. So TJ and Molly decided to make-up huh?
    I'm ready for the baby to come already and get this over with...

    I'm actually MORE invested in a custody battle involving Violet than the baby by surrogate predictable drama with TJ and Molly/ her sister.

    Omg... Kristina is so annoying.
    At this point, I'm willing to bet money that the actress that plays Kristina is either good friends OR a relative of one of the head writers or producers....

    It's so ridiculous how much screen time and attention that she is getting plus they keep forcing unnecessary interaction with her and other characters.

    She is NOT pretty at all and she is NOT a good actress... so it makes zero sense what they are doing with her boring character. Her scenes are tolerated or skipped. The less she is seen, the better.
    At some point they are going to have to come to their sense...

    Carly's hair did look much better, she's always had a nice hair. Of course she is going to come up with a scheme to go against the FBI. I still don't want her with Jason. I was hoping that she and Agent Cates would become a couple.
    Atleast Spinelli tried to open her eyes about the situation.

  8. john fking cates calling carly a friend hahahahaha with friends like that enemies would be welcome the man want to send the woman to prison then again he has nothing jason should call his bluff

    was cates flirting with carly at least now carly knows this guy real face

    uri is back love seeing this guy the man is always in the background but damn he draws in your attention

    there they are know my two favorite people best couple molly and tj would work things out they are not irrational people and good they had that argument them things needed to be said now they need to show a strong united front against kristina if she tries to take their baby stupid kristina always jumping the gun without thinking miss i think i know it all kristina

    yeah molly and tj making up so that miracle baby can happen

    have a question if jason was working with the fbi to protect sonny would sam have the same reaction she would think it noble and loyal but its carly she throws a bitchfit, jason would have done that for anyone he holds in his heart

    hope sam and carly works thing out like they have grown to have some sought of friendship

    will never understand that woman kristina she is not ok with the things ava has done to her family which are horrible and warranted but nina held her father hostage kept him from his family was an absolute nightmare to michael and still is, but she was good with that woman ok this woman is 6 kinds of weird and she was always in michael face telling him he was wrong to feel how he felt about nina given all the pain the woman cause his mother family and michael himself but kristina selfishness only allows her see her feelings but no one elses

    1. Hoping that Carly plays this game with Cates--she used to be quite the schemer, with Brennan's help they can come up with something to get Cates in real trouble and bail both her and Jason out.

      And Uri is a CHAMP! Love seeing him as the Quartermaine bodyguard, lol! More screentime for him please!

      The Kristina character makes NO sense anymore, and is just unpleasant to watch, which is a shame since she's featured ALL the time... Her yelling at Ava was the first watchable scene I've seen from her in a long time...
