Monday, June 17, 2024

General Hospital 6-17-24 Full episode

General Hospital 6-17-24 Full episode 17th June 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. Replies
    1. It was Drew's idea! It seems like Drew is a manipulator!

  2. Yes she is BUT she gets what she wants just glad Carly didn't make a scene because it was Willow's party so glad she let Nina stay Not looking forward to Lucy tomorrow and it looks like Sam & Carly will get it on hope Sam slaps Carly's face !!!!!

    1. It was Drew's idea so it seems like Drew is a manipulator!

    2. Michael put Carly in her place!

    3. Honestly Carly! Michael told you, "No!" Then you go bother Drew.

  3. Oh my goodness, Finn is the MEANEST drunk ever, geez Louise did he let Alexis have it. So many word knives... What a shame, they were such great friends. Nice Violet trick there Alexis, lol, she's good at this, and that couldn't have been easy for her, being around someone drinking like that. Way to be a real pal Alexis.

    Cody, going all Princess Bride with Sasha, lol, As you wish, yes girl, yes!!! :)

    And man, Elizabeth and Portia are perfect for each other, ugh. :(

    1. but thats the thing he was also a mean addict too i remember the way he used to treat hayden when he was high especially when she was trying to get him to quit he pushed back hard guess his defense

      so alexis, chase, tracy they just got to give him the same treatment seriously gregory this dude father needs to start haunting him

    2. but with how disappointing finn is acting got to love they have finally given the guy a story that is interesting he has my attention now like when he first returned as finn

    3. Finn's actor is amazing, and I'm glad they're finally giving him some real meat to work with, instead of him just boring us to death with Elizabeth-- it's just such a stretch to remember what he was like as a drug addict! Hayden was a nut too, provoking Nikolas and playing Finn, not sure what she's going to add to the story. But adding Violet to the mix has made me sad about his turn. :( This is all just too much, too fast, too late, in my opinion, if the actor is on his way out.

  4. Carly thinks that everyone "owes" her answers about everything and especially about matters that don't concern her...
    She is way to controlling for my liking.
    Someone needs to tell her flat-out that it's none of her business.

    Forget about Drew and Nina... I've been noticing sparks between Drew and Willow for the past month now. I'm seeing a potential love affair/ scandal once Drew becomes a politician/ officially senator.
    I'm really glad that Drew is changing his name to Quatermaine though.

    I still think that Sasha is way too beautiful to be relegated to being a cook at the Q mansion.... it is a waste of her character. WHY not give her a restaurant or something posh.

    Also Cody IS cute...but he doesn't hold my attention. O.K. so you're Mac's son... so what!?!? It's not a compelling story so U don't really care. Once Mac finds out, then what? What changes? So far Cody working as a stable hand has been equally uninteresting. I don't want Sasha with Cody...

    So BOTH of Giovanni's parents are dead huh??? Looks like he might be a secret kid of Sonny's. I thought that they were pushing for Gio and Trina BUT it looks like he has a little "crush" on Joss.

    Fin's reaction to Alexis was very realistic. If that scene would've ended with a hug and Fin agreeing to go to rehab, it would've been so phoney.

    Fin is grieving the loss of his father so his spiraling and defiant drinking makes sense.
    It was so funny when Alexis tricked him and made him think that Violet was standing behind him and listening 😆

    I like friendships on the show so Elizabeth and Portia"s friendship is cool. They have similar careers and have both dealt with men who battled addictions. So it makes sense that they would confide in each other.

    I foresee Curtis becoming so busy that he'll eventually meet someone at work... that way he'll always have the excuse that he's busy at work... once the inevitable affair happens.

    Nina... one word... ANNOYING.
    She could've called Drew by phone but no she had to just pop up at the party and "ask" to stay. Omg! 😩

    1. what was so wrong about carly asking michael about nina just showing up at a party she was not invited too or asking drew why he is helping a woman who wanted to destroy him she had valid question was not pushy and accepted what michael and drew told her

      but do i agree with you about nina and too no fan of cody he basic

      no more children for sonny guy has a small island of children already

  5. Nina is going to sabotage drew from winning the election

  6. ok now is the time for elizabeth to be concern that finn might treat a patient while drunk and have no problem with her telling portia as much but before she really jumped the gun

    for once portia and elizabeth are not irritating with their words they were very rational about the finn of it all

    thank you chase been screaming that question at my screen them esplanade, promenade and now board walk is closely linked lol wish drew or brooklyn had finished answering

    nina knew there was a party for willow the woman using drew as an excuse to crash the party can this woman be anymore pathetic

    love that violet is everyone primary concern that kid does not need to see another parent lost not that hayden had a choice freaking nicholas

    why does addict finn have a bar at his apartment

    poor michael always sucking down his feelings about nina to please willow oh well as long as the witch stays away from michael guess he wont have to engage her nasty evil ass and willow is going to regret having nina back in her orbit

    wow drew flat out lying to carly about working willow for nina ok drew what the hell please get drew away from nina she is ruining his soul

    isnt curtis his own boss at his club does ms wu has stake in his club and as a private investigator arent you also your own boss, what is he talking about huh

    so is willow officially one year cancer free

    1. LOL, I wish they had let someone answer Chase's question, for everyone's sake, hahahahaha! Curtis makes no sense anymore, they need to put LESS on his plate, lol, he can't even remember his own life! Michael does need to let Willow take the lead on Nina, it's just a shame that Drew is manipulating her this way. :(
