Monday, June 10, 2024

General Hospital 6-10-24 Full episode

General Hospital 6-10-24 Full episode 10th June 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. Oh my goodness, Nina and Drew are two complete psychos...hahahahahahahaha I can't with you two anymore, lolololol. More chemistry than either had with their exes though, you crazy kids have at it.

    Bwahahahahaha, Tracy, all the neglected children of Port Charles, I love her so much. Healthy dose of realism for Chase and Brooklynn.

    Yay to the end of Fizz, even though that was not how I pictured it happening. I thought the people who moved dead bodies together stayed together, I'm old-fashioned that way, lol... That ended as lamely as it lived. Nice knife about the wedding dresses at the end there Finn, actually forgot how crazy Liz got around her parents there for a while, and how responsible she was for Finn's ex, and yet he forgave her... Yeah, these two were not great for each other. I really can't believe that after all those years she knows he's completely spinning out and she didn't call someone for him. Alexis, Tracy, Chase, come on Elizabeth. Just wiped your hands of him completely. Playing footsie with Jason in the pool, lol. Elizabeth is another character I've lost a lot of respect for over the years. She has great boys. She should have called someone, I get not wanting to deal with it, in the context of her kids. But she shouldn't have knowingly left him there alone like that, after all their history that's just sad.

    1. There's a reason the meme shipping name for these two was "The Fizzle" 🤣🤣

    2. that dead bodies line was too funny people who murder together should stay together lol and the fizzle what a perfect name for these two

      good riddance to finn and elizabeth totally get her not wanting to deal with finn and his mess she did that with lucky once why put herself through that again and finn went too far with that barb classless woman am sure elizabeth would have forgiven the drinking if that woman wasnt there and elizabeth parent is the reason finn lost his wife but get what he was saying

      and elizabeth was there when he thought he killed peter, was there when hayden disappeared was there when gregory got his diagnosis, was there when finn was being sued, the drinking was just too much

      now can they end brooklyn and chase and sam and dante

    3. I'm just glad they never got married, because of all their great kids. Even though I have to say, they could have each definitely used that whole you can't testify against your spouse thing, if either of these two ever really got held accountable for their crimes, man these two are underrated as low-key crazy criminals lol. :) And they have seen each other at their very worst, hahahaha....

  2. Both Nina's and Maxi's hair look beautiful.

  3. Oh God Nina, just a real piece of work sucking up to anyone that benefits her. Drew needs to run but he wont. Nina will ruin him as she does with anyone that comes in contact with her. He deserves it if hes stupider than he looks. Willow will be sorry too. Willow get a clue! Saint Elizabeth has no sympathy for anyone but herself. Selfish when she needed him but that was different. She calls Jason to run to her rescue. The one she didn't believe. Hypocrite. I thought Drew & Carly were gross & Nina & Sonny but this OMG is sickening. Whoever these writers are need a new manual, because they wish wash between hypocrisy & goody two shoes. Its bizarre.

    1. KB Elizabet didn't call Jason, Jake did.

    2. willow is a head scratcher her reasoning for allowing nina back in her life is because drew is decent towards nina not on willow seeing nina put in the work to be better person, or a worthy mother, or even a respectful person of who willow is but no drew is nice to nina so that means nina is good some how, willow willow willow will never learn

  4. Nina goin to try and destroy drew but he has a plan before he starts sleeping with her Micheal knows it odd it's coming out writers end this mess nina and drew and Jake called Jason for his mom

  5. I'm sorry but Jason should have minded his own business. Not happy Jake had to tattle tale like that. Finn wasn't going to hit Liz at all! I hate these doom and gloom writers and these vapid storylines. Why turn this grief into a villain opportunity. Drew, can't wait until you're elected and you get written off the show. Useless character. (Nothing against the actor)

  6. Nina and Drew are so disgusting 🤢🤮🤮 can’t even begin to like that match!! It is more disgusting than her and Sonny. Guess the writers are out to destroy another character by having Nina try to control them. Someone needs to take that psycho out of the picture, she ruins everything she touches.

    1. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ preach girl preach

  7. What in the world is Liz thinking leaving Finn alone after he just lost his Dad ?? Some girlfriend she is when my boyfriend lost his Mother I stayed with him 3 days to help him thru I blame ALL this on Liz she knew he had been drinking and if she would have been there he would not have went out that night SHAME ON YOU LIZ !!!!! ( And it was none of Jason's business )

    1. True. Like Finn said, "He was there for her."

    2. really elizabeth is the reason finn decided to go drinking, elizabeth should not be the reason finn went drinking violet should be that reason his daughter should be the only reason that should prevent him acting in such a destructive way but i guess violet is not reason enough bring hayden back for her daughter

  8. too much of maxie around nina they need someone for nina to talk her crap about drew with so they once again have maxie being second rate send maxie back to dealing with deception business her family spinelli at least when she is in those stories they are her own

    cannot stand they have once again saddled maxie with nina

    good that chase and brooklyn went to tracy she has experience dealing with finn addiction she and hayden helped get him clean the last time

    now that elizabeth and finn are over thank you soap gods please no elizabeth and jason please please infinity

    nina calling someone selfish when she does not even care about what maxie has to say ok nina where is that mirror

    another new restaurant

    poor michael nina will forever be a bane in his life and his children life she will play nice with the grand children and willow but michael better watch his back that woman nina will fake smile at him when willow is around but the moment willow is out of the room start throwing nasty words at michael and all that is drew fault some god aweful woman nina self centered want is more important than his family his nephew

    so as we all suspected dex became a cop to get josslyn back shocker not even it worked

    what is wrong with willow just because drew is what nice yuck to nina she thinks thats reason enough to allow nina in her life what is wrong with willow now naive is willow open your eyes to who people are especially nina

    yeah lila's kids summer camp at the quartermaine's this year with tracy as the head councellor lol so want carly to drop off donna and avery just to piss off tracy more her excuse brother sister time or aunt and cousin time, donna and avery are wiley and amelia's aunties huh lol

    what the hell is an esplanad if thats how its spelt

    does the quartermaine have a family crest is that what is one the teapot and cups huh

    1. Hahahaha, an esplanade (which is what I think he's been saying) is a walkway and plaza around water meant for public enjoyment. They had them all over when I visited Seattle, it's like a public park but next to water!

    2. thank you was wondering what that was you gave me a visual, so like a promenade seeing bridgerton and the ladies and gentlemen walking down near the water greenery on one side water on the other

      ok think i get it

    3. You're welcome! Exactly! It sounds like the idea is to rehab the image of PC by "gentrifying"" the area around those troublesome docks, lol. I'm hoping this leads to some Drew (soon to be Quartermaine) vs. Sonny showdown that becomes interesting. Maybe even reveals Drew as some programmed Manchurian Candidate with a big bad with a vendetta against Sonny controlling him, that eventually gets revealed and then they can make Drew be normal again, lol.

  9. They need to kill off Amelia she is a mistske
