Wednesday, June 26, 2024

General Hospital 6-26-24 Full episode

General Hospital 6-26-24 Full episode 26th June 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. why cant Trina see who Ava is just like Kristina found out about Sonny

  2. What is Trina thinking trusting Ava and Sonny better watch out for Ava this is going to get messy

  3. Well, it's pretty much confirmed that Michael Easton IS leaving GH. Which, I imagine, is how this rehab stint is fitting in. Also the rumor that Hayden Barnes will be returning to the show to try to claim custody of Violet are floating around out there also..🤷

  4. Tomorrow will be a good sendoff for Finn BUT hope Hayden comes back for Violet she needs her Mother and Chase & Brooklynn can go on their honeymoon that little girl has had enough loss and Ava is on the warpath LOOK OUT SONNY !!!!

  5. So Finn must be leaving for a few months or longer. Glad to see Finn & Chase working through it. But looks like Finn is leaving gh for a while. Hopefully Chase & Brooklyn can maneuver this transition.

  6. Totally creepy to send Trina alone to Sonny's apartment to deal with their grown-up nonsense. Yuck. Glad Trina got to see Ava be vicious, she usually hides that side from Trina. Just stay out of this girl, it's going to get ugly!

    Mac and Cody were so cute today, I want to smack that fool. Come on Cody, just tell the truth and give Mac the son he deserves! Don't know why they're trying to pull off the "we're just coworkers" look, ummmmm, you two haven't fooled anybody in like a year.

    I can't tell who Gio really likes, Joss or Trina. He has easy repoire, some kind of summer lovin' is going down.

    More Carly and Brennan!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I think Michael Easton is gone for good. He uploaded a video thanking his fans and a bunch of GH people were singing his praises. (Also, there's another ex cast return this summer that Finn leaving had to make way for.)

  8. hi all,

    I have missed a few episodes and wondered if sonny is back to taking his medicine at full strength? He seems to be acting less paranoid...thanks!

    1. he is taking his meds but half is placebos so he may have taken the right dosage this time

    2. They have not commented on it yet

  9. no ava fan here but ava has an apartment she is subletting it to nina just kick nina out and go back to her penthouse or whatever it was

    when nina finds out that sonny threw ava out of his home just watch that witch gloat do not like nina or ava but when its between these two will take ava side everytime

    so carly went to a meeting to save sonny business who was gone have sonny ever acknowledged that, had carly not done that he would not have his ahem mob business still or his territories, what will sonny reaction be to jason being coherse with the five families carly mob meeting and will he help, carly could go to jail all because sonny put her in a position where she had to go to a mobster meeting to protect herself and her family and ava was also being protected by what carly did given the avery of it all

    and that bastard sonny has never once said thank you to carly or jason for holding his territories protecting the family, he treated carly like crap when he came back and hes still treating her like some disloyal enemy sonny needs to recognize

    how many custody battles will we get to see tj/molly/kristina baby ashford, chase/brooklyn/finn for violet, ava/sonny for avery yikes to all

    oh oh oh oh oh this kristina girl realize that tj has rights as the baby father what is wrong with this girl one fight tj and molly had and she thinks that mean they are over oh alexis that girl kristina is so upsetting

    sonny eloise grew up at the plaza she was fine avery at the metro court at least she will run into carly on the regular

    good trina open your eyes to who ava is not as naive about ava is she

    yeah brooklyn has taken care of leo from birth when olivia was hiding him from julian and then bailey lou now violet woman has a thing for harbouring other people's children cause their parents are messed up one good thing about her

    yup ava is going to have that pharmacist continue to mess with sonny meds what a woman

    1. I have never mourned a breakup more than Nina and Eva's. 😀

    2. I'm completely baffled by Nina and Ava's living arrangements, they are both insanely successful women (financially), they should each have a place of their own, no problem. Ava just sold a CASTLE for goodness sakes...surely she can buy a house. No idea where Nina lives now.

      Kristina has no sense, and like Alexis was hinting at, she is living for the future drama. She wants this custody fight, because she is hopelessly selfish.

    3. No idea what Nina and Ava's living situations are now, makes no sense for two insanely successful (at least financially) women to not have spectacular homes of their own. Ava just sold a castle, for crying out loud, surely she can buy a nice house.
