Friday, June 14, 2024

General Hospital 6-14-24 Full episode

General Hospital 6-14-24 Full episode 14th June 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. The surrogacy storyline is so messy and a hot mess

    1. And its going to get a whole lot messier, thanks to Mollys mouth & Blazes borderline obsession. Hello ST. Elizabeth not your child.

    2. Yeah. I'm not feeling Blaze at all

    3. When Blaze started out on the show, she was fire, now I hate that they put her with Kristina and have her acting like her patsy. :(

    4. yeah they should have broken up brooklyn and chase and put chase and blaze together, her current rah rah role with kristina is making me not like this chick

  2. Thank you very much, Bob! Have a great weekend!

  3. Just give the baby to TJ much safer Kristen a mess and parents

    1. second that comment and tj need to legally remove all her so called rights kristina thinks she has

  4. We all knew from Day 1 that Kristina was going to want to keep the baby (almost court time ) I'm still wondering if Finn & Violet will be leaving the show ??? Can't see Finn giving up Violet to anyone so what will happen

    1. Kristina is being her true self, she never follows through on anything she sets out to do. She is truly such a flake loser! She would make a horrible mother to any child. She always jumps to wrong or negative conclusions before really thinking it through. This should have been discussed when she jumped at the chance to be a surrogate and they should have drawn up a contract immediately.

    2. There's been rumors for the last few months that Michael Eastman (Finn) is leaving along with Violet. One storyline I heard was that Hayden is going to come back for Violet (who is also apparently moving on, sadly) and Finn will escape his relapse in Doctors Without Borders. GH hasn't confirmed, so I hope it's not true, but that could explain this recent shake-up in his character and ending things with Elizabeth (and making room for her to pair up with Jason, which looked likely last week).

    3. It wouldn't surprise me, the show never used Michael Eastman or Roger Howarth to their full capacity, and that's a shame. Both phenomenal actors, but their characters on GH were just undiscernable messes.

    4. @Nic all that info comes from fake click bait site. None of it has come from a reliable source. Jophielle Love has even confirmed that she is not leaving General Hospital. People need to ignore and stay off of the fake clickbait sites.

  5. Thanks a lot, Bob. Enjoy your weekend, and Happy Father’s Day (if you happen to be one)! 💫✨

  6. Elizabeth needs to leave finn alone and violet and will not take take away from her father Elizabeth will go to prison. And chase and brooklyn are. Not allowed to take violet and I love to see chase and brooklyn to jail and Elizabeth.

  7. I like that Drew is running for congress because he really shines when he is in business mode. I also think that changing his last name to Quatermaine is a great idea. I just wonder if Drew and Nina are headed for marriage???? The senator has to have someone on his arm...

    Speaking of Quatermaines, WHERE is Ned? It seems like he would've been the one to run for Congress at some point. But then again, Drew is more interesting.

    The Q mansion is a REALLY full house.
    Sasha & Cody, then Giovanni, next Chase and Brooklyn. Plus Micheal & his family in the guesthouse and now Joss & Trina in the apartment over the garage!!!
    At this point, who doesn't live there ?😂

    Now Carly, along with the Ashfords and others will have a reason to come to the Q mansion more often.
    Hmmm I kind of like where the writers are going with this...

    I think that something is going to happen that will FORCE Finn to allow Chase or Elizabeth to obtain temporary custody of Violet. Fin is more interesting when he's being bad and it looks like his drinking will get worse before it gets better.

    I did enjoy Giovanni playing the violin, he seems like a cool character that will bring value to the canvas.


    1. I would love to make the Quartermaines a more central part of the show again, I hope that's the direction they're heading! Would laugh myself silly to see Ned run against Drew for this Senate seat, ha. Ned at least has mayoral experience in a major city. But my dream is to see them all scheming over ELQ again, sigh...

  8. What gives Gio the right to offer Trina and Josh the Quartermaine apartment, he isn’t even a Q?

    1. That *was* kinda weird. Nothing gives him the right to offer it to them though, he said final permission would be up to the Qs. Since he wasn't using it though and they were looking for a place, he figured it would be nice for them to see it.

    2. Yeah, they're trying to push this Gio-Trina thing too fast. Let them get to know each other and be friends first, geez. She's already fondling his violin and he's moving her into his proximity, it's too fast for my liking. Trina's definitely capable of being in an interesting relationship that doesn't include Spencer (I actually liked her with Officer Cabrera), but let it come on a healthy timeline, please.

  9. ohh ava see yet anyway to make nice with sonny by giving gio that gig

    so molly and tj have one fight and kristina miss i think i know it all is making predictions about the pending doom of molly and tj relationship. if molly and tj break up that is still their baby they can share custody between themselves not with you kristina who kept pushing the issue to be surrogate donate her egg now she want to take what is not hers that bitch kristina, and she is the one who told molly to trust her and not bring a contract into their agreement now look what kristina is doing

    she is asking these questions because she wants that baby and she has from day one with all her i am doing this as a gift for my sister crap, its a sacrifice im making for my sister load of horse shit

    was wondering if alexis would take a side with her daughters asked and answer will stay neutral got it but how neutral is alexis being giving kristina ammo to use against molly and tj and what makes kristina think that tj would want to share custody with her wishy washy witch untrustworthy, deceptive ass

    is drew running unopposed for that congress seat ok can you say shoe in
    if a certain real life unnamed person can ran right now with a criminal record so can drew according to polls americans are ok with a felon in government why not drew im sure they will not rip from the headlines this story just saying not being political just making a statement of fact lol

    violet should be enough for finn to stop, enough of a reason to get help why isnt she enough

    is everyone moving into the quartermaine component that house will be getting some crazy amount of foot traffic

    nina loves doing that the woman cannot knock on a goddamn door first just bargs into drews office like she owns him and his space and his time

  10. Hi Bob - can you please repost March 29th episode? Thank you very much

    1. On the "my other blogs" page there is a link to a new blog with old episodes.

  11. Hey Bob hope your weekend is going well. The links stopped working again would you be able to fix them please? 3-15-24-the current episode.

    1. On the "my other blogs" page there is a link to a new blog with old episodes.

  12. Thanks for everything that you do.

  13. Gio is there in port chuck to get information. someone is giving him direction. Seems like the Qs are his target.

  14. That is not true. Gio is still in Port Charles after Brooke Lyn's wedding because he is going to go to PCU.
